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The Migraine Cure - 3. II. Resetting the Pineal Gland It may only be the size of a pea, but the pineal gland, located deep in the brain, plays a major role in both the development and elimination of migraine. That is because this tiny gland is the body's primary source of melatonin, a hormone that orchestrates the body's circadian (daily) rhythm, including and especially sleep patterns. Melatonin Research findings support the idea that pineal gland irregularity, and thus melatonin imbalance, is involved in the development of migraine.

Melatonin is an important piece in the migraine and sleep disturbance puzzle. Melatonin supplements are widely available, in grocery stores, pharmacies, health food stores, department stores, and by mail order. In most cases, patients need to take melatonin for only a few months, until the pineal circadian cycle is restored. Kava Kava In addition to melatonin, we recommend kava kava as part of the restoration program for pineal function. Vitamin B6 III. Probiotics IV. Magnesium. Brain pH in migraine: an in vivo phosphorus-31 mag... [Cephalalgia. 1988] - PubMed result. Postmedj00295-0030.pdf (application/pdf Object) MSG Sources Diet for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism - Migraine and ischemic stroke: a debated question. Migraine Headaches: Nutritional causes, therapies, remedies & prevention.

An important step in the prevention of migraines or chronic headaches [44] is keeping a diary to help identify as many triggers as possible. The most common dietary offenders include nuts, aspartame, monosodium glutamate (MSG), red wine and other alcoholic beverages (hangovers), caffeine intake or withdrawals (tea, chocolate, cocoa products), tyramine (some cheeses), nitrites / nitrates (salami, hot dogs, spinach, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, celery), sulfites, simple sugars / sweets, and a number of nutritional, or "natural" remedies Non-dietary causes of headaches include those resulting from eye strain, lack of sleep or sleeping too long, carbon monoxide poisoning, low or high blood pressure, altitude changes (air travel), bright or flashing lights, strong odors (ink, news print, cleaning solvents), emotional stress / trauma, loud or low frequency noises, electromagnetic fields (cell or portable phone), fluorescent energy-saving light bulbs, pathogenic infections, pet allergies, and others.

9 in 10 Sinus Headaches Really Migraines. Untreated Migraine Cause of Most 'Sinus Headaches' Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Getting the Right Help If you are missing work or your child is absent from school because of a sinus headache, you need professional help. But which professional you see makes a difference. The 100 patients in the Eross study went to an average of four doctors each -- and still went on suffering. "Among folks who saw neurologists, 83% got a [correct] migraine diagnosis," Eross says. Most health plans require patients to see a general practitioner first. Eross ended up treating about half of the "sinus headache" patients in his study.

"Most of them have dramatically improved with migraine management," he says. Medical Calculator Online. The Vitamin C Foundation. The Cholesterol Myths - Section 2. The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D. An excerpt from my previous book The Cholesterol Myths (out of print). A link to the next section is available at the end One of the most surprising facts about cholesterol is that there is no relationship between the blood cholesterol level and the degree of atherosclerosis in the vessels. If a high cholesterol really did promote atherosclerosis, then people with a high cholesterol should evidently be more atherosclerotic than people with a low. But it isn´t so. The pathologist Dr. Drs. That problem was solved by Dr. Dr. Similar studies have been performed in India (28), Poland (29), Guatemala (30), and in the USA (31), all with the same result: no correlation between the level of cholesterol in the blood stream and the amount of atherosclerosis in the vessels.

The question about blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis has been studied by coronary angiography also. Some of my scientific papers about this and similar issues: CsfglutamateCM.pdf (application/pdf Object) NCNK 81 TRESK Gene Implicated in Migraine. For some time, researchers have been diligently working to identify the genes responsible for Migraines. The first identified are associated with hemiplegic Migraines.

Now, researchers have identified a gene mutation that could impact triggering Migraines and provide a direction for developing new treatments. Using DNA samples from multiple generations of a large family with Migraine with aura, the researchers were able to identify the mutation on a gene known as KCNK18 or TRESK that was common to the members of the family. It's believed that this mutation alters the electrical activity in certain brain cells. When this gene doesn't work as it should, Migraine triggers can more easily bring on a Migraine attack. The study's lead author, Ron Lafreniere, said, "When we tested everyone in the family, all those who suffered from migraines also had the mutation.

"3 The mutation of the KCNK18 gene interferes with the production of a protein called TRESK. More comments from Dr. 2 Science News. Or. [Does diet affect our mood? The significance of folic acid and homocysteine] Pol Merkur Lekarski (2009) 26: 136-41. [Does diet affect our mood? The significance of folic acid and homocysteine] H ła, A Opolska, A Kowal, M ński, A łotka, J ński In recent years, there has been growing interest in the association between national diet and the possibility of developing various mental disorders, as well as between deficiency of such vitamins as, e.g. folic acid, vitamin B12, B6, and others (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids), elevated serum homocysteine level and the functioning of human brain as well as the occurrence of such disorders as dementia, central nervous system vascular disorders and depression.

