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How well do you know CSS display? The display property is one of the most important CSS properties we use for layout.

How well do you know CSS display?

Most of us would have used block, inline and none. table and inline-block are also quite common. Houdini: Maybe The Most Exciting Development In CSS You've Never Heard Of. Have you ever wanted to use a particular CSS feature but didn’t because it wasn’t fully supported in all browsers?

Houdini: Maybe The Most Exciting Development In CSS You've Never Heard Of

Or, worse, it was supported in all browsers, but the support was buggy, inconsistent or even completely incompatible? If this has happened to you — and I’m betting it has — then you should care about Houdini1. Houdini is a new W3C task force whose ultimate goal is to make this problem go away forever. Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator! Cssnext - Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today. It's Time for Everyone to Learn About PostCSS. MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax. One of the questions I get asked most frequently is what do -- and __ mean in your classes?

MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax

The answer is thanks to BEM and Nicolas Gallagher… Flexbox in 5 minutes. Glen Maddern: Internet Pro. If you wanted to identify an inflection point in the recent development of CSS thinking, you’d probably pick Christopher Chedeau’s “CSS in JS” talk from NationJS in November, 2014.

Glen Maddern: Internet Pro

CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors! It’s Only Color. Design checklist. Today, there are two popular methods for using icons: icons fonts and SVG icons.

Design checklist

Icon fonts have some significant benefits over bitmap images. Why I Don't Use Compass Anymore. Center and crop images with a single line of CSS. Approaches to Media Queries in Sass. The following is a guest post by Eduardo Bouças (@eduardoboucas).

Approaches to Media Queries in Sass

Sass allows you to write nested media queries, which is wonderful in itself, but it's possible to abstract things a bit further. Eduardo tried a bunch of different takes on writing media queries in Sass, from the very simple to the complex. About - Materialize. Created and designed by Google, Material Design is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology.

About - Materialize

Google's goal is to develop a system of design that allows for a unified user experience across all their products on any platform. Material is the metaphor The metaphor of material defines the relationship between space and motion. The idea is that the technology is inspired by paper and ink and is utilized to facilitate creativity and innovation. Surfaces and edges provide familiar visual cues that allow users to quickly understand the technology beyond the physical world. Advertisement. Why I Choose Stylus (And You Should Too) The world of front end web development has been steadily increasing its uptake of what we call "CSS Preprocessors", which extend the functionality of regular CSS.

Why I Choose Stylus (And You Should Too)

Arguably the two most well known, with the greatest user base, are LESS and Sass/SCSS. The Sass Way. Premasagar/cleanslate. Critical render path and pagespeed: An in-depth look. Since most webpages have many different components, it is not always possible to just remove everything to make a page load faster.

Critical render path and pagespeed: An in-depth look

If you have ever wondered "What else can I do to make my pages fast? " or "How does Google expect pages to load in one second? " Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! Responsive Tools. Touch Gesture Icons. Wysihtml5 - A better approach to rich text editing. ZURB Ink: Responsive HTML Email Framework.

Ink is an open source framework that will help you quickly build responsive HTML emails for all major email clients.

ZURB Ink: Responsive HTML Email Framework

Even in outdated and notoriously problematic ones like Outlook 2000. Ink just launched today. This open source project is by ZURB, creators of the popular front-end web development framework, Foundation. Ink helps solve a major pain point: Creating a simple HTML email that works halfway decently in the countless of desktop and Web email apps out there is already a big — and often a very frustrating — undertaking. Making HTML emails responsive for mobile devices exponentially complicates the task a great deal. But with more than 40% of emails being viewed in mobile devices, sending out responsive HTML emails is, on the other hand, crucial. How will Ink solve your responsive HTML email misery? Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More. In March 2012, Guy Podjarny ran a test comparing the performance of hundreds of shiny new responsive websites across four different screen resolutions.

The results were very dissapointing. (1) Two years into the rise of Responsive Web Design, after every imaginable sort of designer and developer had jumped into the train, it took a test to almost rock the theory to its foundations. Guy proved that almost every known responsive site was overweight. We've made the internet in our image… ObeseJason Grigsby.

Twitter Bootstrap

HTML5 Please. CSS3 Please. Type Rendering. Beginner's Guide to Application Cache. Introduction It's becoming increasingly important for web-based applications to be accessible offline. Yes, all browsers can cache pages and resources for long periods if told to do so, but the browser can kick individual items out of the cache at any point to make room for other things. HTML5 addresses some of the annoyances of being offline with the ApplicationCache interface. Using the cache interface gives your application three advantages: Offline browsing - users can navigate your full site when they're offline Speed - resources come straight from disk, no trip to the network. The Application Cache (or AppCache) allows a developer to specify which files the browser should cache and make available to offline users.

The cache manifest file The cache manifest file is a simple text file that lists the resources the browser should cache for offline access. Referencing a manifest file To enable the application cache for an app, include the manifest attribute on the document's html tag: 10 Awful IE Bugs and Fixes. Introduction Everyone has a story to tell when dealing with Internet Explorer. 9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them. Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Animate.css. Pure.