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Educational Apps. Empty Tabs. Gone: How Mental Illness Derailed the Career of a Promising Young Skateboarder. Paul Alexander was a young British skateboarder full of charisma and drive. His talent won him a cover of Sidewalk magazine, opportunities of sponsorship, and the chance to travel with his board. After a move from Leicester to Bristol in his late teens, he started living with pro skateboarder Danny Wainwright and became engulfed in the fun, responsibility-free lifestyle that came with his chosen p...

Paul Alexander was a young British skateboarder full of charisma and drive. His talent won him a cover of Sidewalk magazine, opportunities of sponsorship, and the chance to travel with his board. Paul seemed destined for success, but then something happened and he started acting differently, claiming that the police were after him and that a film of his life was being made when none of his friends could see any cameras. This is his story, directed by his friend, Tim Crawley. UI Prototyping Tool Made Beautiful - Create Interactive Wireframes & High Fidelity Prototypes.

iMazing | iPhone, iPad & iPod Manager for PC & Mac. Transfer, Copy, Backup Music, Files, Apps & Messages. (was DiskAid) [TUTORIAL] Make Video Glitch Art: How to Datamosh, in Plain English - Glitchet Software / Hardware Art Forum. Learn how to make video glitch art by datamoshing with a variety of tools. This is a great introduction to datamoshing for beginners! What’s datamoshing? This is datamoshing: Jim Carrey2 Miley Cyrus Datamosh Parody (NSFW video)12 Exploding people1 In plain English, datamoshing is an umbrella term for an array of cool effects you get by glitching, altering, or otherwise breaking the fundamental structure of video files’ data.

We’ll be going over three primary types of datamoshing that are currently known: File destructionI-frame destructionP-frame duplication (also sometimes referred to as the “bloom” effect) Let’s run over the fundamental concepts of all of them before we go too deep. File destruction, I-Frame destruction, and P-frame duplication With file destruction, we take any old video file and mess with its data by simply opening it and replacing random bytes with other random bytes. Don't look at the moon when the night is dark1 “Flip and Swtich”, /r/glitch_art4 OK!

Tools for Datamoshing. Want To Talk To Fellow Poopers While You Go? There's An App For That. 5563 4ShareNew You're a good person, so you know not to talk to strangers in public restrooms while they do their business—especially if you can tell it's business of the No. 2 variety. But maybe you've always longed for a world without the rigid rules of social decency that keep us from having meaningful, anonymous conversations from atop the toilet. If so, there's a new app for you. Pooductive was created by developer Ricardo Gruber and a fellow student with a very simple premise: It's a social network for people who happen to be using the bathroom at the same time. Along with the simple messaging feature, users are encouraged to select "songs that describe it," which some might think is a little bit too much information, but those people probably aren't on this app anyway. The Pooductive website describes the app as: But the creators have an even loftier goal in mind.

They have since added a call for donations to charity: water to their site. [h/t Mashable] Curation: The Next Big Thing? Animal shelter creates used 'cat' salesman ad to promote their assortment of 'pre-owned' cats. Dose. Pythagoras Cup (Greedy Cup) filled with Mercury. We Are All the Taiwanese Kid Who Punched a Hole in a $1.5 Million Painting. A 12-year-old boy in Taiwan has punched a hole in a $1.5 million painting, which on the surface level is one of the greatest flexes of all time.

Fuck art, right? Fuck art! Art is shit! Banksy and his Dismaland might be getting all the attention at the minute, but let us instead elevate this little Taiwanese lord to the High Ruler of the Art World. Because look at him: dawdling through an art gallery, Puma T-shirt and shorts, not a care in the world, can of Fanta or similar in his hand, and then flooomp: attempts to lean his shoulder against a wall but instead trips over one of them little rope things and straight up punches a 350-year-old masterpiece in the bollocks. There's no getting up from that, especially when you are an ancient painting, unused to the peculiar human stress of being accidentally punched.

Trending on VICE Sports: Ronaldo Buys 50 Shades of Grey Apartment This is the most 12-year-old boy combination of poses ever performed. This is the human condition. Meet Shrek - The Renegade Sheep That Avoided Shearing For Six Years By Hiding In A Cave. August 20, 2015 This is Shrek, the appropriately-named renegade sheep that escaped and avoided shearing for SIX long years. modern farmer Shrek really, really, really did not like getting his hair cut. So for six years, this New Zealand libertarian managed to avoid spring shearings by hiding in a cave.

