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Author Lee Child: Jack Reacher Novels. Les beaux textes de Marina MISSIER. George Orwell. Bernadette Ferreira. Lettre de George Sand à Alfred de Musset. Nicole van de Kerchove. Publié le 7 novembre 2010, dans Actualités, Histoire et Littérature Pianiste et navigatrice française, Nicole Van de Kerchove est née le 10 septembre 1945 et décédée le 21 février 2008 en Patagonie. Auteur de plusieurs livres relatant ses voyages « Autre chose » est son dernier livre qui parait aux éditions MDV Maîtres du Vent dont nous reparlerons. La Contrebasse de Patrick Süskind par Julien Le Provost. Lautréamont 1846-1870 (Isidore Ducasse) The letters - Vincent van Gogh Letters. Emile Zola. Vidéo Alfred de Musset:Rappelle-toi de fidjie (Musique - fidjie. Seis escritores en busca de William Faulkner. Exposition Sur la route de Jack Kerouac au Musée des lettres et manuscrits jusqu’au 19 août 2012.

Pour fêter la sortie du film Sur la route en France le 23 mai, le musée des lettres et manuscrits a preparé une exposition sur le livre célèbre, et les liens entre littérature et cinéma.

Exposition Sur la route de Jack Kerouac au Musée des lettres et manuscrits jusqu’au 19 août 2012

Et c’est gratuit jusqu’au 23 mai 2012 (7€ après) ! Il y a des classiques que l’on pense connaître, sans jamais vraiment les avoir lus, tellement ils sont ‘connus’ de tous. Nous devons avouer être passé à côté de Sur la route jusqu’à maintenant, même si nous connaissons l’histoire dans les grandes lignes. C’est à l’occasion de la Nuit des musées que nous sommes passés – enfin – au musée des lettres et manuscrits, une des derniers nouveau musées à Paris, situé boulevard Saint Germain, non loin de nos hôtels. Pottermore: Gateway. Le Petit Prince : L'intégrale. Bienvenue sur l'archipel d'Erik Orsenna.

‘A Farewell to Arms’ With Hemingway’s Alternate Endings. Domar a la fiera Thomas Bernhard. Fundació Mercè Rodoreda. Douglas Adams. Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Virginia Woolf. The International Virginia Woolf Society. The Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain. Virginia Woolf - Words fail me - 29 April 1937 - BBC. Camus lit l'Etranger. Biographies. About Kathy - Kathy Reichs. Émile Zola. This Week in The Possibility Place. Interviews célèbres. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Homenaje a Jorge Luis Borges. Arts: Literature: Authors: B: Borges, Jorge Luis. Discours de Malraux. Ionesco lit un conte pour enfant (curiosité)

Haruki murakami. Shakespeare Searched. La conscience de Victor Hugo - une vidéo Art et Création. Arthur Rimbaud. Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (/ræmˈboʊ/[2] or /ˈræmboʊ/; French pronunciation: ​[aʁtyʁ ʁɛ̃bo]; 20 October 1854 – 10 November 1891) was a French poet born in Charleville, Ardennes.[3] He influenced modern literature and arts, inspired various musicians, and prefigured surrealism.

Arthur Rimbaud

He started writing poems at a very young age, while still in primary school, and stopped completely before he turned 21. He was mostly creative in his teens (17–20). His "genius, its flowering, explosion and sudden extinction, still astonishes". Rimbaud was known to have been a libertine and for being a restless soul. He traveled extensively on three continents before his death from cancer just after his thirty-seventh birthday.

Life[edit] Family and childhood (1854–1861)[edit] Direitos Autorais - Como Registrar a sua Obra Digital na Biblioteca Nacional. Se você está criando, ou pretende criar uma obra digital - como um e-book, é recomendável que você inclua nos seus planos fazer o registro de sua obra na Biblioteca Nacional a fim de garantir os seus direitos autorais sobre a obra.

Direitos Autorais - Como Registrar a sua Obra Digital na Biblioteca Nacional

Mesmo que você pretenda distribuir sua obra gratuitamente pela Internet, é muito importante que você faça o devido registro, pois nunca de sabe como você poderá querer encaminhar o seu trabalho no futuro. Para obter o ISBN Para obter o ISBN para sua publicação digital, você precisa enviar a documentação necessária para a Biblioteca Nacional . Sagan, manoir de Breuil. L'Etranger Lu par Albert Camus 3 sur 3. Mauriac, retour à Malagar. Cocteau, le refuge. Colette, la maison de l'enfance. L'Etranger lu par Albert Camus 2 sur 3. Camus lit l'Etranger. Ferdinand Céline, le reclus de Meudon. Camus lit plusieurs extraits de ses oeuvres. Arundhatiroy. Lovecraft. William Burroughs. Asimov. Philip K. Dick. Jack London. Daniel Estulin. Books, Online Articles, Audio, Bibliography. Paul Auster - Definitive Website. This site is optimised for a javascript enabled browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape and a screen resolution of 800 x 600. © Stuart Pilkington 2000-8.

Paul Auster - Definitive Website

DAVID FOSTER WALLACE, IN HIS OWN WORDS. A cache of over 40 letters reveals the artist’s humour and imagination ...


