Sign Off Question - Google Slides. Back to School FUN!! Brain Breaks 2020-21 - Google Sheets. W.E.L.C.O.M.E. - Center for Responsive Schools. By Dr.
Crystal Cooper In years past, the end of summer would find students involved in back-to-school rituals—maybe shopping for new school supplies or looking forward to seeing their friends and classmates. But this year, COVID-19 has creat-ed a profound uncertainty that poses a sharp and disruptive contrast to students’ former experiences. In the past few months, students have experienced unparalleled changes in their daily routines, homes, and communities; and while school may look different this year, it can still be a welcoming space that helps them combat any traumas they have faced or are facing.
As the educators tasked with mak-ing school an inviting place, you can build a positive context around this new normal if you look at this year through a W.E.L.C.O.M.E. lens. Willing to Be Flexible “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” Consider making meetings more accessible for those who can’t attend in person. Equity-Minded Learning for Joy Calm Environment Open the Doors. Play Handbook. MM Gr2 10Days. But How Do We Build Community? Ideas for Virtual and Hybrid Learning. While my district has yet to release its plan for the fall here in Wisconsin, things are not looking so good.
The last two days we have set new records in my county for positive test results for Covid-19, as a family we went through our own wait-time to get results this week so we have continued to stay at home with very limited movement. And while there is a lot of uncertainty that are furiously being discussed and planned for as best we can, one thing is practically certain; our year will not start in the normal sense.
And it shouldn’t, we have changed. Our world has changed. Community lies at the heart of everything we do, the threads that bind us together create a learning space that will hopefully work for all of the children in our care. My hope every year is that the children in my care feel safe within our community. And yet the whole determination and definition of safe is something that has been weighing on me. A few ideas I am contemplating using: What were other ideas shared? Using Morning Messages to Start the Day in Elementary School Distance Learning. The beginning of the school day is an important time for students as they transition from home to school.
Helping students make this transition is even more important when they’re doing their school work at home. One strategy I use to set the tone for a day of learning is an interactive morning message. The morning message is a daily message from the teacher that is posted for students when they enter the classroom. It can be written on chart paper or projected on the whiteboard. It can also be shared via Google Slides to reach students who are distance learning. The morning message welcomes students to school and helps reinforce academic skills. Creating an interactive morning message each day may seem like a lot of work, but it’s not too difficult. Math Monday. Fun activites for class Zooms. EOY Reflection Prompts. Character Silhouettes - Google Slides. Copy of Peek-a-boo book covers - Google Slides. Copy of K,1,2 Peek-a-boo - Google Slides. 823f12 477c78e319c34c14b75824f77b70573d.
Homeroom Meeting Activities. Supporting Students’ Self-Care Virtually. It’s important to practice self-care, but doing so on a regular basis can be challenging at the best of times!
One way you can develop your own self-care practices, as well as teach these practices to students, is to embed them into the lessons you are teaching. There are many ways you can help students build self-care routines that will help them do their best learning. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Encourage students to make a plan each day: Who will I connect with today?
When will I get into nature today? Self-care is always important for managing stress and worry, and it is especially critical during the most challenging times. Written by Sarah Fillion, Director of Consulting & Certification at Center for Responsive Schools Tags: Reflection, self-care, Virtual Learning. Pinterest. Morning Meeting & Greeting Ideas. Zoom Activities.