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The Long War Journal. Counterterrorism Blog. Global Guerrillas. Tesla's autopilot went live a couple of weeks ago (it's one of the first car brands to do this). Unlike the autopilots and cruise controls of the past, it's an autonomous system. This means it isn't limited to the capabilities you get when you pop it out of the box. It gets better as you train it and provide it with experience.

Tesla's AP Here's some first hand feedback from Tesla drivers on how fast the autopilot is learning: So far I have a little over 300 miles on autopilot, mostly 20 miles at a time on my commute to and from work. Here's another driver training the autopilot to navigate tight S turns: I noticed that on sharply curved ramp connecting I-80 west with CA-113 north in Davis, the first time it took the curve at full speed and wasn't able to stay in lane resulting in a "take control immediately" alert. Here's another: AP is definitely is learning. These drivers aren't alone. Here's a heads up 0n what this means... That approach is on the way out. Note the Animation Sincerely, Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis. Forex Street. The Foreign Exchange Market. Steve Keen's Debtwatch.

I’ve attended two con­fer­ences in two days where both the power and the impo­tence of the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank (EBC) have been on vivid display. Its polit­i­cal power is con­sid­er­able, both in form and in sub­stance. At both sem­i­nars, the ECB speaker—ECB Board mem­ber Peter Praet at the first, and ECB Pres­i­dent Mario Draghi at the second—spoke first, and then left. In form, the ECB has no need to defend its poli­cies because it is unim­peach­able in its exe­cu­tion of them. In sub­stance, it does not even con­sid­er­ing engag­ing with its subjects—I use the word deliberately—in open and robust discussion. The posi­tion of the econ­omy in the envi­ron­ment is a shared blindspot in eco­nom­ics: no exist­ing school han­dles the topic well, and yet this is the key issue we need to under­stand. Click here for the Pow­er­point slides. Per­ma­nent link to this post (73 words, esti­mated 18 secs read­ing time) Click here to down­load the Pow­er­point slides.

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