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How to curate

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Evolve Beyond Curation: Add Context, Lead Your Category. Many brands (and people) have fallen into a routine of aggregating / curating their category as the extent of their social participation. They use tools and / or team members to scan the day’s news and re-share it as micro content usually comprised of a link and a headline. This is fine way for companies to start out in the social web. They usually don’t realize it involves going deeper. But you have to move beyond it if you want to get to outcomes from social or become a truly definitive leader in your category.

The truth is we’re saturated with curators. And, many of them aren’t really even necessary and just contribute to the noise. The point I wanted to make today is curation is just the beginning of using social channels. Brands serious about owning their category online need to evolve beyond curation, and fast. We don’t need more curators. Image credit: Shutterstock. Tweet First, Verify Later? Real-time web, Social Media Curation and Verification « nicoblog.

Maggio 5, 2011 alle 1:28 pm | Pubblicato su Il nuovo mondo | 11 commenti Here it is the research project I’ve worked on during my fellowship at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford Download PDF Summary by RISJ Nicola Bruno, an Italian journalist specialising in digital media and technology and its effect on journalism, has written a fascinating research paper on how mainstream media used social media in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake in January 2010. In his study entitled, ‘Tweet first , verify later? How real-time information is changing the coverage of worldwide crisis events’, Nicola looks at how the so-called ‘Twitter effect’ allows mainstream media to provide live coverage without any reporters on the ground, by simply newsgathering user-generated content available online. He aims to answer three key questions: How is the Twitter effect changing the coverage of crisis events around the world?

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Social curation

Curation and journalism. Curation tips. Use cases. Curating Information as Content Strategy. Content, which is anything that informs, educates, or entertain online, is your business digital body language. The Internet changed how people find and read content. While it was helpful to have a strategy for publishing information about your business before the Web, people didn't necessarily track if what you gave them as brochures and papers was integrated with everything else.

Online, it's easier to see all of the different outputs of an organization side by side -- and to notice whether they connect the dots, or if they seem to come from separate businesses. It is more attractive to buy from a business that has its act together. You find out through search. Why content is important On the Web, people trade attention for good, useful content. There are still companies that struggle with the idea of becoming content producers, and thus have not yet formulated a content strategy. Some organizations are affected by the sprawling issue when it comes to content. Content and community.

How to distill content curation for real impact | Christopher S. Penn : Awaken Your Superhero. How to use content curation to add value to your own website. If you are responsible for adding high-value content to your website, you are constantly being challenged to find page or post topics which are new, shareable, helpful and original. As Google’s recent Panda update taught us, quick and easy content is not going to get our pages listed on page one of the search results. Besides which, quick and easy content does little to impress, engage or retain our readers. So, given that you are now going to focus on high-value content, are there ways and methods you can use to deepen your expertise as a real-time expert? I believe there are. My favorite method for keeping myself on the cutting edge, regardless of the content topic, is to become a content curator.

Being a curator means seeking out the best of the best, wherever it is being published, and then collecting it in one place. No, I’m not suggesting you have to publish curated content on your own site or sites, although you can. 1. First, it allows you to find the best of the best in one place.

MasterNewMedia curation guide

Curation Nation book. A Marketer’s Guide to Content Curation. There is an elephant in the online marketing “room,” and the elephant’s name is Curation. Curation is the most important part of online marketing that no one is talking about. With the rise of inbound marketing, content has become front and center in the minds of marketers. This focus on content as an important marketing tactic creates two extremely important problems. First, content creation is difficult. Having the time and skill to create relevant and interesting content is difficult for marketers who are already overloaded with daily tasks. The second major problem with the rise of content marketing is noise. Applying Curation to Our Problems As marketers, how do we solve these two problems? Curation has become a fixture for many successful news blogs on the web today. Examples of Curation Some of the most popular posts on this blog have been from curated content. 3 Rules for Great Curation 1. 2. 3.

Integrating Curation Into the Content Mix Curation has many applications.