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First Steps Food Forest Permaculture Courses. By Dominick ter Huurne & Inke Falkner Having found the bush block we had long been searching for, a protracted settlement period gave us plenty of time to decide exactly what we wanted to do with it. At 40 hectares the property was much larger than we had ever envisaged buying, but we fell in love with the diversity of wildlife and vegetation, seduced by the possibilities it offered. Establishing an orchard was a major priority, and having recently been introduced to permaculture gave us a chance to put many ideas into practice. So, armed with a lot more enthusiasm than experience, this is how Inke and I began the transformation of one small pocket into a food forest.

The property is located in the NSW Southern Tablelands. A small area along the south western boundary was the obvious site to establish a food forest (shaded in yellow in the above photo). Contour map of the site with contours at 10m intervals. There were two obvious physical constraints on the site. Runoff from road. Permaculture Magazine - Inspiration for Sustainable Living | Permaculture Magazine. Permaculture Media Blog. Permaculture - Regenerative Leadership Institute. Greening the Desert. - Liebe Freunde der Permakultur! Der Krameterhof - Permakultur mit Sepp Holzer. Forschungsring (biologisch-dynamische Wirtschaftsweise) Startseite - Dottenfelderhof. John Seymour - Selbstversorger. Ausbildung und Werdegang[Bearbeiten] FarmFachongle Isaf, in den 1970er Jahren Wohnort von John Seymour Nach Kriegsende kehrte John Seymour zunächst nach England zurück.

Nach einem Reportage-Auftrag für die BBC in Indien ging er wieder nach Afrika. Nach der Geburt seines zweiten Kindes zog er mit seiner Familie 1957 in eine alte abgelegene Farm und begann, ausschließlich von ihren eigenen Erzeugnissen zu leben. Nach einigen Jahren zogen die Seymours nach Wales auf die Farm Fachongle Isaf. Der Selbstversorger[Bearbeiten] In den 1970er Jahren erlangte er durch seine Bücher Das große Buch vom Leben auf dem Lande und Selbstversorgung aus dem Garten große Bekanntheit. In seinen Büchern beschrieb John Seymour in für Laien verständlicher Form, wie man sowohl ein kleines Grundstück oder einen großen Hof so betreibt, dass ein möglichst geschlossener und gesunder natürlicher Kreislauf entsteht. Dieses Thema beherrscht auch den von ihm geschriebenen Roman Die Lerchen singen so schön. Zukunft1medium. Experiment Selbstversorgung. Inside Urban Green. Landshare - connecting growers to people with land to share.

What is CSA ? CSA is based on establishing a partnership between citizens and local farms that practice sustainable agriculture. Mutual engagement and exchange is the essence of CSA: the farm nourishes the people and in return people support the farm by sharing in its potential risks and benefits. Generally, the consumer’s engagement is put in place by its upfront payment and commitment for the entire season.

In this effort, consumers become «sharers» of a farm. a) Knowledge and experience What is required to start up a CSA project ? Many aspects need to be considered before launching a project. Formal schooling or training in agriculture is important but this can be partially compensated for with experience in vegetable production and/or in raising animals (livestock). B) Choosing and acquiring land Land is of course the starting point. Here are certain elements to take into consideration: