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Leading Virtual Teams to Real Results - Jeanne C Meister and Karie Willyerd. By Jeanne C Meister and Karie Willyerd | 11:23 AM June 30, 2010 If a leader is like a conductor, as Peter Drucker said, then are virtual leaders like virtual conductors? In this video, Eric Whitacre conducts a virtual choir in a performance of “Lux Aurumque.” This moving virtual symphony, a collaboration between more than 185 singers from 12 countries, has been viewed more than a million times since it was uploaded in March. As Whitacre describes in his blog, “I made my own conductor track, filming it in complete silence, hearing the music only in my head. Then I watched the video and played in the piano accompaniment part to my conductor track.

Then I offered the sheet music as a free download. “There is a lot of rubato in my conducting (slowing down, speeding up) and some very specific dynamic gestures. The reality of virtual leadership is apparent. Bob Taccini, a 52-year-old vice president of finance at Cisco Systems, has faced this situation personally. TrendBook 2012 już dostępny! :) : Kategoria: INTERNET3 kwietnia 2012 • 10 komentarzy Wydany przeze mnie w ubiegłym roku TrendBook 2011 cieszył się ogromną popularnością. Pracując wtedy nad nim, robiłam to – poniekąd – dla siebie. Brakowało mi bowiem polskiego kompendium dotyczącego najważniejszych trendów w danym roku. Po publikacji okazało się jednak, że ten brak odczuwałam nie tylko ja. W tym roku trendów jest pięć i – podobnie jak w ubiegłym roku – krążą wokół społeczności oraz nowych technologii. Tradycyjnie też w TrendBooku2012 znajdziecie suplement – opis dwunastu głównych zjawisk zachodzących w zachowaniach ludzi pod wpływem zmian technologicznych (Koniec starego świata, opracowanie Tadeusz Żórawski, Universal McCann).

Raport w całości dostępny jest za darmo, ale – podobnie jak w ubiegłym roku – w ramach usługi Pay with a Tweet/ Pay with a Post. Zapraszam do lektury! Zapraszam do pobrania pełnej wersji TrendBook 2012. Remote Leadership: Meeting the Challenge of Working for a Virtual Boss - Michael Watkins. By Michael Watkins | 1:45 PM July 20, 2007 More and more leaders are finding themselves in virtual boss/direct report relationships. Separated in space and often in time (zones), they struggle to communicate effectively, stay aligned, and achieve desired goals. It’s all too easy for difficult-to-close gaps to open up when you are working virtually — in assessments, priorities, and expectations. Keeping this from happening is the central challenge of remote leadership. Dictionaries list two quite distinct definitions for the word “remote,” both of which can apply to the challenge of dealing with a virtual boss.

One meaning is “operating effectively from a distance,” for example using a remote control. This is of course the primary objective in a virtual boss-subordinate relationship: to have coordination and control work as well from a distance as it does up close. The other, less benign, meaning of “remote” is “distant or unapproachable.”

What does it take to make remote leadership work? Andrew Froehlich - Problems With Virtual Meetings. Connected World Technology Report. The Days of "Manager Knows Best" Are Ending - Sujai Hajela.

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