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School iPad Program – not as easy as I thought! One term into the official launch of our iPad program, I thought it would be opportune to reflect on the successes, failures and everything in between. I have to admit, as a self professed, but not certified, iPad/Mac “expert” and ‘All Things Apple’ zealot, things haven’t gone as smoothly as I’d hoped. I would like to blame it all on our proxy server, but I suspect Apple has something to do with it too. I set up our iPads before Apple’s Configurator software for managing iPads came out. Regardless, the initial set up was pretty smooth. I set up the base iPad configuration on a targeted iPad and backed it up to my dedicated Mac Mini iPad machine. In the main it was fine. The hassles came in the weeks to follow. The next issue to arise is the updating and installing of new apps and system updates. Just as frustratingly problematic has been upgrading the iOS system software. Plan.

I would love to hear from others their success stories and frustrations. Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog. Photo Pin : Free Photos for Your Blog or Website via Creative Commons. Ma onzième année et les suivantes… View Window Templates. CiL Classic CiL Classic is being retired The Classic Console includes CiL's basic functionality, but does NOT include the latest features and enhancements. Soon, this console will no longer be available. We highly encourage all users to Switch to the new EventStudio. Questions?

Feedback? Launch Now Everything you love about CoveritLive, but better. "SmartStream" gives you more power in one place. Powerful "Search" makes it easy to wow your Readers with compelling social content from Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and more. "Live Scores" offers instant access to league scores and data from the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAA, FIFA and more. Try EventStudio Now! Yes, it's free! Poppytalk. ENSEIGNANT WEB 2.0 et LANGUES. MORE PRACTICAL WAYS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION. I was delighted to be able to share a few strategies to improve students' pronunciation in the Times Educational Supplement (TES) this Friday as I view good pronunciation as one of the most effective ways to boost students' confidence in their own ability as linguists.

Indeed, if their accent in the foreign language is not at least understandable, performance in exams and in a real life context will be poor and lead to demotivation. As mentioned in the article, practising pronunciation is a challenging activity for teenagers who often perceive it as a threat to their own British identity at a time of their lives when they are not too sure about their identity anyway. Using puppets or drama techniques like role-play can help but what else can be done to help students improve their pronunciation in the foreign language? Phonics Phonics Phonics Teach basic pronunciation rules through examples and regularly re-visit key sounds through starter activities. Practise Practise Practise. Blog Book. Ψηφιακός φιλόλογος. BrainSINS incrementa tus ventas y mejora tus ratios de conversión. Your Voice Blog Network for News and Talk - World News, Technology News, Sports News, and more!

10 Ideas for Class Blog Posts. Class blogging is becoming ever more popular as a fantastic way of encouraging young people to write with a purpose, for a real audience and receive genuine feedback. At its best it’s assessment for learning in action. So what’s not to love? Well, although it’s really simple to set up your class blog, sometimes it can be a bit hard to think what to get your class to blog about.

Well look no further. Diary Style Blogging Asking students to write about what they did at the weekend or a favourite memory from the last school holidays can be a great stimulus for individual writing. Fictional Diary Style Blogging Once pupils are comfortable with writing diary entries about their own experiences, why not mix things up a little bit by asking them to write a diary entry from the point of view of e.g a famous historical character you’ve been learning about, or a character from a book?

Collaborative Story Telling Work Showcase Heroes Something Kind Dream Journal What I want to be when I grow up Reviews. The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All! If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn’t for you. But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider: The fact is, the majority of your students and their parents are probably already on FacebookEven when schools have a policy against being “friends” online, there are tools you can use that won’t violate policyDespite what you may hear, there are strong privacy options that you can set up so only those that you want can access your informationWe have an obligation as educators to model appropriate online behavior and learn right along our students From Where do we begin?

Just today, Facebook released their own sponsored Facebook For Educators guide, but we found that there really wasn’t enough “how-to” in this guide to make it worth it. Should we be “friends” with students? 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 reasons to get educators blogging. 5 reasons educators should start reading blogs: 1) - Blogs are the heart of learning and sharing... If you are an idea and inspiration junkie like myself, then you will find blogs to be extremely beneficial. Educators of all ages and backgrounds are bringing their ideas, reflections and experiences to one convenient location; their blog.

