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Steubenville case

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Articles divers. Two Steubenville football players found guilty of raping teenage girl at party | World news. Two high school football players from a team that was the pride of the small former steel-producing town of Steubenville, Ohio, were convicted Sunday of raping a 16-year-old girl at a party. Former school quarterback Trent Mays, 17, and team-mate Ma'lik Richmond, 16, broke down in tears in the juvenile court after being found guilty in a case that bitterly divided the declining Rust Belt city and had led to accusations of a cover-up to protect the community's revered athletes. Both were ordered to serve at least a year behind bars, with Mays given an additional 12 months for distributing an image of a nude minor. Richmond broke into sobs as he approached the victim's family after the verdict, and was heard to tell them: "I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused you.

" Mays also burst into tears and mumbled apologies but did not go over to the family. Mays and Richmond were accused of using their fingers to penetrate the girl without her consent. "It was really scary," she said. The Verdict: Steubenville Shows the Bond Between Jock Culture and Rape Culture. Share A sheriff’s vehicle at Steubenville High School. (Reuters/Jason Cohn) ”I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” —Bob Knight, Hall of Fame basketball coach, 1988 As a sportswriter, there is one part of the Steubenville High School rape trial that has kept rattling in my brain long after the defendants were found guilty. It was a text message sent by one of the now-convicted rapists, team quarterback Trent Mays. In this exchange we see an aspect of the Steubenville case that should resonate in locker rooms and athletic departments across the country: the connective tissue between jock culture and rape culture.

We need to ask the question whether the jock culture at Steubenville was a catalyst for this crime. On colleges, there is reason to believe that the same teamwork, camaraderie and “specialness” produced by sports can be violently perverted to create a pack mentality that either spurs sexual violence or makes players fear turning in their teammates. Rape Case Unfolds Online and Divides Steubenville. The Steubenville rape case: This is masculinity. Two high school football players from Steubenville, Ohio were found guilty of raping a 16 year old girl on Sunday. They were both convicted of digitally penetrating the victim, and one was found guilty of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material.

The allegations against the young men, Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, came after a series of photos, videos, texts, and social media posts were brought to light last August. One photo showed the victim “lying naked on the floor at a party, with semen from one of the defendants on her chest.” Another, widely circulated, showed the two young men carrying the passed-out girl by her arms and legs. These young men have been both pitied and vilified (but mostly pitied). I don’t pity these boys. But I’m also not interested in vilifying these individuals. The transcript of the text messages which led to the convictions in the Steubenville rape trial has been posted online (warning — the transcript is graphic).

Michael Crook | The Official Blog: Travesty of justice in Steubenville. Anti-social to say the least, I neither "blog," "chat" nor socialize, nor do I attend parties, raves, shindigs, hoedowns, hootenannies, get-togethers, reunions, feasts, clubs, functions, revivals, flash mobs, churches, gatherings, meetings, potlucks, picnics, or anything of the sort. Called "vindictive," "retaliatory," "cruel," and "downright evil" by those who have crossed me, and who found out--far too late--that I involve innocent family, friends, neighbors--and others---in my revenge process, I am Michael Crook. I am neither compassionate, caring nor kind. I am as a dementor; it's not in my nature to be forgiving. To wit, I never forgive or forget those who cross me, even unintentionally. I revel in seeing the look of shock and horror on their faces when they reap their comeuppance at my hand. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and (yes and) psychosis NOS, I am crazy (and angry) enough to make it happen.

People-suck.png (2058×2378) Public Shaming. CNN grieves that guilty verdict ruined 'promising' lives of Steubenville rapists. WTF HAPPENED IN STEUBENVILLE. Steubenville : quand la culture du viol se heurte au culte du sportif. Pondu par Sophie-Pierre Pernaut le 26 novembre 2013 Retour sur l’affaire de Steubenville qui, entre culte du sport et slutshaming, illustre malheureusement parfaitement ce que vivent parfois les victimes de viol. Mise à jour, le 26 novembre 2013 — L’affaire de Steubenville, qui était déjà absolument sordide, s’enfonce encore un peu plus dans le glauque. On apprenait il y a quelques heures que quatre membres du lycée ont été mis en examen : Le directeur est accusé d’avoir fait obstruction à la justice et d’avoir manipulé des preuvesUn assistant-coach de 26 ans d’avoir fait boire des mineurs, de faux témoignage et d’avoir entravé l’affaireDeux autres employés de l’école, pour ne pas avoir signalé une agression sur mineure.

Le 18 mars 2013 — Ma’lik Richmond et Trent Mays ont respectivement 16 et 17 ans et sont lycéens à Steubenville, dans l’Ohio. Ils sont deux des stars de leur équipe de football et ont un avenir sportif devant eux. La dérive vers le slutshaming CNN et le coup de grâce. Rapeinstagram.png (330×498) Leaked Steubenville Big Red Rape Video.