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A Glimpse At A Workplace Of The Future: Valve. PDF/typeifororgs.pdf. Barry's Blog: Workplace Autonomy. Good morning.

Barry's Blog: Workplace Autonomy

"And the beat goes on...................... " Autonomy / Creativity / Efficiency and Productivity: Got an email from Daniel Pink with a piece from the toolkit in his new book "Drive" -- the excerpted piece entitled: "Nine Ways to Improve Your Company, Office or Group" - dealing largely with the question of workplace motivation. One interesting toolkit suggestion was to conduct a Workplace Autonomy Audit to help get an idea of how much autonomy the people in your organization really have. Here's the excerpt:"Ask everyone in your department or on your team to respond to these four questions with a numerical ranking (using a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 meaning"almost none" and 10 meaning a "huge amount".) 1.

Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation. ROWE. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] CultureRx - Official Trainers of the Results-Only Work EnvironmentWashington Post Article"video".


CNBC. Autonomy – Leading Employees into Wide Open Spaces.