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Jim Dunn's Report on LENR conference in Williamsburg. Jim provides an excellent overview, not just of the cold fusion players approaching market, but of the process involved in taking an energy technology to market and where the various players fare in that process. Gents - I just returned from the Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, LENR, conf. in Williamsburg, VA. The event and meetings went very well. Lots of excitement and anticipation. Total of 48 attendees, mostly scientists. Nothing really new or earth-shattering, but Hagelstein, McKubre, Nagel, Bushnell, and many other scientists did a great job. There were a number of new faces and very good discussions during breaks and social part of conference. (See my PPT, attached) Jed Rothwell did a good summary @ A Popular Science writer was also there, along with Marianne Macy, doing her usual fine reporting and recording of the talks.

The Pop. How are you folks doing with tracking all the upcoming events? The Open Source LENR Project ® | 600C E-Cat Test Continues for Over 30 Days. On May 17th, in a post on his Journal of Nuclear Physics site Andrea Rossi answered a question regarding the the composition of transmutated particles in the 600C E-Cat reactor that is being tested. He said, “The 600 Celsius reactor is working since 20 days now. We are improving. We, obviously, will make a throughly analisys of the metals when we will turn it off.” I followed up yesterday with a question about whether this test had concluded yet, and if so, how long it lasted. Rossi’ answer: “Still in course is the high temperature test. We have to make several thousands of hours of work.” Today would then be the 38th day that this test has been underway — so far this would be about 900 hours of testing. It’s not clear exactly what is going on in this test.

Untitled. Will the Guns Come out. E-Cat World | Andrea Rossi's Cold Fusion Reactor.