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Facebook Twitter - Recipe of tortilla de patatas, an omelette with potatoes. Tortilla de patatas is simply prepared and tastes quite delicious. - Recipe of tortilla de patatas, an omelette with potatoes

Ingredients for four people Olive oil800g potatoes2 large onions6 eggsSalt and pepper Preparation Peel the potatoes and onions. Cut the potatoes into cubes or thin slices. Heat about 4 tablespoons of olive oil in the pan, add the potatoes and onions and cook whilst moving the food about for 20-25 minutes on medium heat. Then turn the tortilla upside down. The tortilla can be tasted cold or warm. Tips and variations You may add peppers, pepper salami if you like. Romesco Sauce Recipe. Gambas al Ajillo Recipe (Spanish Garlic Shrimp) - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! When my mother-in-law makes gambas al ajillo, everyone seems to be right on time for dinner.

Gambas al Ajillo Recipe (Spanish Garlic Shrimp) - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog!

We scarf down our salmorejo and croquetas de jamón— first courses that are only a buffer before the true plato del día. Her gambas al ajillo are fantastic, rivaled only by the ones at Madrid’s famous Casa del Abuelo (where you get to see them prepare the shrimp right in front of you and your plate always comes out sizzling). Her secret can be explained in two words, sherry and butter. Canarian Mojo Verde Sauce Recipe - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! In the Canary Islands there’s a good chance that your traditional meals will come with a side of mojo— different local sauces that people pair with everything from meat to fish to potatoes.

Canarian Mojo Verde Sauce Recipe - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog!

While the most famous mojo sauce is the red and slightly spicy mojo picón, the mojo verde (green mojo) definitely gives it a run for its money. Made with cilantro, parsley, green peppers and garlic, this delicious Canarian sauce is the perfect condiment for grilled fish or roasted potatoes like the famous Canarian papas arrugadas. While finding native Canarian peppers is nearly impossible away from the islands, mojo verde sauce is easy to adapt to what you have available at home. Baked Rice with Garbanzos and Dates - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! While I’ve never fallen head over heels for Spanish rice dishes like paella, there was something about a recipe for baked rice with garbanzos that caught my attention.

Baked Rice with Garbanzos and Dates - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog!

I adapted it from the fantastic Claudia Roden Foods of Spain cookbook, and added a few small twists to make it even more delicious (in my huble opinion!). The best part? It’s super easy and really pretty– aka perfect for company. It’s also vegetarian friendly and pretty healthy. Baked Rice with Garbanzos and Dates A easy and delicious baked rice recipe with garbanzos and dates. Author: Lauren Aloise. Recipe: Romesco Sauce & Roasted Veggie Sandwich - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! Besides a few trips to Barcelona, I really haven’t had the opportunity to explore Catalonia.

Recipe: Romesco Sauce & Roasted Veggie Sandwich - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog!

But I have heard about the famously delicious Romesco sauce— the rich and nutty sauce that accompanies the traditional calçotada (a traditional Catalan barbecue featuring green onions), which is also known as Salvitxada in Catalan. I haven’t had the pleasure of attending a calçotada (yet) but it is certainly on my list. After trying Romesco sauce for the first time in Logroño, I was hooked.

The perfect condiment for grilled vegetables or white fish, I knew I had to figure out its secrets and make it myself. The day after making it I was thinking about what to make for lunch. Here is the recipe I used for the sauce. Salsa Romesco (makes 2 cups) Ingredients: Preparation: For the sandwich: Smother a fresh baguette with the Romesco sauce and add roasted vegetables like onion, eggplant, peppers, zucchini, tomato, etc.

Until I can compare it to the Romesco sauce in Catalonia, this will have to do. Homemade Spanish Crema Catalana Recipe - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! Homemade Churros Recipe - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog! I’ve got good news for all you churro lovers out there!

Homemade Churros Recipe - An Insider's Spain Travel Blog & Spain Food Blog!

Just in case you don’t happen to live a five-minute walk from a delicious churrería, these crispy tubes of fried dough can easily be made in the comfort of your own kitchen. I know this because I recently watched my Spanish friend Sensi whip them up in a matter of minutes with ingredients that almost anyone has in their cabinets. Luckily, I took notes and came up with a great churros recipe for you guys! Sensi was my good friend Sarah’s roommate the first year that Sarah and I lived in Seville. Sarah got lucky with Sensi, and they became so close that when we visited Seville earlier this summer we were able to stay with her. In true Spanish style, our stay not only included a pull out sofa and some bath towels, but also various home cooked meals throughout the weekend.

If you want to feel like you are in Spain without actually getting on a plane, this churros recipe is the perfect solution. Receta Esqueixada de morue d'Espagne : gastronomie de Catalogne. Escalivada. 1 Préchauffer le four à 210° (thermostat 7).


Laver tous les légumes, les sécher, les huiler légèrement, puis les emballer individuellement dans du papier d’aluminium. 2 Enfourner ces papillotes environ 1 h 15 en les tournant régulièrement pour que la cuisson soit régulière. 4 Peler les poivrons, supprimer pédoncules et pépins, puis détailler la chair en lanières. Peler les oignons et les tomates et les couper en rondelles épaisses. Peler les aubergines et les détailler en lamelles dans le sens de la longueur. Pour finir Dans un plat en terre, dresser les lamelles d’aubergines, recouvrir avec les oignons, les tomates et les lamelles de poivrons. Cuisinez, savourez… puis si vous le souhaitez, partagez / déposez (ci-dessous) votre avis sur cette recette.