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Makerspace | Creating a space for young makers and educators. TechShop is America's 1st Nationwide Open-Access Public Workshop -- What Do You Want To Make at TechShop? HackerspaceWiki. 3D Printing Directory. You are in: Future Technologies : 3D Printing Directory 3D Printing Directory 3D printing creates real, solid objects one layer at a time using digital data. 3D printing may therefore soon do for manufacturing and medicine what computers and the Internet have already done for the creation, processing and storage of information.

For an explanation of 3D printing technologies, opportunities and implications, please see the 3D Printing page, my 3D Printing videos, or my book 3D Printing: The Next Industrial Revolution. The 3D printing marketplace is now evolving extremely quickly. This directory brings together links to many of those organizations currently developing and producing 3D printers, as well as some of those pioneering their application. . - o O o - Industrial 3D Printer Manufacturers The following all manufacture 3D printers for commercial applications that range from rapid prototyping to direct digital manufacturing (DDM): Personal 3D Printer Manufacturers 3D Printing Design Software.