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Coconut jam. Jam made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar History[edit] The origin of Kaya Jam is unclear, but it is believed to have been brought over from Portugal during the occupation of Melaka in the 15th century.

Coconut jam

The cuisine is claimed to have been invented by Portuguese descendants of Melaka.[2] The current coconut jam served in southeast Asia, is highly similar to the Portuguese traditional cuisine, Doce De Ovos (Sweet egg cream).[1] Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore[edit] A close-up of Kaya showing texture. Karashi Mustard からし. This post may contain affiliate links.

Karashi Mustard からし

Please read my disclosure policy for details. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Karashi (辛子, からし) is a Japanese hot mustard made of a mixture of crushed mustard seeds of Brassica juncea and horseradish. It’s used as a condiment or as a seasoning in Japanese cuisine, such as oden, gyoza, and tonkatsu. Karashi is usually sold in powder form (see the photo above) or paste form in tubes (see the photo below).

Thinly Sliced Meat for Japanese Cooking. Japanese Pantry Essential: Sake vs Mirin. This post may contain affiliate links.

Japanese Pantry Essential: Sake vs Mirin

Please read my disclosure policy for details. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. New to Japanese cooking? Read on to learn more about sake and mirin, the two essential condiments used in Japanese cuisine. Soy Sauce. This post may contain affiliate links.

Soy Sauce

Please read my disclosure policy for details. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Known for its umami quality, soy sauce is the most basic condiment in Japanese cooking. Japanese Ingredients: Katsuobushi - Japanese Cooking 101. Algue : Dulse - Palmaria Palmata - récoltée en Bretagne Sud. Pitaya. Sur les étals, c'est le nom pitaya qui est très majoritairement employé.


Genre[modifier | modifier le code] Le genre Wilmattea Britton & Rose a été « fusionné » avec le genre Hylocereus. Certains botanistes pensent actuellement que le genre Hylocereus devrait à son tour être fusionné avec le genre Selenicereus. Le fruit a été appelé fruit du dragon depuis l'époque de la colonie indochinoise : les colons français ont introduit la plante à la fin du XIXe siècle. Conpoy. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Le conpoy est produit en faisant cuire des pétoncles puis en les séchant. Terminologie[modifier | modifier le code] Conpoy est un mot d'emprunt d'origine cantonaise (乾貝, gānbèi, cantonais Jyutping : gon1bui3), qui signifie littéralement « coquillage séché ». Conpoy en vente sur un marché. Utilisation[modifier | modifier le code] Ou trouver du riz bomba a paris ?

L'erreur à ne pas faire quand on utilise du beurre. Par Emeline Bernard le 2 mars 2021 à 11:44 Modifié le 2 mars 2021 à 11:58 Vous utilisez du beurre pour cuisiner ?

L'erreur à ne pas faire quand on utilise du beurre

Pimm's : le cocktail British ! La liqueur Pimm's N°1 est très populaire au Royaume-Uni et se déguste à l’heure de l’apéritif, lors de soirées cocktails ou de garden parties et de barbecues.

Pimm's : le cocktail British !

Découvrez les meilleures façons de déguster cette boisson. Les origines du Pimm's La liqueur a été créée par James Pimm, fils de fermiers. Plus. Crispy Edible Garlic Chilli as a Topping - theMatchaGreen. Hokkai Suisan. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient.

Hokkai Suisan

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Morceaux de viande - Pièce ronde. Les cookies sont des petits fichiers textes qui peuvent être utilisés par les sites web pour rendre l'expérience utilisateur plus efficace.

Morceaux de viande - Pièce ronde

La loi stipule que nous ne pouvons stocker des cookies sur votre appareil que s’ils sont strictement nécessaires au fonctionnement de ce site. Pour tous les autres types de cookies, nous avons besoin de votre permission. Ce site utilise différents types de cookies. French Beef Cut Translations. Here is a list of the cuts that our butcher does for us. The French name links to the cut on the la-viande site and the English name links to Wikipedia. Filet – Fillet, tender, juicy, expensive. Faux-Filet – Sirloin steak with a different name in each English-speaking country. The photo below show a faux-filet, although the hand model is an 8-year-old which messes up the scale a bit. Calathea allouia. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Description[modifier | modifier le code] Calathea allouia, illustration botanique[2]. Calathea allouia. Species of plant Calathea allouia, known as lerén or lairén in Spanish, and also known in English as Guinea arrowroot, and sweet corn root, is a plant in the arrowroot family, native to northern South America and the Caribbean, The name "allouia" is derived from the Carib name for the plant[2] Leren is a minor food crop in the American tropics, but was one of the earliest plants domesticated by pre-historic Amerindians in South America.

Distribution[edit] Leren is considered native to Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Lesser Antilles, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It is reportedly naturalized in Jamaica[3][4][5][6][7][8] Leren has been introduced as a minor root crop in tropical regions around the world.[9] Ingredients for American Baking in Paris. Although we can’t expect things to be like ‘back home’, many of us do miss certain things that we are used to in American recipes. While French has wonderful ingredients, for bakers, it can be a challenge to adapt to new ingredients or ones that behave differently than what we’re used to. Here’s a list of commonly used baking ingredients and where you can find them, or what you can use in their place. Happy baking! Bologna sausage. Bologna sausage, also called baloney ()[1], boloney, or parizer and known in Britain, Ireland, Zimbabwe and South Africa as polony, is a sausage derived from mortadella, a similar-looking, finely ground pork sausage containing cubes of pork fat, originally from the Italian city of Bologna (IPA: [boˈloɲːa] ( Lebanon bologna[edit] Lebanon bologna is a Pennsylvania Dutch prepared meat.

While nominally bologna, it is a dried, smoked sausage similar to salami. Salami. La fleur de maïs - Maizena.