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Pain aux bananes Recettes | Ricardo. Valeur nutritive Pour 1 portion Référence Ingrédients Préparation Placer la grille au ­centre du four. Note Pour un pain aux noix et aux bananes, ajoutez 250 ml (1 tasse) de noix hachées à la recette. Gâteau Blanc Sauce Style St-Hubert. Gâteau Blanc Sauce Style St-Hubert Ingrédients: Gâteau 1 tasse (200 g) de sucre 2 oeufsDe la graisse de la grosseur d’un oeuf (mis ¼ tasse (60 g) de beurre mou) 2 tasses (270 g) de farine 2 cuil à thé (8 g) de poudre à pâte 1 tasse (250 g) de lait ½ cuil. à thé d’essence de vanille (moi, 1 cuil. à thé (5 g) ) Ingrédients: 2 tasses (400 g) de cassonade 4 cuil à table (36 g) de farine 3 cuil à table (30 g) de fécule de maïs 3 cuil à table (45 g) de beurre ( pour Kim!)

1 1/2 tasse (375 g) de lait (moi 1 tasse lait 2 % (250 g) + ½ tasse (125 g) crème 15%) 1 cuil à thé (5 g) d’essence de vanille Instructions: Préchauffer le four à 350°F. Mettre une feuille de papier parchemin au fond d’un moule de 8 X 8 po. ou 9 X 9 po. (J’ai légèrement graissé et enfariné le moule). Dans un petit chaudron, mélanger la cassonade, la farine et la fécule. Cuire sur feu doux le temps de laisser épaissir la sauce. Source: Dans la cuisine de Blanc-manger - Gâteau Blanc Sauce Style St-Hubert Que pensez-vous de cette recette? Gâteau blanc. Juste parce que ma maison est toute blanche, que ma garde-robe déborde de blanc et que cette couleur est tout simplement ma préférée de toutes, j’ai décidé de créer une recette toute blanche. Faut pas chercher plus loin. Ça s’est quand même transformé en petit défi parce que plusieurs éléments que je mets systématiquement dans mes gâteaux (jaunes d’œufs, extrait de vanille, etc.) rendent l’apparence un peu plus foncée.

Après quatre essais et erreurs, voici le résultat dont je suis particulièrement fière parce que chaque bouchée justifie le temps que j’ai perdu pris pour mesurer la quantité de blancs d’œufs que j’allais devoir mettre pour équivaloir à deux œufs entiers, pour déterminer le temps de cuisson parfait et pour retourner acheter certains ingrédients gaspillés, surtout mon petit pot d’extrait d’amande qui coûte si cher. Bref, la madame est bien contente. Bouchées de gâteaux aux carottes. Glaçage au fromage à la crème PHILADELPHIA. Recette Gâteau blanc. Des collations santé. Pouding au sucre à la crème Recettes. Pouding chômeur traditionnel Recettes. Référence Ingrédients Préparation Tapisser une grande assiette de pellicule de plastique. Dans un bol, tamiser la farine et la poudre à pâte.

Réserver. Note Pourquoi placer d'abord la pâte dans une assiette au réfrigérateur ? Truffes au chocolat | Mes recettes... Pouding chômeur à l'érable Recettes. Petite leçon de cheesecake. Petite leçon de cheesecake Aujourd’hui, point de recette mais un concept. Vous avez noté que je frôle l’obsession avec les cheesecake… Parfois je me demande s’il ne faudrait pas que je me fasse soigner ! ;) Mais c’est comme ça : j’ai toujours de nouvelles idées, de nouvelles envies… et comme mes amis sont généralement d’excellents cobayes en matière de cheesecake, qu’ils vont jusqu’à m’en demander « Encore ! » ou « Un autre! En fait, le truc, c’est que le cheesecake, une fois que l’on a compris le concept, c’est déclinable à l’infini.

Ce que je veux dire c’est que l’on n’a pas besoin de recette en tant que tel pour faire un cheesecake : il faut juste les notions de base et l’imagination du moment… Ce post sera sans doute inutile pour les personnes qui ont déjà fait un cheesecake et qui maîtrisent la recette, mais comme je reçois régulièrement des mails-questions au sujet des cheesecake... ça servira peut-être à ceux qui souhaitent se lancer... Préambule : Cheesecake, qu’est ce que c’est ? Sweet Tooth. Butterbeer Cupcakes. As promised last week, here is another post dedicated to my jaunt to sunny Florida. But instead of featuring their famous fruit, this time I’m focusing one of their famous attractions — The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Last spring we spent our entire trip at Disney World (as evidenced by my Mickey Cupcakes), but since then Universal has opened Harry Potter land, and so Ryan, my brother Scott, and I had a reason to go back in 2011.

I’ve always loved Island of Adventures because of their really great roller coasters, but now with this whimsical addition, the park is even more of a “must see” in Orlando. I had seen these cupcakes on Amy Bites before we left, and knew I’d want to give them a try after I had sampled “real” Butterbeer at the park and as a way to celebrate our trip. We really enjoyed their rendition of Diagon Alley and Hogwart’s — the buildings were kind of tilted in towards the walkway so you really felt like you were there.

For the cupcakes: For the buttercream frosting: Monkey Bread Muffins. This Northeastern blizzard might have ruined some of our holiday travel plans, but I’ve enjoyed the time stuck inside in our apartment, winding down from the holidays and getting my life organized again. Of course that also means facing the work I’ll have to do during my 2 weeks off from school, but we’re going to continue to ignore that for now. Nothing beats being snuggled up inside while it snows, watching movies, and munching on warm homemade muffins. If you’re in a similar situation, I highly suggest making these Monkey Bread Muffins.

