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Glowing Flower DIY. Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors. 30 of the World's Greatest Wedding Cakes. Few things are more important on a wedding day (apart from both partners turning up; the ring being secure; and nobody objecting during the ceremony) than the cake. Very few weddings are without such a centrepiece. It's just a shame that so many couples opt for the same traditional, boring designs when there is so much opportunity to impress and surprise the guests. Here are 30 brilliant examples, to be used as inspiration for your own big day.

Above: A wedding cake fit for an action hero. Above: An illustration of things to come? Above: There's nothing like brutal honesty wrapped in a Portal nod to begin a marriage. Above: A wedding massacre. Above: A show of vanity so incredible as to be impressive. Above: A wedding cake fit for geeks. Above: The most unappetising wedding cake I've ever wanted. Above: A work of baked art. Above: For Stargate fans only. Above: Good news everyone! Above: A cake for the Lego lovers amongst us. Above: Binary deliciousness. Above: Nothing is safe from Steampunk. The 6 Crappiest Interview Questions. All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP. Browse. The revolving internet, constant dullaart 2010. 7385.jpg (JPEG Image, 530x395 pixels) Create and paint amazing art from photos. fUNICODE: The Ultimate Text Transmogrifier. Infographic-of-the-Day-Simpson-characters-vs-their-voice-515-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x729 pixels) E-mails from an Asshole. "Five Sci-Fi Children's Books" by Caldwell Tanner. Tron Legacy (2010) Year: 2010 Tron Legacy permalink I spent a half year writing software art to generate special effects for Tron Legacy, working at Digital Domain with Bradley "GMUNK" Munkowitz, Jake Sargeant, and David "dlew" Lewandowski. This page has taken a long time to be published because I've had to await clearance. A lot of my team's work was done using Adobe software and Cinema 4D.

The rest of it got written in C++ using OpenFrameworks and wxWidgets, the way I've always done it with this team ;) Uniquely however, Digital Domain's CG artists were able to port my apps over to Houdini for further evolution and better rendering than OpenGL could ever provide. Special thanks to Andy King for showing me that what seasoned CG artists do at DD is actually not so far off from what's going on in the Processing community. Interview with GMUNK about the team's process In addition to visual effects, I was asked to record myself using a unix terminal doing technologically feasible things.

Fireworks, mmmm. Impact: Earth! Mont_st_michel-.jpg (JPEG Image, 960x729 pixels) Good boy. Bomomo. Magic and Storytelling. Magic and Storytellinginteractive augmented reality performance Colloboration with:Marco Tempestchecksum5 powered by Header Photo: Ryan Lash »Magic and Storytelling« is an interactive presentation about the history of storytelling augmented with virtual magic in real-time. It was produced and created by New York based cyber illusionist Marco Tempest in collaboration with onformative and checksum5. When Marco asked us to work on the art direction for »Magic and Storytelling« we were fascinated by the challenge of combining not only several new technologies, but also giving the whole presentation a homogenous and magical look.

In order to achieve this we developed a variety of different particle systems. To emphasize his movements, and the »custom magic dust«, which allowed us to picture very different elements, as for instance appearing party guests, typography or flying fireballs and bullets made out of particles. Marco Tempest at TED2012 documentation video images of TED2012. 8 Wonders of the Solar System, Made Interactive. Symbols for Facebook. Hamster.