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Anonymous Attacks DWP Website Over Privacy Breaches. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has seen its website taken offline thanks to a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which the Anonymous splinter group the ATeam has taken credit for.

Anonymous Attacks DWP Website Over Privacy Breaches

The ATeam said the hit was in retaliation against a Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ report, which discovered almost 1,000 DWP staff were disciplined over a 10-month period from April 2011 to January 2012 for unlawfully or inappropriately accessing social security records. Additionally, the Department of Health admitted there had been 158 reported incidents of unlawful access to medical records throughout last year. The site was disrupted today and occasionally completely down. Anonymous: 'We have access to every classified database in the US'

Anonymous Roars Back With 3GB Leak of Texas Police Chief Emails: "That stupid bitch got what she deserved" Anonymous downs government, music industry sites in largest attack ever. Can Anonymous Be Stopped? Years back, a group calling itself Anonymous first struck.

Can Anonymous Be Stopped?

It busted out a bunch of documents from the rather powerful Church of Scientology. I didn't think much of it at the time and I reckoned the Church would sue someone and its poor members would feel the wrath of the justice system in America. You know, like the student who shared 30 songs and now owes $675,000 for copyright violations. I figured somehow Anonymous would be tracked down and jailed or tortured or killed by a drone.