THE AIM OF THE STUDY: was to present the current state of knowledge about the role of folic acid and homocysteine in the human organism as well as the significance of vitamin deficiency, mainly folic acid and hyperhomocysteinemy for the occurrence of mood disorders. Abstract. TRPA1 Is a Component of the Nociceptive Response to CO2 -- Wang et al. 30 (39): 12958 -- Journal of Neuroscience. Yuanyuan Y. Wang, Rui B. Chang, and Emily R. Liman +Show Affiliations Correspondence should be addressed to Dr.

Emily R. Liman, Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Neurobiology, University of Southern California, 3641 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29 September 2010, 30(39): 12958-12963; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2715-10.2010 Abstract In humans, high concentrations of CO2, as found in carbonated beverages, evoke a mixture of sensations that include a stinging or pungent quality. Introduction Humans can sense gaseous CO2, which produces a pungent sensation, as noted more than 100 years ago by the Scottish philosopher Alexander Bain (Cain and Murphy, 1980).

Although it is widely believed that the noxious sensation of CO2 is due to activation of trigeminal nerve fibers that innervate the nasal and oral cavity (Silver and Moulton, 1982; Steen et al., 1992), the mechanisms by which trigeminal nociceptors detect CO2 remain obscure. Animals. Solutions. Brain Research Bulletin : The connexin 36 blockers quinine, quinidine and mefloquine inhibit cortical spreading depression in a rat neocortical slice model in vitro. Access : A dominant-negative mutation in the TRESK potassium channel is linked to familial migraine with aura : Nature Medicine.

Primary authors These authors contributed equally to this work. Ronald G Lafrenière & M Zameel Cader Affiliations Centre of Excellence in Neuromics and Department of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Research Centre, Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Ronald G Lafrenière, Bernard Brais & Guy A Rouleau Emerillon Therapeutics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Jean-François Poulin, Maryse Simoneau, Namrata Gupta, Karine Boisvert, François Lafrenière, Shannon McLaughlan & Medical Research Council Functional Genomics Unit, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Department of Clinical Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Isabelle Andres-Enguix & Stephen J Tucker Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Marie-Pierre Dubé Cytochem, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Martin M Marcinkiewicz. Health | Clue to migraine headache cause. Scientists may be a step closer to uncovering the cause of certain types of debilitating migraine headaches.

A French team observed activation in the hypothalamus region of the brain as sufferers had a migraine attack. The hypothalamus has long been suspected as it regulates physiological responses to factors known to trigger headaches, such as hunger. It is hoped the discovery, featured in the journal Headache, could lead to new treatments. The researchers, from Rangueil Hospital, used a technique called Positron Emission Tomography (PET), which contrasts functional activity within the brain, on seven patients with migraine without aura, the most common type of migraine. Previously, activation in the brain stem and midbrain, and a thickening in some areas of the cortex were seen in migraine sufferers.

The present study may have seen a more detailed pathogenesis of the condition for two reasons. "We suspect the hypothalamus may play a role in the start of the migraine attack. Suicide headaches. Scientists identify 1 cause of damage in Alzheimer’s disease and find a way to stop it | Science Blog. Researchers suspect that a protein superstructure called amyloid beta is responsible for much of the neural damage of Alzheimer’s disease. A new study at the University of California, San Diego, shows that amyloid beta disrupts one of the brain’s anti-oxidant proteins and demonstrates a way to protect that protein, and perhaps others, from amyloid’s harmful effects. “Amyloid seems to cause damage to cells,” said chemistry professor Jerry Yang. “We have reported in a very detailed way one potential interaction of how amyloid can cause disease, and we found a way to stop it.”

His group’s report of their results will appear in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in December. Their study focused on catalase, an enzyme that mops up excess oxidants, because catalase normally helps to prevent the kind of damage seen in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and previous work had found catalase proteins deposited within amyloid plaques. Food allergy: adverse reactions to ... Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. To receive more information about up-to-date research on micronutrients, sign up for the free, semi-annual LPI Research Newsletter here. Folic Acid English | Español The terms folic acid and folate are often used interchangeably for this water-soluble B-complex vitamin.

Folic acid, the more stable form, occurs rarely in foods or the human body but is the form most often used in vitamin supplements and fortified foods. Function One-carbon metabolism The only function of folate coenzymes in the body appears to be in mediating the transfer of one-carbon units (2). Nucleic acid metabolism Folate coenzymes play a vital role in DNA metabolism through two different pathways. 1) The synthesis of DNA from its precursors (thymidine and purines) is dependent on folate coenzymes. 2) A folate coenzyme is required for the synthesis of methionine, and methionine is required for the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). Amino acid metabolism Nutrient interactions Vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 Deficiency Causes. Medical information about cluster headaches. A Neurologist that I saw once gave me some information to take home from one of her medical books. To this day, it is still the BEST information that I have ever seen on Cluster's awesome!