By the time he was found in 2004, his owners couldn't even tell he was a sheep. According to modern farmer, when Shrek was eventually sheared, there was enough wool to produce 20 men's suits. So if a sheep does not get sheared, will the wool keep growing and growing? Yes, but only if it is a domesticated sheep. Perhaps Shrek realized he needed help (heat stress, mobility issues, vision impairment) and wanted to be found. Credit: modern farmer. Share377K Tweet5.9K. Are you SERIOUSLY 'Ready for Hillary'?! What Your Regrettable Scene Tattoo Says About You. You know those cool international stamps you get on your passport, the ones that prove you've been to a bunch of neat countries? Well, your scene tattoos are a lot like that. Except they're the exact opposite. They tell a much sadder story, the story of how you travelled to the lands of embarrassing musical phases over the years and now you’re stuck with these awful souvenirs forever.

As unique as you like to think your tattoos are, they mostly fall into a small handful of categories. Stars If you escaped the early 2000’s emo scene without some sort of star tattoo, please line up to accept your medal. Sparrows Aside from emo stars, the sparrows tattoo is probably the most cliché of all scene tattoos. Home state outline An outline of a state is your own personal reminder to never forget all those good times you had at shows in your home town. Nature (trees, koi, flowers) Bro, you were like, mad in touch with nature back in the day. Sailor tattoos Stretched out lobes Ska checkers Lyrics Band name. 40 Important Milestones You Can Have In Your Life Besides Getting Married. Marriage is an incredibly beautiful and special experience. There is no argument being made here against it. But sometimes, it is so sensationalized that it simply becomes a concept against which people measure everything else in their lives.

So here’s a gentle reminder that there are plenty of amazing things out there for you to experience other than, or in addition to, getting married. 1. Signing a lease for an apartment that’s completely yours – no parents, no siblings, no roommates, no boyfriend or girlfriend, just you. It doesn’t matter if it’s the smallest studio in existence, because it’s still yours. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

What Does It Feel Like to Kill Someone? It's generally thought that Western society is about as removed from death and dying as it's ever been, despite all the glorification of violence in the media. But what is it really like to take another person's life? What are the intricacies of killing that Hollywood doesn't quite capture? After a lot of phone calls and hours spent trawling the internet, I found four guys who'd all had some sort of experience with causing someone's death and were willing to share. Here are their stories, in their own words. (All names and identifying details have been stripped out.) The Driver The worst moment of my life happened during the summer of 2014, around 9:30 PM. There was a sound of brakes squealing, glass shattering, and metal crumpling, all in less than a second. Later, after I'd gone home, my dad got a call from the police to say the guy had died. They're charging me with a speeding ticket, but it hasn't gone to court yet.

The Soldier I'm from a small town. The Son The Teenager. Welcome to The Coldest Place Inhabited By Humans on Earth. Where is the coldest place on earth where humans actually live? Oymyakon, Russia takes the ice cube for coldest inhabited location on earth. Somehow the people that call this small, rural town home are able to survive throughout some truly brutal winters. The subarctic climate found in this region is extreme, as of right now in November temperatures hoover around -38F.

Journalist and photographer Amos Chapple braved the cold long enough to take these stunning pictures of Omyakon after the winter freeze set in, letting us all catch a glimpse of life in one of the coldest places on earth. This woman walks across a frozen bridge in Yakutsk. Generally the weather starts to dip down near late September reaching below 32 degrees F, the point of freezing. Around mid-may the temperatures will start to surface back above freezing.

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Omyakon was on February 6, 1933 when the thermostat read an incredible -90 degrees Fahrenheit. Photo Credits: Amos Chapple. What are the best add-ons for Android Firefox. Art Assets – best practice guide. Scale & Units Set your system and project units for your software to work consistently with Unity e.g. Metric. Working to scale can be important for both lighting and physics simulation;Be aware for example; Max system unit default is inches and Maya is centimetres.Unity has different scaling for FBX and 3D application files on import, check FBX import scale setting in Inspector.If in doubt export a metre cube with your scene to match in Unity.Animation frame rate defaults can be different in packages, is a good idea to set consistently across your pipeline – e.g. 30fps for example. Files & Objects Name objects in your scene sensibly and uniquely – this can help you locate and troubleshoot specific meshes in your project:Avoid special characters *()?”

Sensibly named objects help you find stuff quickly Mesh Stairway to framerate heaven The method you use to construct objects can have a massive affect on the number of polygons, especially when not optimised. Textures Tiling textures ftw Materials. PhotoScan Guides and Tests. Create A Graph. WINDOWS93. Am I Collective's Portfolio. Trigger-Happy Cop Shot One of His Own and Kept Blasting Away. Much more could be done to end the horror stories in the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and along the Rio Grande but that requires more than emotions.

