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Grasshopper Rhinoceros - 01 Cubierta Tensil. Computational design. CTM.08­ – Unpredictable Festival for Adventurous Music and Related Visual Arts Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the Screen 24 Jan -­ 2 Feb 2008, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse / [DAM] Berlin Workshop / Exhibition / Performance Generator.x in collaboration with Club Transmediale and [DAM] presents Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the screen, a workshop and exhibition about digital fabrication and generative systems.

Computational design

Digital fabrication (also known as “fabbing”) represents the next step in the digital revolution. After years of virtualization, with machines and atoms being replaced by bits and software, we are coming full circle. Digital technologies like rapid prototyping, laser cutting and CNC milling now produce atoms from bits, eliminating many of the limitations of industrial production processes. For artists and designers working with generative systems, digital fabrication opens the door to a range of new expressions beyond the limits of virtual space.

Call for participants Generator.x & Club Transmediale. Rhino ++ Grasshopper – Plethora Project. is an initiative to accelerate computational literacy in the frame of architecture and design.

Rhino ++ Grasshopper – Plethora Project

It aligns with the "show me your screens" motto of the TopLap live-coding group attempting to get rid of Obscurantism in digital design. Directed by Jose Sanchez Contact me at : Bio: Jose Sanchez is an Architect / Programmer / Game Designer based in Los Angeles, California. He is partner at Bloom Games, start-up built upon the BLOOM project, winner of the WONDER SERIES hosted by the City of London for the London 2012 Olympics. He is the director of the Plethora Project (, a research and learning project investing in the future of on-line open-source knowledge.

Grasshopper. Designalyze. [FORMul[a]RCH] Antonio Turiello. Blog binturong: Grasshopper Tutorials Part 1.8. Grasshopper basic. RHINO: GRASSHOPPER DEFINITIONS - RHINO / GH. This definition was developed for my final thesis project to generate a louver system based on functional requirements within the building.


The performance was then tested in Ecotect. A large part of my thesis design involved invertible arena seating with many moving parts. I used Grasshopper as a means to develop the seating testing clearances, site lines, and many other variables. This definition looks at taking any curved surface, and generating weaving geometry across it. The parametric skyscraper uses Grasshopper to generate the entire structure. My favorite definition to date, this definition generates box designs based on real boxes I crafted in the wood shop while in Grad school This definition extrudes geometry based on their proximity to a polyline attractor. Using a definition created by paramod, I wanted to see if I could edit the definition so that different panels could be combined to create a seamless surface This was one of the first definitions from scratch I ever created. Form defining strategies. Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes. Geometry Gym.