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Recession Design. Le collectif de design italien Recession Design a conçu toute une ligne de mobilier réalisable soi-même, et dont les plans et instructions de montage sont gratuitement téléchargeables.

Recession Design

Plus de 30 projets sont disponibles en ligne, sur le site Internet du collectif. Cette initiative, lancée il y a plus d’un an, s’enrichit au fur et à mesure de nouveaux modèles. Après s’être intéressés à l’environnement domestique, les designers ont également imaginé des modèles destinés au bureau, à l’école ou à l’extérieur. Cette idée simple – mettre à disposition des utilisateurs des plans gratuits – si ludique soit-elle, n’est évidemment pas novatrice, et nous avions d’ailleurs évoqué sur ce site certaines des recherches menées par le designer Enzo Mari dans les années 1970. Fabriquez votre ELEPHANT EAMES. By Jo Yana, 1 septembre 2011 Nous remercions encore pepette1981 et Vivi qui ont fait cette trouvaille sur le Forum Deco-Design.

Fabriquez votre ELEPHANT EAMES

Association Débrouille Compagnie - l'art de la récup'. What's That ?! All things paper. Beautiful Chandelier by Benoit Vieubled. This very beautiful chandelier was designed by Benoit Vieubled.

Beautiful Chandelier by Benoit Vieubled

Interchangeable Summery Cupcake Stands. If you’re new here, welcome!

Interchangeable Summery Cupcake Stands

I’m AmberLee, and Giverslog is my place to share recipes, gift ideas, pretty wrapping ideas, and whatever else is on my mind. TetraBox Light by Ed Chew. Liquid to Light Designer Ed Chew takes a green step in the right direction with the TetraBox lamp, a light object made from discarded drink packets that would have otherwise ended up in landfills already packed to the brim.

TetraBox Light by Ed Chew

The design is achieved by unfolding the packets and refolding them into hexagonal and pentagonal sections that are then pieced together to form a geodesic sphere or any other desired shape. Here, the Epcot-like ball makes an attractive overhead light and casts an impressive web of shadows and shapes on the surrounding space. Travel food art and design: A DIY Sputnik Chandelier. Mason Jar Tea Lights. Today the weather was suppose to be nice and I had planned to be outside doing a little gardening.

Mason Jar Tea Lights

But the past two weeks, the weather has been poop, so I opted for an indoor project. Time to make use of the mason jars I had sitting in the garage. Just the usual mason jars, and a couple of small preserve jars. This is the poor mans way of doing things. Felt camera and iphone cases. Creative jewish mom: DIY Home Decorating Projects. You may or may not have enjoyed learning geometry, but now is the time to cast aside your emotions, and delve into this stunning project!

creative jewish mom: DIY Home Decorating Projects

Don't panic when you see the diagrams, it's really quite simple, and once you get the hang of it, you'll be making these in all sizes and colors with minimal effort. Really! You'll Need: lightweight cardboard, such as cereal boxes or paper plates a ruler, and good scissorsvery tacky glue, double sided tape or hot glue (less perfect results)paints, stencils, (optional) {it's in the news} The Brick House. May 5th, 2011 I’ve been helping out Shelly Leer – aka ModHomeEc – with the design of her brand new upholstery workshop in Indianapolis.

The Brick House

Shelly is a fantastic upholster and hosts classes to teach folks the ins and outs of fixing up and reupholstering their old forlorn stuff (a skill I can really appreciate). With this open warehouse space, one big design issue Shelly needed help with was figuring out how to layout and define areas for various work and private “zones”. She needed areas for tools, areas for storage, an area for a personal office, a waiting area, an area to teach and work with students and so on and so forth. Functionally, this one big room had to be used for many many purposes and still be open, accessible and of course look awesome.

RePurposing/Upcycling Tires Can be Fun. Want to do your bit for sustainabilty and have some fun creating useful crafty ideas - Re-purposing tires can get your creative juices happening.

RePurposing/Upcycling Tires Can be Fun

Tires are one of the most difficult items to recycle today. But a solution is needed. Millions of tires are dumped yearly at landfill sites or illegal deposits. Tire Sandals: Innovative footwear recycled from old tires. Make Your own Tire SandalsAdapted from Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills I'm hard on shoes.

Tire Sandals: Innovative footwear recycled from old tires.

It's not uncommon for me to go through half a dozen pairs of shoes, or more, each year. I maintain an active lifestyle, hiking, playing, camping, and working. Bike innertube wallet. The backbone of the wallet: - choose a portion of the innertube that has writing or doesn't depending on the aesthetic you want. hipsters will want to stay away from brands and might stick to writing that includes the dimensions of the tube. professionals may want to avoid any kind of writing all together for a sleeker, leathery look. Sewing 101: making a pouf. Add a burst of color to your room with this crafty pouf! DIY + Recycling Projects. Untitled. More Design Please - MoreDesignPlease. Plucked right out of a Cartoon Handbags – Jump From Paper. 21 ways of turning pallets into unique pieces of furniture. A Beautiful Mess: Home Decor. Whitney’s mason jar lights. Growing up in the south, i have a special place in my heart for mason jars. i enjoy them filled to the brim with icy sweet tea, but this fun project from d*s reader whitney gaylord may be my new favorite way to enjoy them. unlike most of our other diy projects, this one will require a bit of professional help (installing anything involving electricity is no joke) but the majority of the steps are easy to handle and will require only a quick call to your local electrician (home depot offers these services, too) to install the final project. click here for the full instructions or just click “read more” below – thanks to whitney for sharing!

Luminaires design "recup" Fabriquer un abat jour avec des diapos. Il est à présent définitivement révolu le temps où l'on photographiait ses souvenirs de vacances uniquement sur diapos. Rapelez vous les soirées interminables où les copains voulaient absolument vous faire partager leurs vacances et où, plongés dans le noir vous visitiez la baie du Mont-Saint Michel ou assistiez aux premiers pas du petit dernier en vous goinfrant de cacahuètes...

Bien entendu, je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de 20 ans etc. Bref, le projecteur et les visionneuses sont aujourd'hui hors d'usage et les diapos sont toujours là, entassées au fond d'un placard.