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295: Boost Your Productivity with Microbreaks by HBR IdeaCast. 15 Tactics That Will Double Your Productivity In No Time. Want to learn how to double your productivity right away?

15 Tactics That Will Double Your Productivity In No Time

12 Unlikely Steps to Outrageous Productivity. It's proven that a detailed to-do list will improve productivity for most people.

12 Unlikely Steps to Outrageous Productivity

A typical task list however, is usually missing some important activities. 12 Habits Of Productive People, by The Huffington Post. Wish you wasted less time and got more done?

12 Habits Of Productive People, by The Huffington Post

Welcome to the club. So why is it, then, when we mean well and are focused on the task at hand, we can still manage to get bogged down by things like emails and weekly reports? The key to being productive is knowing your priorities, notes Robert Pozen, a senior lecturer of business administration at Harvard Business School. Fight Productivity Paralysis With the 2-Minute Rule. Superhero designed by Moriah Rich from the Noun Project Being in the zone means that you’ve become so absorbed in the activity at hand that it’s impossible to concentrate on anything else.

Fight Productivity Paralysis With the 2-Minute Rule

It’s when code seems to flow from your fingertips, when words seem to fly out of your pen, and when your stylus seems to take on a life of its own. But a common misconception about the zone is that it’s some some elusive, magical place. It is not. The founder of the language training app Yakk, Martin Rue, has a simple two-step process for tapping into, and remaining in, the zone: 1) Give a shit about what you’re doing. There are several factors that influence our ability to get into the zone, chief among which are focus, energy, no distractions and music. Read the rest of Rue’s blog post on how to remain in the zone here. Related: Not Too Hard, Not Too Easy: Finding Flow In Your Work. Do This in the Morning and Be More Productive All Day. Everyone has a unique way of starting their day off on the proverbial right foot.

Do This in the Morning and Be More Productive All Day

What do successful entrepreneurs do every morning to ensure they are über-effective at getting things done? We asked members of the Entrepreneurs' Organization to provide their tips and tricks for maximum productivity. How To be so Productive You Can't Stand it. You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common.

How To be so Productive You Can't Stand it

In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed.

25 Productivity Secrets from History's Greatest Thinkers. The Brain-Based Secret to Personal Productivity. By now, you've probably already broken most of your New Year's resolutions.

The Brain-Based Secret to Personal Productivity

You're not alone: Only about 8 percent of those who make them keep them. But it may not be that you'll never lose weight or learn a foreign language. If you aren't being productive or if you feel off track, it could simply be because you haven't set yourself up for success in a way that suits your individuality. Take a typical New Year's resolution like running. The overall goal is to lose weight. Let's apply this to work. In my work, we've uncovered four ways of thinking that every person exhibits. The Memory Palace System - The Minimalist Blog. As illustrated by the image above, memory is quite complex, but the more tools we have to harness our thoughts and power of recall, the simpler it becomes.

The Memory Palace System - The Minimalist Blog

I have been using the Memory Palace System for a few months now, but only for little things like grocery and topic lists (lists of points I want to make in a conversation or debate). However, recently I’ve been using it to memorize poetry, passages of the Bible, and other important documents, and have found that it has enabled me to memorize passages in less than half of the time it would normally. 50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily. 17 Small Productivity Habits. The Mini-Habit The idea behind mini habits is that you can get to a larger habit if you start small, create simple goals, and aim for consistency.

17 Small Productivity Habits

In his book Mini Habits: Small Habits, Bigger Results, Stephen Guise gives the example of “The One Pushup Challenge.” He was doing what a lot of us do. Feeling guilty about not working out, he tried to fit years worth of exercise into the first workout which created an all or nothing attitude (not to mention a focus on goals and not process.) Well, one day he decided to do the opposite. In Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less, author S. The core idea behind the mini-habits concept is that you can build a major habit by thinking small enough to get started. 7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People. Some people get more done than others--a lot more.

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People

Sure, they work hard. And they work smart. But they possess other qualities that make a major impact on their performance. They do the work in spite of disapproval or ridicule. Work too hard, strive too hard, appear to be too ambitious, try to stand out from the crowd.