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Tools to Help Flip

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Tips. LearnZillion. Best Technology For FC. Flipped classrooms may just be the future of education. Quite simply, they’re a setup where the teacher acts more like an adviser than a lecturer. It lets the students have a more hands-on approach to education. Since this is Edudemic and we heart technology, we thought it might be helpful to figure out what some of the best technology is for flipped classrooms . A few teachers who are currently using the flipped classroom method were consulted and here’s what they had to say: Educators record lectures & make them available for review before and reference after class.

“We have a math teacher who is using Connect to record is lectures and posts them on his web page for students to review the lectures at a later date/time” - Dave Forrester “One of our accounting professors put his entire ‘Introduction to Accounting’ lecture series on CDROM. Khan Academy. iPad Literature Circles. 10 Tools to Help you Flip Your Classroom.

Two years ago I "flipped" my high school Anatomy & Physiology class. Read my previous post for the full story. I learned by trial and error. I have also found some very helpful resources that I would like to share with you. 1. : The leading screen casting software title on the market. Easily zoom, pan, and create call-outs on your screen captures. Accepts multiple audio and video tracks. Retails for $299, educators pricing is $179. See what Camtasia can do by viewing one of my screencasts . 2. : from the makers of Camtasia ( TechSmith ), this screen capture tool allows you to quickly capture a still image of all or part of your screen. 3. : You will be creating lots of presentations and handouts in your flipped classroom. 4. : After creating your recorded lectures and hand-outs, you will want somewhere to post them sot that your students can access them.

The commercial version of wikispaces includes advertising. Jing is not as full-featured as Camtasia or Snagit.