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Jean Van Hamme. Biography[edit] Early years[edit] Thorgal, XIII and Largo Winch[edit] The fame of Van Hamme as one of the major comic authors of Europe is quite established.[1] The artists he works with draw the characters in a realistic style, even if the stories themselves tend to verge towards fantasy. Blake and Mortimer[edit] After the death of Edgar Pierre Jacobs, when the last unfinished story of Blake and Mortimer was completed by Bob de Moor, the editor asked Van Hamme to write new stories. In 2002, Jean Van Hamme announced his intention to write fewer comics, and to concentrate more on theatre and film scripts, but seems to have changed his mind again and has since created two new stories.

Van Hamme is one of the best selling European comics writers, with many of his series in the best selling lists each year. Bibliography[edit] Awards[edit] - nominated for Best Long Comic Strip at the Haxtur Awards, Spain 1990: Best Script at the Haxtur Awards - nominated for Best Script at the Haxtur Awards. Hermann Huppen - Site officiel. Guillaume Apollinaire site officiel: Page d'Accueil. Jean-claude mourlevat. Charles Baudelaire - Sa vie, son oeuvre : Le poète maudit -