From THE ECONOMIST online When René Magritte was 13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river. When the body was recovered her face was found to be covered with her nightdress. No one knew whether she had deliberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face. Magritte had begun painting a year earlier. He would become obsessed with the hidden. For nearly a century fans of Magritte have studied his works, determined to find hidden meanings within them. The letters, most of which are undated and not included in the collection that was published in 1994, span more than 20 years and cover a wide range of topics—artistic, literary and surreal. Magritte had met the pretty Georgette Berger when they were both schoolchildren. The artist and the poet had met three years earlier and quickly became close friends.

Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories. Albert Camus - Banquet Speech. Albert Camus' speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1957 (Translation) In receiving the distinction with which your free Academy has so generously honoured me, my gratitude has been profound, particularly when I consider the extent to which this recompense has surpassed my personal merits.

Albert Camus - Banquet Speech

Every man, and for stronger reasons, every artist, wants to be recognized. So do I. But I have not been able to learn of your decision without comparing its repercussions to what I really am. I felt that shock and inner turmoil. For myself, I cannot live without my art. By the same token, the writer's role is not free from difficult duties. None of us is great enough for such a task. El Cuaderno de Saramago. Charles Bukowski. MASTER GRAFOANÁLISIS EUROPEO: ESCRITORES Y LETRAS. OCTAVIO PAZ LOZANO Premio Nobel de Literatura 1990.


LEWIS CARROLL VICTORIA OCAMPO El QUIJOTE APÓCRIFO INTERMITENCIAS DE LA PUIG USTRELL: LOS PERGAMINOS. QUÉ SON Y CÓMO SE SIGLOS ESCRIBIENDO PARA EXPRESIÓN DEL. Guillaume Apollinaire, Textes, Calligrammes, vers une poésie graphique… 1918 - Apollinaire publie son dernier recueil de textes poétiques : Calligrammes, poèmes de la paix et de la guerre 1913-1916.

Guillaume Apollinaire, Textes, Calligrammes, vers une poésie graphique…

La fin de son impression a lieu le 15 avril. Les Biographies. Nicanor Parra. Hunter S. Thompson: Live at UC Auditorium, Boulder from 1977. Brothers Grimm: Fairy Tales, History, Facts, and More - StumbleUpon. Don Winslow. CMLisboa - Casa Fernando Pessoa. The accessible Emerson. The Q&A: Irvine Welsh: We are always moving towards failure. Feb 18th 2012, 18:54 by J.M. | BERLIN BEST known for his first novel, “Trainspotting” (1993), Irvine Welsh has a controversial penchant for stories about the drug-addicted underworld of his home city of Edinburgh.

The Q&A: Irvine Welsh: We are always moving towards failure

This weekend the Glasgow Film Festival is hosting the premiere of “ Ecstasy ”, a film adaptation of one of the stories in Mr Welsh's book “Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance”. While appearing at a literary festival in Berlin, Mr Welsh spoke to us about class, drugs, fate and the essential glamour of cinema. {*style:<b> Are the social issues that you explored in “Trainspotting” as relevant now as they were in the 1980s? </b>*} The social issues are much more relevant.

You seem to be interested in exploring the darker forces of life. I am fascinated. As an artist exploring these themes, do you think there is a danger of glamorising the topic? Yes. Do you think this was an issue with “Trainspotting”? The film was looking at two things. You have to tell the story in 90 minutes. Biographie de Victor Hugo. HUGO Victor, écrivain français. (26 février 1802 - 17 février 1885) Victor Hugo est né à Besançon le 26 février 1802.

Biographie de Victor Hugo

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Neurotic Poets - Edgar Allan Poe. Personal tragedy was, unfortunately, a recurring theme throughout Edgar Allan Poe's life. Born in Boston in 1809 to actor parents, he never knew his father David Poe, who left his mother and disappeared soon after Edgar was born, then died in Virginia in 1810. His mother, who suffered from tuberculosis (then called consumption), died in Richmond, Virginia in late 1811, orphaning Edgar, his older brother William Henry, and half-sister Rosalie.

Frances Allan of Richmond convinced her wealthy merchant husband John to take the child Edgar into their home. The high priest of high art. Ben Hutchinson George Steiner THE POETRY OF THOUGHT From Hellenism to Celan 223pp. New Directions. £15.95 (US $24.95).978 0 8112 1945 7 Published: 28 March 2012. The 30 Harshest Author-on-Author Insults In History. [Editor's note: While your Flavorwire editors take a much-needed holiday break, we're revisiting some of our most popular features of the year. This post was originally published June 19, 2011.] Sigh. Authors just don’t insult each other like they used to.

Sure, Martin Amis raised some eyebrows when he claimed he would need brain damage to write children’s books, and recent Pulitzer Prize winner Jennifer Egan made waves when she disparaged the work that someone had plagiarized, but those kinds of accidental, lukewarm zingers are nothing when compared to the sick burns of yore. Real Player. Bill Bryson - Official Books Website. J. M. Coetzee. Edgar Allan Poe, el sueño de un suicida y el disparo al lector.