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Epic Indian Card Trick Fight Scene. How To Turn A Beer Can Into The Only Camping Stove You’ll Ever Need. You can whip one of these up in a matter of minutes. They’re so easy to make and they work really well. First find yourself some scissors and a beverage can and then start the above video. This is an inexpensive way to be prepared in the event of a power outage as these stoves give off a lot of heat and have the ability to cook large meals. They also make great holiday gifts for friends and family. For more great repurposing ideas, check out Repurposing 24/7 Image: Vimeo camp stoveDIYRepurposing Related Posts « After Reading This, You’ll Never Look at a Banana in the Same Way Again The Remedy For Everything But Death »

'Transition Towns': Building a Better World, One Block at a Time. - One evening in the small village of Ashton Hayes in Cheshire, England, someone started a conversation about climate change and energy at the local pub. It was 2005. Two years later, residents had cut their carbon dioxide emissions and energy costs by 20 percent. The Bristol pound. There are over 400 alternative currencies in use around the world and the number is growing quickly in response to globalisation and corporate domination of many businesses. (Credit: Mark Simmons/IPS) Ashton Hayes now aims to be England’s first carbon-neutral community. “People know major changes have to be made in the face of climate change and resource depletion,” said Rob Hopkins, one of founders of the Transition Town movement in which local people get together to find ways to make their streets and neighbourhoods more sustainable. “It started with friends and neighbours saying ‘what can we do as ordinary people knowing that our governments are not going to sort it out,’” Hopkins told IPS.

The Mysterious Cones of the Egyptian Desert. Hypnotic Wind-powered Kinetic Sculptures by Anthony Howe. In Cloud Light. Stainless steel. 224″h x 104″w x 52″d. Linked stainless disks rotating around a circular axis. Spins in ultralight winds but overbuilt to withstand strong. Octo. In-Out Quotient. About Face. Kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe lives and works in a rural area in Eastsound, Washington surrounded by little more than trees, wind, and other natural elements that inspire his incredible kinetic sculptures. The Devil & Billy Markham. The Official Site for Kids - Choose Speed.