Educational bloggers have one goal, and that is to share as many ideas and experiences as possible. 2) - Blogs are real world and real time experiences... When educators write a new blog post I can say with almost 100% certainty that they are writing about something that has happened recently. 3) - Blogs will make you reflect on your educational practices... As you begin reading educator blogs you will instinctively start to reflect upon your educational practices and beliefs. 4) - Blogs give you the opportunity to connect and collaborate with educators from all around the world... 5) - Blogs are free, accessible and extremely convenient... Prezi. In my last blog post, I tried to explain what Prezi actually is and how it should be (or shouldn't be) compared to PowerPoint. In this post, I will try to explain some of the basics of using Prezi.

Signing up: The sign-up process is pretty easy. All you have to do is to decide which license you need. Prezi offers three licenses: Public, Enjoy and Pro. The Public license is free. However, if you are a teacher, there is another, more delicious option for you: Prezi offers a free teacher/student license which is the same with the $59 Enjoy license. After you have received your confirmation e-mail, you can log on to the site and start creating your own Prezis. First steps: After clicking the "New Prezi" button you will be asked to give a title for your presentation. The Editing "Canvas": Now you are at the editing area of your Prezi.

After this point, you will start creating your presentation. Click here to continue reading Part 3. CristinaSkyBox. 20+ Essential Tools and Applications For Bloggers. Blogging can be quite a process. First you may have to do some research, then put your thoughts together, and of course add any necessary screenshots and images. Let’s not forget the optimization part (SEO, keywords, etc) and sharing your content on the Web so that others will read it and hopefully share it.

With all of these steps involved, blogging can be quite time-consuming and many bloggers get burnt out rather quickly doing these things on a daily basis. Lucky for us, the process doesn’t have to be so difficult anymore. Thanks to the Web and technology, there are hundreds of tools out there to assist your blogging process and make it less of a headache.

This list will take a look at some of the top tools for and applications for making blogging easier. Save Ideas for Later Tools that let you save items for later use are great time savers because you can save Web pages, images and files as you’re reading or browsing. Read-it-Later Evernote Springpad Catch Trail-Mix Diigo Blog Editors Qumana. Professional blog | 21st Century Educator. 10 reasons to get educators blogging. Blog. WikiNodes iPad app featured in iTunes App Store May 2nd, 2013 SpicyNodes is a technology with strong applications to big data. Our first proof-of-concept using SpicyNodes for browsing complex data on the iPad is the WikiNodes app. This app shows Wikipedia articles as nodes, with related articles as connected nodes. We’re excited to say that our WikiNodes app is featured this week (week of 2-May) on the banner of the U.S.

App Store for Reference (iPad). Read more about WikiNodes on the site. This is just a taste. SpicyNodes will work on mobile devices, starting with iOS November 9th, 2011 Yesterday, Adobe announced that they are stopping development of Flash Player for browsers on mobile devices. The good news for the SpicyNodes community is that our team has been working on a mobile version of SpicyNodes since early 2010! The tablet is an awesome platform for nodes. SpicyNodes wins AASL award for teaching and learning June 30th, 2011 April 27th, 2011 SpicyNodes for commerce.

The Whiteboard Blog | Supporting the use of technology in the classroom. Facebook. Mentors- Facilitators. Group News. As the date is fast approaching we thought now would be a good time to issue some further information on our interview with DfE! Our interview panel consists of a member of our Governing body, our proposed Principal Designate, and three of our company members.

Our interview slot is 90 minutes, and in this time we have to present on our evidence of demand, capability, capacity, and demonstrate our motivation for Prince’s Community School. We will then be questioned on all areas of our bid, including finance, curriculum, governance, premises, admissions, vision and ethos. The Department’s interview panel will comprise of senior officials with extensive knowledge of Free Schools policy and advisers from the fields of education, finance and business. One key area we need YOUR help with is our ‘evidence of demand’. So where do we go from here? Prince’s Community School :) Tags: Department For Education, Emma Prince, free school, Helen Prince, interview, Prince's Community School, Southend. Ten Ways To Use Your Edublog – Click play for some great ideas! | Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and institutions. 1. Share materials, news, downloads, links and more Anything that you post to your blog will instantly be accessible by your students from school and from home.

What’s more, you can easily manage who gets to access them through passwords and privacy measures. 2. Students can simply respond to blog posts and discuss topics through comments or on our simple to use forums. 3. Seamlessly produce a custom designed, finely tuned and engaging collaborative online publication by your class. 4. Always enjoyed photocopying and stapling pages and pages of newsletters on a Friday afternoon? 5. Your Edublog can be used to glue together your students’ blogs which you can quickly create, co-manage, and even edit if needed. 6.

