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Brio. Focus / Start Your Head with transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) One rat brain 'talks' to another using electronic link. 28 February 2013Last updated at 10:33 ET By Jen Whyntie BBC Radio Science Unit Brain signals about completing a simple task were transmitted from one rat to another Scientists have connected the brains of lab rats, allowing one to communicate directly to another via cables.

One rat brain 'talks' to another using electronic link

Long-term wireless, implantable brain-computer interface in Pigs and Monkeys. Researchers at Brown University have succeeded in creating the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable, long-term brain-computer interface.

Long-term wireless, implantable brain-computer interface in Pigs and Monkeys

The wireless BCIs have been implanted in pigs and monkeys for over 13 months without issue, and human subjects are next. Inside there’s a li-ion battery, an inductive (wireless) charging loop, a chip that digitizes the signals from your brain, and an antenna for transmitting those neural spikes to a nearby computer. The BCI is connected to a small chip with 100 electrodes protruding from it, which, in this study, was embedded in the somatosensory cortex or motor cortex.