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Be HAPPIER in your HOME | Found this list on and was inspired! Hopefully it will inspire you t00! 1. Make your bed. The book The Happiness Project, explains that this three minute task is one of the simplest habits you can adopt to positively impact your happiness. 2. Bring every room back to “ready.” I learned this trick from Marilyn Paul’s clever book, It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys. 3. One reason that experiences (and memories of those experiences) make us happier than material things is due to the entire cycle of enjoyment that experiences provide: planning the experience, looking forward to the experience, enjoying the experience, and then remembering the experience. 4.

Before bed, simply jot down one happy memory from that day. 5. This tip comes from The Happiness Project. 6. In The Art of Happiness, the Dali Lama says “”Every day, think as you wake up: today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.” 7. 8. 9. 10. Belleoftheball - Polyvore. 40's, 50's, 60's. Teenage couple drinking milk out of the carton after a dance Continental Touches Shoes, 1956. Welcome To My World Of Beauty. Design Crush & Tipped Out - StumbleUpon. Jenna Sue: My alternative to the file cabinet. UPDATE: Check out the finished version of my File Cabinet makeover here, complete with free binder printables! Today I took a break from the standard Saturday decorating+renovating to practice another one of my most favorite pastimes... organizing. I had decided not to go with the traditional lateral filing cabinet for our office when I spotted this Aspvik wall cabinet on Ikea for $100: I loved the look of it and immediately pictured the perfect spot for it over our desk.

I hadn't really thought out the logistics of it at that point, but I knew I'd find a way to make it work. Whilst at Ikea, I grabbed a couple packages of these babies for just $2 each: Can't go wrong with them at that price, right? But then came the challenging part... figuring out how to organize all our papers within these boxes. So last night I get to Target... and I was underwhelmed to say the least. Good plan, right? There was just one minor problem... Okay, duh. Here's the supplies all lined up, ready to get to work... Reader Space: Sew Amazing Office/Craft Zone! I am such a believer that our spaces should not only welcome us, make us feel great, hug us with happiness and warmth, but they should also be a reflection of our personality. They should mesh with us and be a piece of us. That's why I am so incredibly smitten with the space I get to share with you today. Not only does it have insane amounts of organized bliss, it's done with such a sweet and creative edge.

LOVE! Joon wrote: Hi Jen! I re-purposed a thrifted bathroom cabinet into a stationery cabinet to house my crafty things (usually things with wires like embossers and hot glue guns)! I organized all my sewing thread on a display rack, but placed it in the middle of another thrift store find- a $1 frame and it became instant {practical} artwork! The desk seat is actually a full sized ottoman housing things that I need but don't need to display!

I hope you like what you see and have room in your busy schedule to hopefully feature me! I present to you Joon's office/crafting space: How I organize: Game cupboard. My husband and I are not big "game people" but our kids are! How did that happen? Well, my kids love to play games so I made a game cupboard for them. As you can see, I had previously organized it, but as with all things you have to maintain the organization! It's located in our family room, which we are fortunate to have lots of cupboards in there! For kicks, here is what this looked like when we bought the house - just to give you an idea of what some paint and new handles can do.And here it is side by side: It's shocking really...okay, so on with the cupboard. I took out the games and {oh shocking, I know} many were torn and tattered. I used packing tape and scotch tape to mend them.

Our Monopoly game was especially a mess as I pulled the lid off! And here you thought I had perfect kids, right? I used snack-sized ziploc baggies and labeled them. If you can't read, then you shouldn't play Monopoly! There's no excuse to say "Mrs. Scratch Off Lottery Tickets - DIY + Free Printables. There are a lot of birthdays in August among my family and friends, and I've been thinking a lot about which presents to get. And I thought it could be fun to have twelve little presents, one for each month, instead of one gift. So I made a set of twelve scratch off lottery tickets! Each ticket has a different prize, such as a movie night with friends, a dinner out, a spa entry with massage or a weekend getaway. If you like that idea, here is how you do it : 1. Print the following images on cardstock. Print images 1 and 2 on one side of the paper, and image 3 on the other side.EDIT : Find the free printable tickets templates in another color scheme here.

