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Slavoj Žižek: Why 'Political Correctness' Gets In Its Own Way. By Big Think Editors Don't get Slavoj Žižek wrong.

Slavoj Žižek: Why 'Political Correctness' Gets In Its Own Way

The famous philosopher, featured on Big Think last week in an interview about political correctness, doesn't find fault in being polite or respecting people who are different. He does not advocate for hate. He agrees a state of political correctness is better than open racism or discrimination. That said, Žižek decries political correctness for two main reasons. You can watch the interview below: The world will only get weirder. Another month, another terrible and bizarre aircraft incident.

The world will only get weirder

As far as the media are reporting, Andreas Lubitz decided it would be a great idea to fly a fully functional A320 in to the side of a mountain and kill 150 people a few days ago. Six months ago a fully functioning 777 was flown in to the sea wall at SFO. A year ago a fully functioning 777 made some interesting maneuvers and disappeared in the South Indian Ocean with 239 people on board. Reading The Bible Like We Read The Quran. (Credit: Patrick Feller, Flickr) Only 0.6% of the population in the United States is Muslim.

Reading The Bible Like We Read The Quran

Most of us in the 99% haven’t even held a Quran in our hands. Yet, remarkably, we are a country full of Islamic experts; many of whom are self-professed Christians. A Philosophy Of Human Life. NASA’s Kon-Tiki Moment. The Civic Minimum. [Image: From Gravesend—The Death of Community by Chris Clarke].

The Civic Minimum

Gravesend is a suburb east of London, hosting on its own eastern edge something of a secondary suburb: a mysterious town on the edge of town that turns out not to be a town at all. It is a simulated English village built in 2003 by the Metropolitan Police working with Equion Facilities Management and a firm called Advanced Interactive Systems (AIS). The barren streets and hollow buildings of this militarized non-place were designed for use as an immersive staging ground for police-training exercises, fighting staged riots, burglaries, bank robberies, and other crimes. Breathtaking.jpg (JPEG Image, 550 × 839 pixels) - Scaled (52%) Imagination Fornication: How Ideas Have Sex. Let’s start with a quote from the brilliant Jason Silva: “We still imprint ourselves on each other, but today we mark our territory with ‘ideas’ and ‘influence.’

We use language not to charm each other into bed, but to capture a vote, a ‘like’ or a ‘follow.’ We orgasm in 140 characters.” The world is made of language, and we live in the “condensations of our imaginations”, as Terence McKenna articulated. The amount at which that condensation drips into the world around us has been mediated by the lag time that lies within our flirtatious and creative use of linguistic seeds.

These memes penetrate and spread through a womb of syntactical ovulation, gestating and birthing technological children, whom evolve and mature into cell phones, automobiles, airplanes and space stations. The ability to write this sentence is directly affected by the environment in which these thoughts and ideas exist. The Merry Pranksters Who Hacked the Afghan War - For a long time, the Taj Guest House was about the only place you could get a beer in Jalalabad.

The Merry Pranksters Who Hacked the Afghan War -

The provincial capital, about 30 miles from the infamous mountains of Tora Bora, has been the main staging ground for U.S. -led forces in the eastern part of Afghanistan since the early days of the war. When I showed up in the city in November 2011 to report on the propaganda efforts of a franchising Taliban, I found myself at the Taj. Infinity Imagined. The Conspiracy Theory Flowchart "THEY" Don't Want You To See. Thinking, Fast and Slow. Thinking, Fast and Slow is a best-selling[1] 2011 book by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics winner Daniel Kahneman which summarizes research that he conducted over decades, often in collaboration with Amos Tversky.[2][3] It covers all three phases of his career: his early days working on cognitive biases, his work on prospect theory, and his later work on happiness.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

The book's central thesis is a dichotomy between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The book delineates cognitive biases associated with each type of thinking, starting with Kahneman's own research on loss aversion. Existence According To Bone - Mind Blown In 3....2....1.... +155 more posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:49 AM.

Existence According To Bone - Mind Blown In 3....2....1....

Birds and Dinosaurs. Immortalism: Ernest Becker and Alan Harrington on Overcoming Biological Limitations. Jason Silva September 4, 2009.

Immortalism: Ernest Becker and Alan Harrington on Overcoming Biological Limitations


The Meme Generation. Searching for love - Vol. 26, Part 2 ( February 2013) Robert J.

Searching for love - Vol. 26, Part 2 ( February 2013)

Sternberg on the stages of his quest to understand what bonds us together [NOTE: Download PDF version for tables etc] Love perhaps best can be seen as a sort of a prism – looking at it in different ways reveals different faces of the same phenomenon. Anthropology Inc. - Graeme Wood. Forget online surveys and dinnertime robo-calls.

Anthropology Inc. - Graeme Wood

A consulting firm called ReD is at the forefront of a new trend in market research, treating the everyday lives of consumers as a subject worthy of social-science scrutiny. On behalf of its corporate clients, ReD will uncover your deepest needs, fears, and desires. Viktor Koen.


People. Society. Courses. The Inaugural Course of The Floating University Watch this video overview of Great Big Ideas. The Floating University e-learning platform is fully compatible with the iPad. Duration: 12 lessons (40-60 mins per lesson) 6-Month Subscription: $199 Course Overview Great Big Ideas delivers the key takeaways of an entire undergraduate education. A wide range of subjects are covered including Psychology, Economics, Biomedical Research, Linguistics, History, Political Philosophy, Globalization, Investing and more. Individual learners will find all Great Big Ideas course materials and discussions presented in an intuitive, self-guided format on our exclusive e-learning platform.

Who Should Take Great Big Ideas? Great Big Ideas will benefit a wide variety of students. The course is also ideal for learners of any age who wish to gain access to the country’s top academics and develop their problem solving skills and innovative faculties. Seeing psychology everywhere: The case of Gangnam Style. This semester, I’m teaching Intro to Social Psychology — which I pretty much see as an excuse to share my joint obsessions with social psychology and pop culture with a group of one hundred 18-to-21-year-olds who essentially have to be my captive audience. Last week, I asked my students to watch the viral video “Gangnam Style” by Korean pop sensation Psy and come up with ways to use anything we’ve learned in the course so far to explain any aspect of the video.

Because I have an awesome group of students, I got some really interesting and creative answers! Nipples And The Presentation Of Femininity. Originally posted in 2009. Re-posted in honor of Women’s History Month. I still remember when the female characters on the sitcom Friends started the trend of visible nipples: 1097.PDF - 1097.pdf. Google's Glass Castle: The Rise and Fear of a Transhuman Future. This is Your Military on Drugs. These Nike Free 5.0 Shoes Are Like Chinese Finger Traps for Your Feet. La Peste « Electron Dance.