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DJ Stephanie Hirst returns to air after gender change - BBC News. A DJ who underwent gender reassignment is returning to mainstream radio after a year-long break.

DJ Stephanie Hirst returns to air after gender change - BBC News

Stephanie Hirst, formerly known as Simon, hosted the commercial Top 40 show nationally between 2003 and 2006. The Barnsley-based DJ left Capital FM Yorkshire and television channel Gold last June after confirming her gender change. She will join BBC Radio Manchester for a weekly show, saying she "wanted to ensure that my return is gentle". Numerous sources told BBC News last year that Ms Hirst was suspended by bosses at Global Radio when she disclosed that she wanted to be a woman. The company said at the time: "Hirsty made the decision to take time out to focus on the process he was going through. When asked about claims that she was treated wrongly by her former employer, Ms Hirst said last October: "Everyone was supportive.

Ms Hirst, who has won three Sony Radio Awards, said her new role "allows me time to grow into a broadcaster as Stephanie". Having a working mother works for daughters. Negative perceptions around women who combine paid work with parenthood have been comprehensively demolished in a major study by Harvard University, which shows the daughters of working mothers enjoy better careers, higher pay and more equal relationships than those raised by stay-at-home mothers.

Having a working mother works for daughters

Using data from 24 countries including the UK and US, the Harvard study says that while working mothers “often internalise social messages of impending doom for their children”, the reality is that their sons and daughters appear to thrive, with daughters benefiting most from the positive role model of a mother with a career. Harvard Business School professor Kathleen McGinn, lead author of the study, noted that the effect on daughters’ careers of mothers working was particularly marked in the UK and US, where public attitudes to career equality could be more of a barrier than in some European countries such as Finland and Denmark.

The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of STEM. By now, we’ve all heard about the low numbers of American women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of STEM

Some argue it’s a pipeline issue – that if we can interest more young girls in STEM subjects, the issue will resolve itself over time. But that’s not convincing. After all, the percentage of women in computer science has actually decreased since 1991. Another theory is that women are choosing to forgo careers in STEM to attain better work-family balance—rather than being pushed out by bias. But evidence for that is also thin. My own new research, co-authored with Kathrine W. We conducted in-depth interviews with 60 female scientists and surveyed 557 female scientists, both with help from the Association for Women in Science. Feminism benefits men too – and it’s vital we bring our boys up to be more than victims of gender. On 24 May at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, a short distance from where he once governed, Tony Blair resurfaced for a public discussion.

Feminism benefits men too – and it’s vital we bring our boys up to be more than victims of gender

Having arrived on an overnight flight, he looked drawn and puffy-eyed but soon warmed to his theme: a robust defence of liberal globalisation. He admitted, however, to bafflement at recent events in the world. "I thought I was pretty good at politics. But I look at politics today and I’m not sure I understand it. " Blair lost power in the summer of 2007. His standing is likely to diminish further when the Iraq inquiry report is published on 6 July. Former leaders can ordinarily rely on their parties to act as a last line of defence. Yet outside of the Labour leadership, Blairism endures in notable and often surprising forms. In their defence of the UK’s EU membership, David Cameron and George Osborne have deployed arguments once advanced by New Labour.

Among SNP supporters, "Blairite" is the pejorative of choice. Forcing Kids To Stick To Gender Roles Can Actually Be Harmful To Their Health. Raising children in societies that adhere to rigid gender roles, with fixed ideas about what should be considered “masculine” and “feminine,” can actually be detrimental to their physical and mental health, according to a study that observed 14-year-olds’ interactions over a three month period.

Forcing Kids To Stick To Gender Roles Can Actually Be Harmful To Their Health

“Usually we think of gender as natural and biological, but it’s not… We actually construct it in ways that have problematic and largely unacknowledged health risks,” lead researcher Maria do Mar Pereira, the deputy director for the University of Warwick’s Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, explained in an interview with ThinkProgress. Story. Calling for an end to gender stereotypes in children's clothing.

Why Today presenter Karl Stefanovic wore the same suit for a year. Karl Stefanovic in his Burberry knock-off with co-host Lisa Wilkinson.

Why Today presenter Karl Stefanovic wore the same suit for a year

Angered by the sexism he saw being heaped upon his female colleagues – and attempts to downplay it – Karl Stefanovic decided to conduct an experiment. He wore the same blue suit on air, two days in a row. Then three. A month ticked by without a ripple. Now, a full year has passed – and he is still wearing the same cheap Burberry knock-off, every morning, on Channel Nine's Today program. Karl Stefanovic wearing the suit in July 2014. Not a single audience member has asked about it, he says. Advertisement Yet co-host Lisa Wilkinson still receives regular and unsolicited fashion appraisals, as she revealed in her well-received Andrew Olle lecture last year.