(Image 1 - click image for larger view) Image 2 (click image for larger view) Image 3 (click image for larger view) 2. I hope you like it! ArtMind posted a wonderful tutorial on how to make scratch off tickets, be sure to check it out here for more inspiration! If you want to share it on your blog (thank you so much!) Always Chrysti - Always Chrysti - 25 ways to fit creativity into your busy life +winners. Self portrait outfit photography guide . photography month. You guys, I'm so excited to have Elycia of ♥elycia on the blog today! First off, let's just talk about how much fun her hair and her adorable self are! Secondly, she's posting about something that I think is really awkward and scary for many people - taking pictures of yourself. Read on, and be sure to share any pictures you take after reading her advice!

- Lindsay Hello there! 1. 2. See! 3. 2. These 3 shots were from the same photo shoot. 4. This is my "can someone outside see me? " Don't forget to smile. Nail Polish Prints. Finally I took the time to paint my nails- to try the rubbing alcohol prints! Have you been seeing the newsprint nail polish lately? The trick: Paint your nails a light color for a base. Then simply dip your finger in rubbing alcohol and press a small piece of newsprint on top.

You want to hold it on there for about 30 seconds, I thought you could just press and go...but you need the ink to be dark. I realized that after a couple of fingers. I read you could use other prints as well. There I learned- the simple patterns are best. Once you have your pattern, paint a clear layer over the top (or else it will just wipe off) then wash your hands so the extra ink come off!

GUEST POST - - StumbleUpon. Photos by: Kathleen Bly post designed by kristin ess Mad love for our first guest post winner, Taylor Nick!!! I am fully obsessed with this bohemian-inspired-braided-goodness! Even though Taylor had some SERIOUS competition, there’s no doubt that this little lady took the cake in our hair tutorial contest.

She created a beautiful, textured, easy hairstyle that will work with almost any hair type. Congratulations Taylor, and thanks to ALL of you who entered this post contest. Xx Kristin “My look is inspired by all of the bohemian braids on the 2011 runways. Tools: 2 Claw clipsBobby PinsHair tie, preferably matching your hair colorFine tooth combHairspray Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. XO Taylor Tags: congrats, congratulations, contest, hair, kristin ess, lauren conrad, taylor nick, the beauty department,, tutorial, tutorial contest, win, winner Related posts:

Rainbow Cake in a Jar. I’ve always had a penchant for sunshine in a jar. Doesn’t the very phrase itself, “sunshine in a jar,” roll off your tongue and fill your mouth with magic? While I’ve never yet found myself a sunshine in a jar, I think we may have just concocted it in our kitchen tonight. In this simple recipe, a basic white cake is turned into a slew of bright colors, baked to perfection, then topped with a creamy white frosting. Cakes baked in jars can be topped with traditional metal canning lids and stored in the fridge for up to five days. Rainbow Cake in Jar 1 box white cake mix made according to package instructionsNeon food coloring in pink, yellow, green, turquoise, and purple3 one-pint canning jars1 can vanilla frostingRainbow sprinkles Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Scoop about 1/2 cups of cake batter into five small bowls. Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the purple batter into the bottom of each jar. For even more great desserts in a jar, check out our slideshow “Contain Yourself! Running With Glitter: Jar of Happiness for my Birthday. Tuesday is my thirty-something birthday and I wanted to make something fun for myself. A little happiness in a jar for my happy day please! These are great because I know that in no way during the week could I make a cake for myself. I can just put the lid on these beauties and store in the fridge until my day. (okay so we all ate one tonight but there is still 4 left...) I have seen these fun little cupcakes baked right in the jar over at Babble and had to give it a try myself. I did make mine a little different and wanted to share with you all what worked for me. 1)Mix a white cake mix as directed. YUMMY!!!