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Règlement Européen sur les semences. What Does 400 ppm Look Like? As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, scientists look back four million years for answers on what to expect from climate The Pliocene is the geologic era between five million and three million years ago.

What Does 400 ppm Look Like?

Scientists have come to regard it as the most recent period in history when the atmosphere’s heat-trapping ability was as it is now and thus as our guide for things to come. Recent estimates suggest CO2 levels reached as much as 415 parts per million (ppm) during the Pliocene. With that came global average temperatures that eventually reached 3 or 4 degrees C (5.4-7.2 degrees F) higher than today’s and as much as 10 degrees C (18 degrees F) warmer at the poles. Sea level ranged between five and 40 meters (16 to 131 feet) higher than today. As for what life was like then, scientists rely on fossil records to recreate where plants and animals lived and in what quantity. Canadian glaciers face 'big losses' 7 March 2013Last updated at 15:34 GMT By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News The glaciers and ice caps of the archipelago cover some 146,000 square km The glaciers of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago will undergo a dramatic retreat this century if warming projections hold true.

Canadian glaciers face 'big losses'

A new study suggests the region's ice fields could lose perhaps as much as a fifth of their volume. Such a melt would add 3.5cm to the height of the world's oceans. The assessment is reported in the Geophysical Research Letters journal. "This is a very important part of the world where there has already been a lot of change," said lead author Jan Lenaerts from Utrecht University, Netherlands. "And it is all the more important that we talk about it because it has been somewhat overshadowed by all the news of Greenland and Antarctica," he told BBC News.

The Canadian Arctic Archipelago is a vast area, comprising some 36,000 islands. Current data indicates all this ice is already thinning at a rapid rate. Keystone pipeline: House votes to bypass Obama. Congress has voted to shut Barack Obama out of the biggest environmental decision of his presidency – the fate of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline – and claimed the authority to approve the project. The vote to approve the pipeline, which passed 241-175 in the Republican-controlled house, was pure political theatre.

The measure would dispense with additional environmental reviews of the pipeline and would allow only 60 days for legal challenges. The bill was unlikely to pass in the Senate and the White House said on Tuesday it would veto any measure that attempted to bypass the current permit process. But the vote – the seventh time Republicans in Congress have voted to speed up or approve Keystone – keeps up the pressure on Obama to approve the project. It also gave Republicans an opening to opine about high prices at the pump ahead of the Memorial Day holiday, when many people go away for the weekend. All but one Republican member of Congress voted in favour of the bill. “Five years! EU summit set to turn climate agenda upside down.

Record 400ppm CO2 milestone 'feels like we're moving into another era' When the history of humanity's struggle to combat climate change is written, few characters will play as prominent a role as Charles David Keeling.

Record 400ppm CO2 milestone 'feels like we're moving into another era'

A geochemist, Keeling developed an accurate method of measuring CO2 in the atmosphere, and in 1958 began recording background levels of the gas at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. That was the start of the famous Keeling Curve, which has tracked the steady rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Those levels have soared from 315 parts per million when Keeling began, to a grim milestone reached last week, as atmospheric concentrations exceeded 400 parts per million.

Keeling's son, Ralph, is now the director of the California-based Scripps CO2 Program, which was founded by his father and which recently launched a Web site designed to let the public follow the unsettling rise in carbon dioxide emissions. Ralph Keeling: Well, people like round numbers, and they remember round numbers. e360: Let me ask you some questions about your father. Invasive ladybirds wage 'biological war' on natives. German researchers have discovered the biological keys to the success of an invasive species, wreaking havoc across Europe and the US, The Asian ladybird was originally brought in to control aphids in greenhouses.

Invasive ladybirds wage 'biological war' on natives

But it has escaped and is increasing uncontrollably across Europe, wiping out native species. The alien is winning, say scientists, because its body fluid contains a parasite toxic to other insects. The research is published in the Journal, Science. Quand les investisseurs s’estiment « expropriés » par les réglementations environnementales et sociales - Loi néolibérale. Hurricane Sandy Six Months Later—By the Numbers.

Six months later, the cleanup from Hurricane Sandy is still a work in progress.

