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Everything Your Professor Failed to Tell You About Functional Programming. I've been trying to learn Haskell lately, and the hardest thing seems to be learning about monads. "Monads in Ruby" and "Monads for Functional Programming" helped me finally to break the ice, but more importantly, they gave me a glimpse behind the veil. I finally began to understand something that is trivial to people such as Philip Wadler, but something that never had been explained to me so succinctly.

In computer science, we enjoy using mathematic models, but the science still works if you violate the math. And, much to the dismay of purely functional programming enthusiasts, we almost always do. Monads as a Design Pattern Somewhere, somebody is going to hate me for saying this, but if I were to try to explain monads to a Java programmer unfamiliar with functional programming, I would say: "Monad is a design pattern that is useful in purely functional languages such as Haskell. I'd respond: "Design patterns fluctuate by language.

I'd slyly say: A Trivial Introduction to Monads $ . Haskell comme un vrai! Tlpl: Un tutoriel très court mais très dense pour apprendre Haskell. Merci à Oleg Taykalo vous pouvez trouver une traduction Russe ici: Partie 1 & Partie 2 ; Table of Content Je pense vraiment que tous les développeurs devraient apprendre Haskell.

Peut-être pas devenir des ninjas d’Haskell, mais au moins savoir ce que ce langage a de particulier. La plupart des langages partagent les mêmes fondamentaux : les variablesles bouclesles pointeursles structures de données, les objets et les classes Haskell est très différent. Plier son esprit à Haskell peut être difficile. Cet article sera certainement difficile à suivre. La manière conventionnelle d’apprendre Haskell est de lire deux livres. Cet article fait un résumé très dense et rapide des aspect majeurs d’Haskell. Pour les francophones ; je suis désolé. Cet article contient cinq parties : 01_basic/10_Introduction/00_hello_world.lhs Introduction Install Haskell Platform is the standard way to install Haskell.

Tools: Don’t be afraid ~ runhaskell . Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! FP Complete. Haskell. Real World Haskell.