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Comment les consommateurs feront-ils leurs courses demain ? Resources for Modern Marketers. Marketing Profs published a great resource for modern marketers who want to understand where their attention is best spent.

Resources for Modern Marketers

Titled “Digital Marketers on Twitter: What They Share, Whom They Retweet” and based on research by Leadtail and Netbase, it’s a handy post that bubbles up the best resources based on which are shared most often, and by whom. When it comes to industry media, (about 35% of the links shared overall), I’m thrilled to see that Social Media Today , an amazing aggregate resource of “The World’s Best Thinkers on Social Media”, is in the Top 10, neatly sandwiched between the estimable Venture Beat and The Next Web .

I’m doubly thrilled because not only do I sit on the advisory board of SMT, but I’ve also been lucky enough to moderate their Best Thinkers webinar series for the last couple of years; something I enjoy tremendously, and which allows me return to my roots in journalism, if only for an hour every week or so. Connect: Guide pratique 5 les outils et applications indispensables pour v... Bud Caddell, Consultant / speaker / blogger at Self employed. Social Media Marketeers. Our exclusive provide guidance on what to do and what not to do in a range of Social Media disciplines. They will help you to avoid costly mistakes whilst also introducing you to some of the best practices adopted by Social Media Champions.

We are offering these to you individually or you have the option to of buying the complete set for just $9 {*style:<ul style="padding-left:20px;"><li> <h3 style="margin-bottom:-8px;">The 8 Biggest CPA Mistakes </h3> Click per Action Marketeers Blueprint <h3 style="margin-bottom:-8px;">How to Become a Master of Video Marketing </h3> Cours en e-marketing en libre accès. Cours en marketing digital en libre accès Cours en marketing digital en libre accès <A HREF="</A>

cours en e-marketing en libre accès

Cours en e-marketing en libre accès. Guides Facebook et Twitter pour communiquer. Le centre de ressources d’ARDESI (agence régionale du numérique en Midi-Pyrénées) propose nouvellement 2 guides pratiques à destination prioritaire des collectivités territoriales et des institutions (mais adaptables aux entreprises et aux associations) sur l’optimisation d’une stratégie de communication via les réseaux sociaux : Fiche pratique : Twitter, le média de l’instantané (10 pages, en pdf) et Facebook et Twitter : booster sa communication digitale (102 pages, en pdf). 2 guides avec méthodologie et bonnes pratiques Ces 2 guides pratiques comprennent méthodologie, exemples de bonnes pratiques, conseils pour dialoguer, échanger et communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux, mais aussi y affirmer une présence stratégique et faire passer des messages de façon efficiente.

Guides Facebook et Twitter pour communiquer

L’évaluation de projets de stratégies de communication sur les médias sociaux fait également l’objet d’une attention particulière au sein de ces 2 dossiers. Use Big Data to Predict Your Customers' Behaviors - Jeffrey F. Rayport. By Jeffrey F.

Use Big Data to Predict Your Customers' Behaviors - Jeffrey F. Rayport

Rayport | 10:00 AM September 5, 2012 “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” So said Yogi Berra, baseball great and amateur philosopher. Sensible (and amusing) as it sounds, his dictum no longer rings true. The Age of Big Data has arrived — and, with it, the ability to predict the future is increasingly a part of a new business reality. Advantage lies in a capacity to predict the future before your rivals can — whether they’re companies or criminals. The beauty of such Big Data applications is that they can process Web-based text, digital images, and online video. For example, retailers like Wal-Mart and Kohl’s are making use of sales, pricing, and economic data, combined with demographic and weather data, to fine-tune merchandising store by store and anticipate appropriate timing of store sales.

Much of the data organizations are crunching is human-generated. The net of all this is hardly a cold quantitative world. More >> Urban Planning the Customer Experience. Have you ever thought about what it would be like as an urban planner?

Urban Planning the Customer Experience

I’m sort of fascinated by the subject, partially because I’m totally enamored with our home community of Oak Park, Illinois. Oak Park, early in the suburban sprawl that defined the landscape of America, was a somewhat planned community. Parks, schools, retail and housing were carefully considered. I am fairly certain it is impossible to live here without being within comfortable walking distance of a park. Plus, thanks to the consideration and action of a few very smart (and not to mention brave) people, Oak Park is a diverse community BY DESIGN, thanks to founding and continued dedication of the Oak Park Regional Housing Center in 1972. Thinking about this recently, I realized we selected Oak Park as the place to raise our families because, for our needs, it provided the best customer experience.

It had to be close enough to the city of Chicago that we didn’t feel like we lived elsewhere. Marketing Automation.