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10 Collaborative Technology Projects Your Students Will Love! - WeAreTeachers. If your classroom is far from a 1:1 environment (more like 1:32), it can be hard to find great technology projects that really work.

10 Collaborative Technology Projects Your Students Will Love! - WeAreTeachers

Here are some simple tech tools students can use to create awesome projects. Students can work together in cooperative learning groups or independently depending on your access to technology in your school district. Bonus: They’re all free! 1. Inkle Inkle is a fun digital storytelling tool for students. 2. With Story Bird, kids can choose images and invent their very own unique story to go along with the pictures. Cooperative learning idea: Have students share a computer and agree on an image. 3. Students can create free comic strips on Bubblr using flickr creative common images. Write ten Sentences daily routine in English. Write ten sentences daily routine in English.

Write ten Sentences daily routine in English

Collaborative writing with a methodology tweak. Collaborative writing with a methodology tweak It never ceases to amaze me that after so many years of teaching experience, I’m still learning new things concerning classroom methodology.

Collaborative writing with a methodology tweak

Not only do I benefit from attending conferences and reading ELT blogs, but I also learn a great deal by observing my own students. I’m sure that all of you have already done some kind of collaborative writing with your classes. It’s nothing new under the sun after all. Personally, I use collaborative writing activities quite often. Writers Plot Twist Generator - take your story in a new direction. Plot Generator. Why Americans Need Spelling Bees and Vocabulary Tests. Spelling bees have always been cute.

Why Americans Need Spelling Bees and Vocabulary Tests

But they’re about to get cuter, because now they will actually be about something. The National Spelling Bee has announced that hereafter, contestants will have to know the definitions of words as well as how to write them out. 10 Commandments for Good Writing from Stephen King. Today while I was checking the books in my library I realized the huge backlog of posts that I have to write in the section " Book Review".

10 Commandments for Good Writing from Stephen King

As you probably know, Book Review is a page I created here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning where I share reviews of books I read. I am thinking to create a separate website for book reviews but the idea is still in embryonic stages. The first book I read last month was of Stephen King " On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft ". Stephen King alone speaks volumes for himself and does not need any introduction from me. Wonderful Free Templates to Create Newspapers for your Class. Earlier this year we wrote about web tools teachers can use to for their classrooms.

Wonderful Free Templates to Create Newspapers for your Class

This post turned We have selected for you today a host of awesome templates for your Power Point presentations. These are basically newspaper templates provided by for free. If you want to create a newspaper for your class, you can do it through one of these templates. The procedure is very easy. Just download the template you are going to use, and once downloaded open the file and start customizing it the way you want. 1- Newspaper Template for Word Download it HERE 2- Free Illustrator Newspaper Template Download it HERE 3- Adobe Illustrator Newspaper Template Download it HERE. Informative Infographics. Writing in Primary – Part II: CLIL. In the first post in this series, we looked at ways in which we can introduce young children to writing as part of their EFL class.

Writing in Primary – Part II: CLIL

In this post we examine the opportunities which CLIL gives us to extend and develop our students’ writing skills as they move up through the school, and how writing in the CLIL classroom can be linked to the external Cambridge exams. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) In the early science classes, students talk a lot about the classification of animals, and we make wall displays of the different classes of animals – fish, birds, amphibians, mammals and reptiles – with representatives of each class and the key vocabulary for defining each class.

The students’ attention is drawn to these labels in each lesson as we review and discuss different animals, so that they quickly become familiar with the vocabulary. An extension of this exercise, and a much-loved activity each year, is the ‘Monster gymkhana’. (Adapted from Dellar and Price, 2007) Bibliography. Deller, S. & C. Writing in Primary – Part I: Early Years. The growing importance of writing In any primary classroom, the spoken word is paramount.

Writing in Primary – Part I: Early Years

Young children have the capacity to acquire a foreign language in a natural way, almost without realising it, if they are exposed to the language early enough and extensively enough, and this is exploited. Our main objective in the primary classroom is to enable our students to communicate effectively in the foreign language. Learn English as a Second Language on Virtual Writing Tutor. A Powerful Way To Demystify The Writing Process With Technology. Writing as a Process Writing is arduous, difficult work.

A Powerful Way To Demystify The Writing Process With Technology

Even for those who have chosen writing as a profession, the muse often fails to show and the writer is left with only the process to get them by. Planning, writing, rethinking, revising, sharing, rewriting, editing, sharing, and reviewing–and perhaps revising some more before taking a deep breath and finally making it public. The writing process is rivaled only by the scientific method in its stringent and clinical demands. For growing writers, this kind of mechanized approach is juxtaposed by the perception of creative processes as artistic, elegant, and inspired fun. Can Texting Develop Other Writing Skills? Fiction Writing. FlixMaster. Friendly Letter Maker - Learn to Write a Friendly Letter!

ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids.

Friendly Letter Maker - Learn to Write a Friendly Letter!

The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games.

ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Homework Center: Writing Skills - FactMonster.