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Create free online video, photo and music mashups. Social Media Addicts Association Meeting. Video: UDL Panel 2. CAST UDL Lesson Builder. The Committed Sardine - blog list. Discover what your digital footprint says about you. Does your digital footprint convey the message you want? If you don't know you should spend time figuring this out. In the 21st century our digital footprint conveys an important image and people should know what that is. Below are ideas that will enable you to explore and consider if your digital footprint conveys the message you want to share with the world. It will also give you ideas for activities you can do with your students so they can do the same. General Internet Footprint Here are some basics to get you started in discovering what your general footprint is on the internet.

Google yourself. 58 Interesting Ways* to use an iPad in the Classroom.ppt. Blog Tool and Publishing Platform. Create your free Blog. BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. The Gateway to 21st Century Skills.