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What About Clients?: The 12 Rules of Client Service. TREND HUNTER - Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends. Strategies for Getting and Keeping Clients With Your Firm. Cool hunter, trend scout. All in the head — Five Most Important Considerations. At work this week, a colleague asked me what I though the five most important considerations were when planning a web site. I didn’t have an immediate answer and had to think about it for a bit. I’m still not sure the answers I came up with are really the five most important considerations, but they are five important considerations all the same. I thought it was an interesting question and one worth throwing out there. Here’s the list I came up with. Who is the site for? Is you audience young or old? What are visitors trying to achieve when they visit the site? Visitors nearly always have a purpose in mind when visiting a site. What do YOU want visitors to achieve when the visit the site?

Whilst the project owners will often share some primary goals with the users, they also often have their own goals. How frequently do you expect people to use the site? How will you measure the success of the site? The success of a site is rarely measured in numbers of visitors.