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Teachers Easy Guide to Creating Quiz Shows on Google Drive. January 3, 2015 Flippity is a powerful web tool that you can use with Google Spreadsheets to perform a variety of tasks.

Teachers Easy Guide to Creating Quiz Shows on Google Drive

In the last post we published here we talked about how to use Flippity to create Flashcards and we visually demonstrated how teachers can go about creating their own flashcards using this tool. Today, we are sharing with you another great functionality provided by Flippity. This time you will get to learn how to use Flippity to create a Quiz Show from a Google Spreadsheet. Click here to see a demo. Here is how you can make your own Quiz Show using Flippity on Google Spreadsheets: 1- 1- Click on this template and copy it to your Google Spreadsheet by clicking on "file" and " make a copy" 2- Now that you are on the copied version of that template, edit the text and type in the data you want to include in your Quiz Show. 3-Publish your sheet by clicking on "file " then "publish" 4-Copy the link under the link tab.

Mémorisez vos cours avec Cerego : créez vos propres flashcards ! Je continue ma série d’articles sur la mémorisation des cours avec Cerego : et aujourd’hui, j’examine avec vous comment créer vos propres jeux de flashcards.

Mémorisez vos cours avec Cerego : créez vos propres flashcards !

Et en particulier, des flashcards pour étudier les langues. Dans mes articles précédents, je vous ai montré comment utiliser Cerego pour mémoriser vos cours et comment gérer vos répétitions espacées avec la Memory Bank. Aujourd’hui, je vous invite à faire un pas supplémentaire et à créer vos propres jeux de flashcards. Création du jeu de flashcards, pas à pas Je vais vous décrire, dans les paragraphes suivants, toute la procédure pas à pas pour créer votre propre jeu de flashcards Cerego. 1. Pour créer votre premier jeu de flashcards, cliquez d’abord sur le bouton « Create » à gauche de votre écran. Ecran d’accueil de la partie « Créer » Comme vous n’avez encore rien créé, votre menu « My Content » (Mon Contenu) est vide. Cliquez sur le bouton « Create a new set« . 2. Ajoutez une description. 10 Tips to Use Flashcards in eLearning. In this article, I'll share 10 great tips to use flashcards in eLearning.

10 Tips to Use Flashcards in eLearning

If you are planning to utilize flashcards in eLearning courses, these tips will give you the opportunity to not only boost the excitement factor for your learners, but to also enable them to acquire and retain more effectively the knowledge offered during in the process. Creating exciting, yet informative, eLearning experiences for learners can be a challenging feat even for the most knowledgeable and experienced eLearning professionals. This achievement often includes a blend of engaging learning materials, a carefully planned curriculum, and a variety of eLearning tools. Historically, flashcards have been the go-to tools for educators, as they help to prevent cognitive overload and actually make the learning experience enjoyable.

However, there are a few tips and tricks that you may want to keep in mind if you're trying to get the most benefit from the flashcard creation tools that are available today. The 5 Best Free Flashcard Creation Tools for Teachers. 3 Best Free Flashcard Apps for Students. According to an article on about the best and worst learning techniques, active learning methods (e.g. writing) are far more useful for long-term retention than passive learning methods (e.g. highlighting or underline words).

3 Best Free Flashcard Apps for Students

One of the best ways? Surprisingly enough: flashcards, according to research from the Association of Psychological Science. In this article, we review the top 3 flashcard apps based on user ratings, website and teacher reviews, as well as direct interaction. While there were many available apps dedicated to specific topics like math or vocabulary, we focused on apps that featured customizable flash cards that are usable across multiple subjects. In this category, there were nine total. 1. Cram, available for both iPhone and Android, is the graphically the most beautiful app on this list. Signing up is quick. Creating new flashcards is simple.

Using the cards is just as easy. 2. Quizlet is another fantastic learning app made for both Android and iPhone. The 5 Best Free Flashcard Creation Tools for Teachers.