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Les Cuisines de Garance. Thanksgiving, the source for American grocery products and down-home Louisiana cooking in Paris. My Family's Thanksgiving Menu - Thanksgiving Dinner Menu - Best Thanksgiving Traditional Menu. Looking over the site, I realized I have never written about my family's Thanksgiving dinner menu!

My Family's Thanksgiving Menu - Thanksgiving Dinner Menu - Best Thanksgiving Traditional Menu

This is the menu we have used for years; it changes very little. The combination of flavors, textures, temperatures, and aromas is just perfect. The star of the meal, of course, is the turkey stuffed with My Great-grandmother's Stuffing. This stuffing is made from apples, raisins, onions, butter, eggs, and bread - that's it! Its simplicity complements the other flavors in the meal. The gelatin salads, Parker House Rolls, desserts, and most of the side dishes can be made ahead of time.

And for your grocery list, don't forget to get English muffins and refrigerated pizza dough, along with Gruyere cheese and celery for my favorite after Thanksgiving recipes: Turkey Mornay and Turkey Salad Focaccia Sandwiches (use leftover turkey instead of the canned chicken). The first picture shows the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, Antique Broccoli, and Glazed Sweet Potatoes. Thanksgiving Dinner Planning, How To Plan Thanksgiving Dinner, Thanksgiving Dinner Menu, Thanksgiving Dinner Hints, Thanksgiving Recipes, Stress Free Thanksgiving.

3 Days Before Thanksgiving: A few days before Thanksgiving, iron table linens, designate serving platters, and make sure your glassware and silver sparkles.

Thanksgiving Dinner Planning, How To Plan Thanksgiving Dinner, Thanksgiving Dinner Menu, Thanksgiving Dinner Hints, Thanksgiving Recipes, Stress Free Thanksgiving

Make cranberry sauce and refrigerate. Prepare other sauces, jellies, and dressings; store in the refrigerator. 2 Days Before Thanksgiving: Clean your house. To bring or not to brine - the secret to juicy poultry is simple - brine them before grilling or baking! Frozen Desserts: Remove frozen cheesecakes or frozen pie crust from freezer and let thaw in the refrigerator. Gelatin Dishes: If you are making a gelatin dish, make it now and store in the refrigerator. 1 Day Before Thanksgiving: Finish preparing any pies that you are making.

Shopping Day - Purchase perishable items such as salad greens, fresh breads, or seafood. Mise en Place - This is a French term for preparing all the ingredients for a dish in advance, such as washing, trimming, chopping vegetables, setting out your spices and herbs, etc. Thanksgiving Dinner Day: Garnish desserts. Thanksgiving Recipes. Prêts pour Thanksgiving ? Cette année encore, nous avons prévu de fêter Thanksgiving avec la famille de Jonathan.

Prêts pour Thanksgiving ?

Après avoir épaté la galerie l'an passé avec ma sauce de canneberges à la menthe, la mère de Jonathan m'a appelé samedi pour me demander de la refaire cette année... Ma fierté est à son comble ! Le repas de Thanksgiving étant presque invariablement le même dans la plupart des familles, je ne suis pas sûre d'y consacrer un nouveau billet à mon retour. Pour celles et ceux qui auraient loupé les épisodes précédents, vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens vers les billets que j'avais consacrés au repas (et aux recettes) de Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving ! Thanksgiving 2004Thanksgiving 2005Thanksgiving 2006 Pâtes de fruits aux cannebergesSauce de canneberges à la mentheSauce de canneberges classiqueTarte à la citrouille.