Hurricane Sandy Six Months Later—By the Numbers

The Storm that caused some $50 billion in damage and killed 159 people has not been forgotten by those along the east coast. The following is a snapshot of Hurricane Sandy by the numbers. From the Property Casualty Insurers of America: The following is a list of allocated funds by the Department of Interior. The complete list of approved projects can be viewed here. $42.35 million: The amount New Jersey will receive from the Department of Interior. Via Dolorosa. Corruption and short-termism are pushing us along the path of sorrows.

Via Dolorosa

By George Monbiot, published on the Guardian’s website, 10th May 2013. Vagues de glace dans les Grands Lacs, "un phénomène exceptionnel" Partager Un bloc de glace qui donne l'impression d'être vivant et de grignoter la terre, petit à petit.

Vagues de glace dans les Grands Lacs, "un phénomène exceptionnel"

Les images en provenance de la frontière entre les Etats-Unis et le Canada, dans la région des Grands Lacs, sont impressionnantes. La vague de glace a même détruit plusieurs maisons, samedi 11 mai. Francetv info a demandé à Etienne Kapikian, ingénieur prévisionniste à Météo France, de lui expliquer ces manifestations. Francetv info : Ce phénomène a-t-il un nom ? La crise climatique s'installe. Les images inquiétantes de 30 ans d'impact de l'homme sur la Terre. Les images font froid dans le dos.

Les images inquiétantes de 30 ans d'impact de l'homme sur la Terre

Règlement Européen sur les semences : La biodiversité mise sous contrôle pour ouvrir le marché aux brevets. Réseau Semences Paysannes La Commission Européenne a adopté lundi 6 mai trois nouveaux règlements sur les semences, la santé des plantes et les contrôles, désormais soumis au Parlement et au Conseil européens.

Règlement Européen sur les semences : La biodiversité mise sous contrôle pour ouvrir le marché aux brevets

"Le réchauffement continu de la basse atmosphère reste inquiétant" > Environnement. "2012 a rejoint les dix années précédentes dans le classement des années les plus chaudes jamais observées, malgré l'influence, en début de période, du phénomène La Niña qui a normalement pour effet de refroidir le climat" a indiqué l'Organisation météorologique mondiale sur l'état du climat mondial.

"Le réchauffement continu de la basse atmosphère reste inquiétant" > Environnement

Seed diversity under threat – Step closer to destruction of agricultural and horticultural seed diversity in Europe! The EU directives on the marketing of seeds and plant propagating material are currently being reviewed in Brussels. The new regulation threatens rare varieties and farmers’ varieties. Non-commercial varieties are under particular threat of extinction, as the new regulation foresees that the exchange of seeds will become illegal for different kind of actors. This would harm small-scale farmers and local producers. On the other hand, industrial seed companies would extend their dominance. Changement Climatique » Compteur Kyoto. Que représentent ces valeurs ? Début 2007, le coût estimé dépasse 220 milliards €. Cela représente environ.

VIDEO. Réchauffement : record inquiétant de la fonte des glaces en 2012 - Environnement. SUPERSCIENCE 5_9 - la fonte des glaces (1_3) - 2008. SUPERSCIENCE 5_9 - la fonte des glaces (2_3) - 2008. SUPERSCIENCE 5_9 - la fonte des glaces (3_3) - 2008. Vives inquiétudes autour d'une unité de mesure du réchauffement climatique. Tout comme l'échelle de Richter permet de mesurer les magnitudes d'un séisme, "la courbe de Keeling" – du nom du scientifique américain Charles Keeling – évalue le réchauffement de la planète par le taux d'émission de CO2 dans l'air.

Le célèbre instrument de mesure est en passe d'atteindre un nouveau cap, puisqu'il risque de dépasser les 400 ppm (parties par millions), à savoir le plus fort taux de concentration de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère jamais enregistré à ce jour. "Ce seuil de 400 ppm a le même type de signification qu'un indice boursier" qui dépasserait un niveau symbolique, explique à l'AFP Ralph Keeling, qui poursuit les travaux de son père. "Il est d'abord important pour la perception que les hommes ont du changement en cours.

C'est un jalon", estime-t-il. Depuis les premières mesures, établies à 316 ppm, la courbe croit sans discontinuité. Lire notre article : "En Europe, les vignerons s'adaptent déjà au changement climatique"