Do not look closely at the photographs here. Do not look at them at all. They will, in an instant, inspire pity, revulsion, anger and calls to “do something…now!” How else might one react to photographs of toddlers washing up in the waves that lap the Libyan shore? There is something obscene here. The people at Migrant Report, the Malta-based nongovernmental organization that published the snapshots of dead infants under the headline “The Pictures That Need to Be Seen,” clearly wanted to provoke a reaction. There is something obscene here. “I contemplated publishing those pictures for 24 hours,” says the newsletter’s editor, Mark Micallef. “This tragedy has shaken the community,” Ibrahim Gibara, an official of the Zuwara municipality, told Migrant Report. So, do not look at these pictures. 32 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home - The Penny Hoarder.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. We’re letting you know because it’s what Honest Abe would do. After all, he is on our favorite coin. Listen – we all know the internet is full of work-from-home scams, so we’ve scoured through thousands of different ideas to find you 32 legitimate ways to make money at home. These are all ideas that we’ve done before, so we know that they’re real and that you’ll get paid. Plus, I guarantee there are some in here that you’ve never heard of… Now, most of them aren’t as entertaining as the Grumpy Cat series, but you’re getting paid — so who cares? The videos are sponsored by brands who need to get them in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

Once you watch enough videos to reach $10 (1,000 StationDollars), you can cash out for gift cards to Amazon, Best Buy and ton of other stores. It turns out that deleting your emails could be costing you serious money. 4. 5. Try driving with Lyft! Best of all, he does it on his own time. It Costs $800 a Month to Live in a Box Inside a London Apartment. The shed is circled in case you cannot see the shed. Photo via Mercury Every week or so an advert for a London rental property appears that plumbs new depths of bad bastardry. Rent a bunkbed above a wardrobe, that sort of thing. Pay £1,500 a month [$2,300] to sleep in someone's shed. They got so difficult to comprehend that we decided to start cataloguing them. What Is It? A shed! "Is London good, Joel? " On VICE Sports: How a Former NCAA Basketball Player Became the First American in Aussie Rules Football It's difficult to process this one, mainly because this is a shed in a front room.

This was the discovery made by flathunter Joe Peduzzi when he went along to a SpareRoom viewing in Bethnal Green. Related: Watch our housing documentary, 'Regeneration Game' Here's that shed again, just in case you forgot about it somehow In a way you have to respect the "What? On NOISEY: No Money, No Space, No Time: How London Has Forced Out Musicians. Visualisation Magazine | collates the most creative and innovative visualisations of information. Chart Porn. ONLINE GRAPHS AND CHARTS | create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEX. Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business.

AS-MAP : Complexity Cartographer, Semantic cartography : Creator of ISO-MAP : 3D Isometric Resume of a Business Commando. Minim | code.compartmental. 6 Indispensable Free & Freemium SEO Tools. Bach in Lights: The Well-Tempered Clavier Graphically Visualized Through a Twisting Gallery of Light Bulbs. This exceedingly clever animation by artist Alan Warburton transforms two compositions from J.S. Bach’s The Well Tempered Clavier (Prelude and Fugue in C Major) into a visual interpretation of music. Warburton used a form of graphical notation manifested as thousands of fluorescent light bulbs mounted around a gallery space and parking garage.

As each light pops on in sync with the music, the bulb shape correlates with with length and pitch of each note. You can learn more about how Warburton and a team of programmers and sound designers created the piece over on Sinfini Music who commissioned the piece. T-Mobile Will Now Punish Customers Who Abuse Unlimited Data. T-Mobile is today issuing a warning to customers: stop taking unlimited data to ridiculous extremes. In a post on T-Mobile’s blog, CEO John Legere has publicly called out “a fraction of a percent” of users who’ve been sucking down hundreds or even thousands of gigabytes of data each month. But these customers aren’t using all of that data on their smartphones alone; instead, T-Mobile claims they’ve come up with ways to conceal mobile tethering and hotspot usage. Tethering allows customers to get other devices (PCs, tablets, etc.) online using their smartphone data plan. With its $80 unlimited data plan, T-Mobile already offers a generous 7GB limit for tethering purposes.

Once customers exceed that, their hotspot speeds are slowed down considerably. But there are many apps — particularly on Android — that promise to hide tethering activity from wireless carriers, making it hard to distinguish what data is actually being used for. The full details can be found in a FAQ here. Lies You've Believed: Shampoo & Conditioner.

Inside Abbey Road. Great Things About Being in Your Late Twenties. This Tattoo Artist's Surrealist Work Is So Beautiful It Belongs In A Museum. Dakota & Amy LaBounty wedding. Man Buys 10.000 Undeveloped Negatives At a Local Auction And Discovers One of the Most Important Street Photographers of the Mid 20th Century - UpShout: Discover the Latest Internet Trends First and Share Them With Your Friends. Do It Before You Die: Hike to Havasu Falls — THISWORLDEXISTS. Watch Two 100-Year-Old BFFs Discuss Twerking, Selfies, Bieber and More. It took him 7 Years But He Finally Managed To Snap His Ultimate Dream Picture. Aziz Ansari Thinks Texting Has Ruined Dating. Film-Quality Stills Culled from Google Earth. My Secret Revealed. How I afford the travel life. - Live More Happy.