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Señores y vasallos: el juego. Habilidades lingüísticas con Ikonikus – El maestro Manu. Hace un tiempo hablamos de uno de nuestros juegos favoritos, Ikonikus (creado por nuestro amigo Manu Palau).

Habilidades lingüísticas con Ikonikus – El maestro Manu

Normalmente utilizo este juego como herramienta para desarrollar la inteligencia emocional/ interpersonal (dentro de las llamadas inteligencias múltiples) y funciona muy bien para cualquier grupo de edad y número de participantes. (más información aquí) En esta ocasión he utilizado el juego como elemento “percutor” en el desarrollo de una actividad para favorecer las habilidades lingüísticas. Si no conoces la mecánica de Ikonikus puedes ver cómo se juega en este vídeo de nuestro canal “Un colegio de juegos”: Utilizar Ikonikus como herramienta metodológica de las capacidades del lenguaje ha sido fácil y directo.

En primer lugar y para fomentar su creatividad les pedí que crearan sus propias cartas de juego. *Esta es la ficha que utilizamos: Ikonikus Ficha Una vez elegidas y corregidas las fichas, las cartas fueron añadidas a nuestra baraja original de ikonikus. ObjetosAccionesLugares. Recursos Transversales - Cultura Emprendedora.

Ejemplos por asignaturas

31 FUNCIONES NARRATIVAS DE VLADIMIR PROPP by azaharatic. El héroe de las mil caras (J. Campbell) - Resumen Animado. ¿Qué hace a un héroe? - Matthew Winkler. Escape room. Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model - © iStockphotoPauuletHohn Evaluate the effectiveness of your training at four levels. If you deliver training for your team or your organization, then you probably know how important it is to measure its effectiveness. After all, you don't want to spend time or money on training that doesn't provide a good return. This is where Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model can help you objectively analyze the effectiveness and impact of your training, so that you can improve it in the future.

In this article, we'll look at each of the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model, and we'll examine how you can apply the model to evaluate training. The Four Levels Donald Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin and past president of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), first published his Four-Level Training Evaluation Model in 1959, in the US Training and Development Journal.

The four levels are: Reaction. Let's look at each level in greater detail. ¿Qué tipo de gamer eres? 4you2learn. Edutopia. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that, when released in higher than usual amounts, goes beyond the synapse and flows to other regions of the brain producing a powerful pleasure response. This is a deep satisfaction, such as quenching a long thirst. After making a prediction, choice, or action, and receiving feedback that it was correct, the reward from the release of dopamine prompts the brain seek future opportunities to repeat the action. For animal survival, this promotes life or species-sustaining choices and behaviors, such as following a new scent that leads to a mate or a meal and remembering that scent the next time it is present.

No Pain, No Gain The survival benefit of the dopamine-reward system is building skills and adaptive responses. Awareness of Incremental Goal Progress Individualized Achievable Challenge Individualized achievable challenge level is one where a task, action, or choice is not so easy as to be essentially automatic or 100% successful. Entera20 número3 espiral by Asociación Espiral, Educación y Tecnología - Issuu. ¿Qué es el Game-based learning? Gamification in Education: Top 10 Gamification Case Studies that will Change our Future.

This post was recently updated to reflect the 10 best educational apps for adults that use Gamification for 2018 Click here to view our full list of our Gamification examples.

Gamification in Education: Top 10 Gamification Case Studies that will Change our Future

Get ready to learn, the fun way! We have scoured the internet and app stores to find the 10 best educational apps that use Gamification for adults. See how companies and organizations are making learning languages, music, coding, art, history, and more fun and exciting for everyone! 10. How it works: TEDEd creates amazing, fun, entertaining educational videos for all ages to enjoy. Here is the quick Lesson I created for Yu-kai’s TED talk. Why it works: Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback: TEDEd empowers educators to select a video, create their own lessons, and share it with the world. 9.

Website How it works: Khan Academy is an educational platform where students can learn math, science, computer programming, history, and more. They’ve accomplished some amazing results: 8. Website 7. Website 6. Herramientas Gamificación.

Curso Gamificación