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Bilan 3 Thème II. Bilan7 Thème II  Savoir planter. Devenir autonome, agir localement et penser globalement. BioGeometry - science of Energy of Shape. © Johan van Vulpen. for achieving harmony with our inner and outer environments, humanizering modern technology, integrating science and spirituality and discovering scientific reality behind all religions.

BioGeometry is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape. BioGeometry is the language of seeing the relationship between shape and energy. Everything in nature has shape and everything has energy. BioGeometry deals with a very specific kind of relationship between shape and energy. The scientific definition of energy is the ability to produce an effect. BioGeometry is a design language. The impact of geometrical shapes on human energy systems has always been universally recognized. Popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue). He has found that BioGeometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities: Devenir autonome, agir localement et penser globalement. Ajoutez tout ce que vous aimez où que vous soyez. University Temple Ayam. Spirit. Logos. Créons une nouvelle civilisation.

Exopolitique. Tao Zen Shin. France a fric. 5ème Soleil. Eckhart Tolle. Les enseignements d’Eckhart Tolle. Ghis. Ian Xel Lungold. Mayan Majix - Ian Xel Lungold - Mayan Astrology. L’Art du Sexe Sacré. Le Coeur de la Yogini. Pour en finir avec l'égo ! On n'a pas à payer pour vivre sur cette planète. Pour la gratuité, le don, le partage. La Charte du Monde Libre (The Free World Charter)

Semons des graines, créons l'abondance. J'arrete de travailler, je boycotte ce systeme. Mr Mondialisation.