Even if you have suffered from Clusters your entire life and think you've read it all, you will find this info most interesting! It is quite a bit of reading, and quite difficult to follow at times, but well worth your time. Probably the easiest way to read it is if you print it out and read it when you get the chance.

Please feel free to print this information! Although cluster headache ("migrainous neuralgia") had been recognized for over 100 years (von Möllendorff, 1867), Sir Charles Symonds' (1956) lucid account of this disorder brought it into focus. Back to top Cluster headache has a prevalence of approximately 69 cases per 100,000 people, and is therefore far less common that migraine (D'Alessandro et al, 1986). Characteristics of Pain Periodicity and Duration of the Attacks. The Power of Enzymes, by Ron Harder. October, 2001 by Ron Harder One of the most common health problems in North America today is poor digestion.

There are several reasons for poor digestion, but the two biggest reasons are the inability of your body to produce enough enzymes, and the lack of digestive enzymes in the food that you eat. What are digestive enzymes? What do they do? It works something like this. In the stomach your food is mixed with hydrochloric acid that helps to digest starches. After several hours this chyme moves from the stomach to your small intestine where pancreatic enzymes are added to help with further digestion. Where do digestive enzymes come from? Another major problem is that modern processing and preserving techniques, such as boiling and pasteurization, destroy most of the enzymes that ever were in your food. Enzymes are either obtained from plants, or they are manufactured by the pancreas. If you eat cooked food, fast food, or processed food, your body needs all the help it can get.

Migraine headaches, causes migraine headaches, migraine treatment | News | American Migraine Foundation. Ask the Experts. Magnesium: Conditions Linked to Deficiencies. Part Two Read my disclaimer and terms of use. Continued from Magnesium - Part One Many of the following conditions commonly occur in conjunction with each other and all have been linked to magnesium (Mg) deficiency. Fibromyalgia Patents with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are often found to be low in Mg. Supplementation with malic acid and magnesium is a common treatment for fibromyalgia. Seventy-five percent of the people with fibromyalgia have mitral valve prolapse. Hypermobility is also closely linked to fibromyalgia. Women with fibromyalgia have been found to have abnormal serum levels of hyaluronic acid. Interestingly, people with Down syndrome have elevated serum hyaluronic acid levels, too.

Fibromyalgia, hypermobility and mitral valve prolapse are closely linked to each other, all may be linked to magnesium deficiency and all are features of many chronic disorders, and virtually all hereditary connective tissue disorders, especially Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Hearing Loss. Homocysteine- Health Encyclopedia and Reference. Definition Homocysteine is an amino acid found in blood. There is now considerable evidence that homocysteine may prove to be a useful marker for risk of heart attacks, since elevated levels have been detected in people with coronary artery disease. Also, a study reported in the February 2002 New England Journal of Medicine gives evidence for an association between high homocysteine levels and the risk of developing dementia. The study showed the risk of Alzheimer's disease was nearly twice as high among those with the highest homocysteine levels.

Description Homocysteine forms when the body breaks down protein. Folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are necessary for metabolism of methionine. Causes Exactly how homocysteine causes damage to body tissues is not clear. Diagnosis Treatment One means of preventing heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease and Alzheimer's may be a diet high in folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Questions What is my homocysteine level? The effect of the route of nutrient delivery on gu... [JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1987 Jan-Feb] - PubMed result. Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Migraine with aura: a vicious cycle perpetuated by... [Headache. 1992] - PubMed result. Researchers Make Headway In Mystery Of Migraines. Health News — What Do Migraines, Depression and Insomnia Have in Common? Condition: Dehydration. The Gut Brain Connection. Migraines Headaches: Overlooked Causes and Possible Treatments.

Plasma Diamine Oxidase Activity Is Greater in Copper-Adequate than Copper-Marginal or Copper-Deficient Rats -- Kehoe et al. 130 (1): 30 -- Journal of Nutrition. Is there a clinical condition called diamine oxidase deficiency? If so where can I find further information? Nutrients regulate diamine oxidase release from intestinal mucosa -- Wollin et al. 275 (4): R969 -- AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. A dominant-negative mutation in the TRESK potassium channel is linked to familial migraine with aura – Source: Nature Medicine, Sep 2010.

First genetic link to common migrai... ( A world-wide collaboration of resear. What Triggers Migraine Headache. Natural Prostaglandin Function; Prostaglandins Cause Pain, Inflammation and Fever » Health Blurbs. Migraines, The Ultimate Head - FORK and SWORD. Welcome to Emory Eastside Medical Center's Web Site. Medical information about cluster headaches.

Scientists identify protein that may promote...( the RAMP1 gene that result in increase...) Seratonin: The chemistry of Well-Being. Serotonin production in the colon. Health News — What Do Migraines, Depression and Insomnia Have in Common? Neck Pain And NSAIDs, Is it Worth It? | Neck Pain Relief. Migraine Information, Migraine Education, Migraine Research, Migraine Support | American Migraine Foundation. Why Women Get More Migraines Than Men.