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La consommation de contenu vidéo sur tablettes gagne du terrain. La tablette devient de plus en plus populaire pour consommer du contenu vidéo. Une tendance qui confirme la nécessité d'adopter une approche holistique du contenu vidéo pour les producteurs et distributeurs de contenu. Grâce à la combinaison d'un écran de plus grande taille et de sa portabilité, la tablette a influencé de nombreux comportements et notamment, la consommation de vidéo. On constate en effet que les détenteurs de tablettes les utilisent de plus en plus pour regarder du contenu vidéo. Un rapport* de la plateforme de mise en ligne et de monétisation Ooyala constate que la part de consommation de vidéo sur tablettes a augmenté de 90% sur les deux derniers trimestres. Si d'après Ooyala, plusieurs événements ont pu favoriser la consommation de vidéo au cours du premier trimestre de 2012, notamment les Jeux Olympiques de Londres et l'élection présidentielle aux États-Unis, la tendance de la vidéo mobile s'est développée de façon unique, en parallèle de ces événements.

Lipdub : rendre à César. On a atteint la fin d’un mouvement par nature circulaire. Le lipdub, ce n’est pas une invention d’agences de com. Le lipdub est une création spontanée d’internautes, qui se sont découvert cette joie de doubler une parole, devant leur webcam. Ils ont mené leur économie propre, d’échange, copie, partage de cette petite émotion qui consiste à se montrer aux autres en chantant, pendant des années. Le mouvement lipdub, qui ne portait pas ce nom, mais plutôt celui de lipsync, est énorme. Il dépasse largement celui des quelques entreprises qui se sont prises à son jeu. Il a ses stars, et ses millions d’anonymes qui ont poussé la chansonnette devant l’immensité des internautes, simplement médiée par une pastille noire, la cam. Il y a d’excellents lipdubs. Mes préférés, de tous temps, sont les 2 chinese boys.

A parti d’un premier hit, ils ont refait le numéro des dizaines de fois. Il y a la version enfant. Et les ados potes qui délirent un samedi soir. Ou les Yamada sisters. Tant mieux. Mots clés: Intuimotion. Avec le picoprojecteur, la vidéo se fait de plus en plus petite et nomade - Actualité France - Monde. Des QR codes qui parlent... trop? Online Video Best Practice Guide. Overview The Online Video Best Practice Guide, extensively re-written and updated for 2014, is aimed at a wide range of marketers and content owners at all levels, who are using video as a strategic tool for marketing and sales.

The 61-page guide covers all you need to know about what's happening in online video, including best practice tips, platforms and techniques. The report is full of real, practical examples, case studies and interviews to help you with online video strategy and tactics. About this report Econsultancy's Online Video Best Practice Guide enables marketing managers, content owners and digital marketers at all levels to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by the world of online video content. The guide has been re-written and expanded to reflect the significant changes in the online video market since the last edition of this report in 2012.

About the author This report is written by leading online video strategy expert, Steffan Aquarone. 10 Of The Best Viral Video Ad Campaigns. Advertising is a very different ballgame now compared to the past. The Web has changed everything, and it’s no longer enough to just release a commercial on television and hope it resonates with the consumers being targeted. The rise of time-shifting and online video hasn’t helped either, as we’re no longer being exposed to as many ads, or being forced to sit through them, like we once were.

Thankfully all is not lost for the advertising executives and the brands they make money from promoting. They have merely had to adapt to the new reality, and create more inventive and innovative ways of getting us interested in a company or product. Rather than stand back and bemoan the Internet, many have embraced it. And that has given us some truly outstanding viral video advertising campaigns. Old Spice: Old Spice Guy Old Spice had something of an image problem prior to its ‘Old Spice Guy’ campaign. The ‘Old Spice Guy’ ads had all the ingredients necessary for a viral video hit. Dove: Evolution. Annotations YouTube. The 10 types of online video that brands should embrace with gusto.

Online video consumption has doubled in the space of a year, and this rate of growth may well continue for some time to come. It provides brands with a huge opportunity to engage consumers. Smartphone penetration has helped, though I think the real reason why online video is doing so well is linked to the ease with which videos can be shared. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are perfect for passing around videos. So what should brands be doing about this? I have 10 ideas for you to peruse, with plenty of examples, to show you what the smarter brands are doing. Branded Videos – M&S The retailer has made a significant investment into this space. Product Videos - ASOS If you work in e-commerce and haven’t yet embraced product videos then you need to schedule a meeting.

User Videos - Firebox User-generated videos filmed by customers are an incredibly compelling way of showing off a product. Sponsored Videos – Fosters / Alan Partridge Clickable Video – French Connection’s YouTique. Live from #SXSW: What really makes a video go viral? Video is one of the most powerful tools that brands have to tell their story and build a connection with their audience. But there is a common misconception that all a brand needs to do is make a video and put it online for it to go “viral.” At the South by Southwest panel “Viral is a Dirty Word,” Ogilvy’s Robert John Davis and Jeremy Sanchez explained a four-step plan for crafting videos that can draw a crowd and advance a cause or sell a product.

Have a plan. No one is going to magically stumble across a video that no one put any effort into planning and producing — much less watch and share it. Start by pulling trending words from Google and look for “trigger” terms that will help craft a message your audience will find valuable. When coming up with your concept, look to target specific groups of people, rather than try to pull off a concept you think appeals to everyone. Remember: The most important thing about a video for a brand is the “post-play interaction.”