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Minjae Lee – Colorful Illustrations | Illustration. Minjae Lee is a young South Korean artist whose work is filled with powerful colors, aggressive scenes and a clever blend of beauty, innocence and fragility. At just 22 years old, he’s a self-taught artist, that uses old-fashioned tools, such as markers, pens, crayons, acrylics, to create his illustrations. His dramatic works are all about pattern and texture that just add more authenticity to his illustrations. You can check out more of his fantastic works on his DeviantArt profile. For purchasing his canvas prints and other products, check out the artist’s website. I have loved color since I was 7 year old. Not many people accepted me using colors this way, including a few teachers.. so. I’ve always drawn by myself. (All images via Minjae Lee)

LIFX: The Light Bulb Reinvented by Phil Bosua. LIFX is the smartest light bulb you've ever experienced. It's a wifi-enabled, energy efficient, multi-colored bulb that you control with your iPhone or Android. LIFX gives you unprecedented control of your lights, reduces your energy costs, lasts up to 25 years and delivers an amazing range of experiences we think you’ll love. LIFX is incredibly easy to set-up. Simply replace your existing bulbs with LIFX smartbulbs, download and install our free app from the App Store or Google Play and you're good to go. We [Phil Bosua, Andrew Birt, Andy Gelme, John Bosua, Ben Hamey, Dave Evans and Guy King] have designed, redesigned and reimagined LIFX many times during the past six months, pouring countless hours into thinking about the user experience, the technical aspects of the project and how to deliver the world's smartest lightbulb to you at an affordable price point.

LED lighting is the future of home and commercial lighting around the world. In addition they're unbelievably long-lasting. 19 Vintage Advertisements That Wouldn’t Make Today’s Cut. They say time heals all wounds, which is obviously apparent when you take a gander at some of these doozies from the past. Before anybody knew what a lawsuit was, these types of custom print advertisements were a part of many major company marketing platforms. Just be sure you don’t add them to your next brochure printing order. Can I also get you a foot-rub honey? Or maybe you would like me to pay off your credit cards, sports car and golfing membership for the next 20 years … Oh, please can I? Nothing like some words of encouragement…from a 2-year-old. This one is wrong on so many levels. You can’t buy this type of pride for 15 cents anymore. If vitamins did this, we’d all be walking around with Brad Pitts and Megan Foxes under our arm. 30 days? It wasn’t enough that movie actors and children had to get in on the fun of filtered cigarettes.

Ah, stereotypes. What exactly were they going for with this expression anyway? …but obviously not the guy who forgot to bring his Cary Grant costume. Pour a Glass of Wine and Sink Into One of These Unusual, Luxurious Bathtubs. Trendir - Home Decorating Trends magazine. 100 (Really) Creative Business Cards. Whichever business you’re in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website identity.

A business card creates a physical connection and bond between you or your business and your customers. Just like in a website, business cards can become great interactive elements, but with the added ability to have real textures, different materials and shapes. In this article, we’ll take a look at 100 truly outstanding business card designs which show that there are truly no limits to the design of a business card. Which ones are your favorites? How important is a business card for you? Please share your comments with us… Yuki Matsueda. ‘While most designers are busying adding more and more elements into their artworks, Japan-based Yuki Matsueda has, however, managed to let some elements escape from his art pieces. The result seems quite amazing… A vivid 3D image is successfully created and all the elements are believed to be more shocking than those stay still on paper.’

82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products. I'm sure you've come across Fred & Friend products before at your local indie store and might not have even known it. Last weekend I was cruising around town and stopped at an indie store only to find one whole corner of the place dedicated to Fred & Friend products. It was heavenly. I stood there for probably more than a half hour laughing and checking out all their cool stuff.

A lot of creativity goes into the making of these products, and I think part of that cleverness is shown in the name of the product and the slogan. It's really a hoot flipping through their catalog and I often find myself posing the question: "How in heavens name did they think of that? ". Check out this collection I compiled for you guys today and you'll probably find yourself asking the same question. Which one's your favorite? Disclaimer: the images you're about to view may not be suitable for all audiences. The OH! Conversational paperclips the hot buttered desk accessory!

There’s no esc for flies! Race you home.