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ScratchJr. ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5 and up) to create their own interactive stories and games.


Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Children can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, even insert photos of themselves -- then use the programming blocks to make their characters come to life. ScratchJr was inspired by the popular Scratch programming language ( used by millions of young people (ages 8 and up) around the world. Lightbot. Get kids programming in the most fun way: by solving puzzles in a videogame!


Lightbot - Code Hour is meant to introduce kids who have no experience whatsoever programming, and is all-ages friendly! That means anyone anywhere from K to 12 can play, have fun and learn real programming logic! Lightbot is a programming puzzle game; it uses game mechanics that are firmly rooted in programming concepts. Lightbot lets players gain a practical understanding of basic concepts like instruction sequencing, procedures and loops, just by guiding a robot to light up tiles and solve levels.

Teachers worldwide are choosing Lightbot first when introducing their students to programming. The Foos. CodeSpark Academy avec The Foos est le programme numéro 1 pour apprendre à coder aux enfants de 4 à 9 ans !

The Foos

Cette application primée a été téléchargée et jouée par plus de 4 millions de jeunes dans 201 pays. codeSpark Academy enseigne les rudiments de la programmation informatique à travers une variété d'activités interactives d'apprentissage, y compris des puzzles, des jeux, des projets créatifs étape par étape, de la conception de jeu et des imprimables hors ligne - tout cela pouvant être contrôlé par les parents. codeSpark enseigne les compétences de base en programmation - « l'abécédaire du codage » - sans lecture nécessaire- RADIO NATIONALE PUBLIQUE « [CodeSpark Academy] est facile à apprendre, plein de personnages ludiques et il est facile d'utilisation.» - Children's Technology Review *** 2016 Association américaine des bibliothécaires scolaires.

Notre interface sans mot permet à tout le monde de jouer n'importe où. SpriteBox. Run and jump into coding!


SpriteBox is a unique puzzle-platformer; a mix of exploration and learning to code. By giving Sprite programs of instructions to follow, you can advance through unique worlds and help free Sprite's bottled-up friends. During your adventure, you'll learn to sequence commands, change parameters, debug faulty logic, and use simple to complex loops to solve problems. Once comfortable with Icon-based coding, you can choose to play SpriteBox using real Java syntax. A completely new take based on Blockly's design, Java mode look like real code... because it is real code! SpriteBox comes with 20 puzzles to solve, and 150 stars to collect. Pocket Code. Program, play, and share your own games, animations, interactive art, music videos, and many kinds of other apps, directly on your phone or tablet!

Pocket Code

One Hour of Code tutorial: - for other tutorials see Pocket Code allows you to create, edit, execute, share, and remix Catrobat programs in a visual programming environment and programming language. You can remix programs that others have made and share them with your friends and the world. Switch & Glitch - Coding Game. Learn to CODE and save the day with robot friends!

Switch & Glitch - Coding Game

Switch & Glitch is a PUZZLE game where you and your friends explore different planets, help corrupted wildlife and collect mysterious metagel. Explore exotic single player levels before you start competing against other others in a unique MULTIPLAYER mode. Earn metagel from single player missions and by besting your friends in multiplayer. Use it to unlock crazy parts from kabuki masks to snorkels to CUSTOMIZE your robots and make them unique. Robotizen. Robotizen is the #1 learn to code program for kids 4-9!


Robotizen teaches the basics of computer programming and robotic through a variety of interactive learning activities in a interesting story. Robotizen would help kids to improve their problem solving, logical thinking and creativity. KEY FEATURES:* Kids learn key programming concepts such as sequence, command, condition, event, loop …* Curriculum developed based on collaboration with and research from MIT.* Kid learn basic concept of robotic.* Word-free. Coddy. Code-a-pillar - gąsienica.

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Code-a-pillar - gąsienica

¡El lindo, inteligente e irresistible Coder™! ¿Llegará Coder™ al final del laberinto? ¿Comerá el número correcto de hojas hasta llenar su barriguita y seguir con el siguiente reto? ¡Todo está en tus manos! ¡Divertidos premios, efectos de sonido y animaciones se añaden al juego y a la diversión por aprender! ¡El laberinto y los juegos de números hacen que los pequeños piensen en la solución de problemas! Después del duro trabajo, ayuda a Coder™ a recargar batería ¡y dale algo de comer! ¡El contenido va aumentando de nivel a medida que juegas! Contenido de aprendizaje y currículoPlaneación y secuencia: los pequeños aprenden a seguir pasos para lograr un objetivo.Resolución de problemas: genera y ejecuta una solución a cualquier problema. Para mayor información sobre Coder™ y la línea de juguetes y aplicaciones de Fisher-Price® Think&Learn, favor de visitar: Coding for Carrots Bunny.

Kodowanie, rysowanie, kropki. The game is a fun and innovative coding game to teach children the basics of programming and algorithm.

Kodowanie, rysowanie, kropki

It teaches coding with fun games in the form of connect the dots. Your kid is too young to read? Don't worry! The game contains no text but focuses on coding logic. Coding Pirates Game. Details?id=com.area120.