Granted I have a hard time calling these muffins, they’re really more like buttery baked donuts piled inside a muffin liner, but tis the season to be indulgent. This would also be a great project to do with kids — plus you could use a few extra hands rolling all the little balls of dough. Recipe yields 12 muffins. Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie Sandwiches. Posts like these are what I love most about this little blog of mine. The creative process involved with developing recipe ideas is extremely rewarding – and it’s such a great escape from my left-brain dominant days in dental school. The process for these cookies went something like this: a few years ago I came across the method of forming sugar cookie dough into a loaf form and then cutting little slices to look like bread.

Then at some later time I thought, hmm what if I used peanut butter flavored dough. And filled them with jelly. And then maybe I could use food coloring to paint on “crusts”! And all of this is eventually followed by giggles and giddy dancing that Ryan gets the privilege of witnessing every so often. I truly was giddy after finishing this batch of cookies – they are so freaking cute and everything I hoped they would be as I was dreaming them up! Print Recipe Save Recipe Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie Sandwiches Yield: ~ 20 sandwich cookies Ingredients: Directions: Cinnamon Rolls 101. Hey! I have a great idea. Why not start a holiday tradition of delivering these delicious cinnamon rolls to your friends and cohorts?

Growing up, my mom always made them for her good friends at Christmastime, and you could literally hear the primal groans of pure joy rising from the rooftops of our town. I’ve carried on the tradition through the years and have won friends and influenced people just by delivering these rolls. They really are that good. A warning. Let’s start by making the dough. Mix 1 quart of whole milk, 1 cup of vegetable oil, and 1 cup of sugar in a pan. When the mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in 2 packages Active Dry Yeast. Let this sit for a minute so the yeast gets all warm and moist and happy.

Then add 8 cups of all-purpose flour. Stir mixture together. After an hour, the dough will look like this. Now add 1 more cup of flour… 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder… And 1 "scant" (less than a full) teaspoon baking soda and 1 heaping tablespoon of salt. Cinnamon Sugar Churros. Keeping with the Mexican theme going on here, I’ve decided to share with you one of my proudest recent accomplishments: CHURROS! I conquered my fear of frying in hot oil, and feel quite silly for not trying this sooner. Sure it was slightly terrifying at times, but with Ryan’s help and just a little screaming, we made it out with no injuries and with some really freakin’ delicious churros. Ryan doesn’t crave sweet things quite like I do, but he practically begged me the entire summer to make churros.

Last week we decided to have some friends over for taco night, and I chose this as the perfect opportunity to finally appease the boyfriend. Plus with our guests there, I was sure to have enough moral support to make it through the hot oil adventure. I know a lot of people that are scared to use hot oil, like I was, but please, please, give this a try! - In a small dish, mix 1/4 cup sugar and cinnamon. Recipes yields about 20 churros. S'mores Cookies. I LOVE pot-luck dinner parties — especially when the instructions from the hostess ask that each attendee bring their own bottle of wine. This was the case last weekend when I was in NYC with a group of my best friends from college. Three out of the five of us at the party have food blogs (T and M), so you can imagine how excited we all were to get together to cook and above all, eat!

Obviously I grabbed the dessert course, and turned to this cookie recipe I had been drooling over from Lovin from the Oven. Since I was traveling from CT, I prepared the dry mix ahead of time to bring with me, and was able to whip up the dough while Tyla and Marissa were making dinner. To say these cookies were delicious does not do them justice – they were AMAZING. S’mores CookiesAdapted from Lovin’ From the Oven Recipe yields about 3 dozen cookies. Brioches à la cannelle (et à la pomme de terre) Recettes.

Valeur nutritive Référence Ingrédients Préparation Brioches Dans une petite casserole d’eau bouillante, cuire la pomme de terre jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit tendre. Égoutter, peler et piler la pomme de terre à l’aide d’un pressepurée ou d’un pilon. Vous aurez besoin de 250 ml (1 tasse) de purée de pommes de terre. Garniture Dans un bol, mélanger la cassonade et la cannelle. Glaçage (facultatif) Dans un bol, mélanger le sucre et le lait jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit homogène. Note Pour les préparer la veille Il suffit de couvrir d'une pellicule de plastique le plat en pyrex contenant les brioches non levées et de le réfrigérer jusqu'au lendemain.

Bob le Chef Croustade aux pommes #ViteFaitBienFait » Bob le Chef. Easy Apple Crisp from Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa at the Disneyland Resort. Recette de Petits gâteaux « Red Velvet » sur kraftcanada. Recette de Biscuits-gâteaux Velours rouge sur kraftcanada. French Toast Bake. Last weekend I made a French Toast Bake for a bridal shower brunch. I love this recipe because it is so easy (Fia could do this by herself), economical (most expensive ingredient was the Texas Toast at $2), & oh-so-delicious!

The best part is that it is made the day before so there is no fuss on the day you consume it....perfect for a Sunday afternoon or brunch. This food post will be step-by-step as I take you through the entire recipe with I like to make my own tweeks & people get mad at me for not telling them EXACTLY what I did. *My additions to the recipe will be in red* Before I begin....I must note that I was making a double batch (two 9 x 13 pans) so the pictures have double the ingredients. The recipe listed below is for 1 pan (9 x 13). ** For those who are not familiar with Texas Toast, it is thickly sliced bread. Ingredient Checklist 1/2 cup melted butter (1 stick) 1 cup brown sugar 1 loaf Texas toast 4 eggs 1 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Pouding chômeur à l'érable à la mijoteuse Recettes. Ingrédients Préparation Dans une casserole, porter à ébullition le sirop d'érable et la crème. Verser dans le récipient de la mijoteuse. Dans un bol, mélanger la farine, la poudre à pâte et le sel. Réserver. Note Pourquoi cuire un pouding chômeur à la mijoteuse?