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Responsive web

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70+ essential resources for creating liquid and elastic layouts. I often get asked for my recommendations of resources to learn how to create liquid/fluid and elastic layouts.

70+ essential resources for creating liquid and elastic layouts

My first answer is, of course, my own book Flexible Web Design: Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS. Hey, is it so bad to be proud of your work? It’s the only book out there entirely devoted to designing and building flexible web sites, and the dozens of layout techniques it covers can also be applied to fixed-width design. Media Queries. Responsive web design, une introduction et quelques frameworks. Posté le 8 décembre 2011 dans Mobile | Technologie , par MoKaDev - On entend de plus en plus parler de « responsive web design » sur les blogs spécialisés, dans les open space d’agences, autour des tables des web designer ou des développeurs frontend.

Responsive web design, une introduction et quelques frameworks

Alors qu’est ce que le « responsive web design »?