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6 Thinking hats - Edward Debono

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Training Course Waterford. Six Thinking Hats Overview. School of Thinking. The School of Thinking (SOT) was founded by Michael Hewitt-Gleeson and Edward de Bono in New York, United States, in 1979 to teach 'thinking' as a skill.

School of Thinking

Presently, SOT is a free, virtual school, based in Melbourne, Australia, that uses a daily series of free emailed lessons to teach speed thinking, creative thinking, positive thinking, lateral thinking, and new brain software which goes beyond 'critical thinking'. History[edit] SOT's initial mission was to get 'thinking' into schools as a school subject.

Under Hewitt-Gleeson's direction, SOT instructors trained thousands of people around the United States, and installed thinking skills into school districts, corporations, and government organizations. THE 7th HAT: for WISDOM and METACOGNITION. In a recent interview I was asked to add one more thinking hat to the original ’6 thinking caps’ developed by SOT in 1983.


I suggested the Seventh Hat for Wisdom, the Grey Thinking Hat. Survival is clever and requires intelligence. The Six Thinking Hats. Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats (1of2) Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats (2of2) De Bono Six Thinking Hats Summary Anne Egros.