We all love planning, right? 7. In just a couple of clicks, you can embed online videos, multimedia presentations, slideshows and more right into your Edublog posts. 8. Edublogs make it easy to organize groups by keeping everyone informed. 9. 10. Applications of Linear Algebra. How to Back-up Your Blog and Why You Should. The recent closure of, the possible shut-down of Delicious, and the recent troubles Miguel Guhlin experienced with Blogger/ Google Sites have me thinking about the importance of data portability.

The fact of the matter is, if we rely on a free web-based service we should be aware of the possibility that it could shut-down or move to a fee model at some point. To that end, we should be in the habit of periodically creating offline back-ups of our data. This is especially true if you're using a hosted blog as an online portfolio of your's or your students' work. Below you will find directions for creating offline back-ups of Blogger blogs, Edublogs blogs, and blogs. Backing-up Blogger blogs. Step 2: Select "export blog. " Step 3: Select "download blog. " In the new Blogger interface the process is the same, but the "export" link is harder to find.

Backing-up Edublogs blogs. Step 2: Open tools menu and choose export. Step 3: Download export file. Tips and Tricks: Formatting a Page. One of the most common questions we get is also one of the hardest to answer: How do I make my wiki look good? Of course there’s no one simple trick for attractive wikis. The best advice we can give you is to get in there and play with it — and to be inspired by all the wonderful wikis that your colleagues have already made. So, instead of giving you a how-to, we wanted to highlight some of the simplest tools you’ve got, and how you can use them to make your wiki shine. 1. Headings Clear, clean pages are always appealing. 2. These are all fantastic options, and tweaking them can make a huge difference to your page. You can set the Background Color the same way you chose a font color. 3. 4.

Of the simple editor tools, this is probably the one with the biggest impact. You can also change the alignment of an image. This is the heart of a wiki: simple tools that anyone can use. EdTech Insight. Education Land. Creating A Wordpress Portfolio. Bloglovin (0) Το λογισμικό διαδραστικής διαδικτυακής παρουσίασης Classroom Presenter. 50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders. Ten Free Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom | Once a Teacher…. - guest post by Karen Schweitzer Where to Find Free Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom Teachers who want to put web 2.0 technologies to work for them can find many different free options online.

There are tools for creating online classrooms, social networks, student podcasts, web-based flashcards, elearning modules, and much more. Here are 10 free web 2.0 tools for teachers to try in the classroom this year. Engrade – This popular online classroom community provides a free set of web-based tools for teachers who want to integrate web 2.0 into the classroom. Tools include an online assignment calendar, an online gradebook, an online attendance book, secure online messaging, and instant progress reports. Engrade is a great way for teachers to constantly stay in touch with students, parents, and administrators. Elgg – This social engine provides all of the tools a school or classroom needs to create their own community site or social network. Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Ozgekaraoglu - home. Εθνογραφικά | Just another site. Ιστολόγιο OS+Office. Spyros Zindros (szindros) Typepad blog. Με πολλές μέρες καθυστέρηση, παρότι πάντα βλέπω με μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον – σχεδόν φανατικά – τις ταινίες του Cameron, είδα την ταινία Avatar.

Στην τριδιάστατη έκδοσή της. Τόσο τα εφέ, όσο η μουσική, οι ηθοποιοί και το σενάριο σου χαρίζουν παραπάνω από δύο ώρες πραγματικής ψυχαγωγίας. Το σενάριο είναι εξαιρετικά απλό, οι ήρωες είναι απλώς καλοί ή κακοί, όπως σε ένα παραμύθι, και ένα συναρπαστικό παραμύθι είναι ολόκληρη η ταινία. Ένας μακρινός πλανήτης λοιπόν, η Πανδώρα, κατοικείται από πανέμορφα εξωτικά πλάσματα, τα οποία πριν από την εισβολή των ανθρώπων, ζούσαν σε έναν κόσμο απόλυτης αρμονίας, έναν κόσμο που θυμίζει το σφαίρο του Εμπεδοκλή. Η επιλογή είναι εξαιρετικά εύκολη. Στο τέλος, λοιπόν, δεν νικάνε οι λευκοί καταστρέφοντας την απέραντη ομορφιά και τελειότητα του εξωτικού πλανήτη. Είναι δύσκολο να επιστρέψεις στον πραγματικό κόσμο μετά από μια τέτοια εμπειρία. Twitter. Edublog. Synergatiko diktyo. Logos. Λύκειο ΠεδινήςLykeio Pedinis.