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Youtube. Triton's ocean by Justinas Vitkus : ImaginaryStarscapes. Discuss Everything About Milky Way Wiki. What if we built a ringworld in space? How long ago did scientists determine that the gas giant planets were gaseous? - General Questions - Straight Dope Message Board. Alien Worlds. Netflix has this new series, Alien Worlds, that I sort of half-watched yesterday.

Alien Worlds

It was nice brain candy to munch on while I was more focused on grading, but nah, sorry, not a lot of substance to it. It’s only 5 episodes long, and each one is built around a different imaginary planet with somewhat different parameters, with different challenges for the life that evolved there. Within each episode, there’s a fraction that uses CGI to model the imaginary creatures of the imaginary world — and the CGI isn’t bad, we’ve come a long way from the clumsy models of old Discovery Channel “Walking with…” shows — and there’s a larger fraction dedicated to describing the earthly research that inspired it. The problem is that the real world stuff, with interviews with real scientists, was far more compelling than the CGI gimmicks. That’s how I felt about every episode. One big negative: skip the last episode, it’s terrible. I’m not looking forward to a continuation of the series.

Little bits of dinosaur bone on the moon... Carl Sagan's Cosmos: 'The Meat Planet' Publicdomainreview. The thirty-two “graven and mezzotinto” plates found at the end of An Original Theory — printed “by the Best Masters” and likely based on Wright's drawings — reveal his remarkable range of vision.


The most simple images show what Wright has observed in the night sky (Plate XVI), then diagrams of how these constellations (Plate XIX) and comets (Plate IX) are arranged and understood. From his empirical observations, and deductions about what this must mean for the relative positions and orbits (Plate XXII), Wright develops a much more ambitious proposal as to the construction of the universe. Plate XXVII depicts a globe within a globe, part of his hypothesis on the patterns and rules followed by bodies in space.

It’s a hypothesis which culminates in his globular visions of the last two plates, which show full and section views of “the Object of that incomprehensible Being, which alone and in himself comprehends and constitutes supreme Perfection”. Google Maps. Science based - How large would a world have to be for a sailing ship to never make it past the horizon? Sailing ship are now much faster than they used to be.

science based - How large would a world have to be for a sailing ship to never make it past the horizon?

So it's hard to give a definite answer. Nevertheless, if we consider 18th Century ships, according to that blog post, ships travelled at roughly mph (about km/h). We consider the 18th Century, because before people were not so much travelling to the other side of the world, and after engines started to be more dominant. Now, let's imagine the worst case scenario. A ship sailing in a single direction, and a human, who does nothing else than checking that ship every day for 100 years. Talk about an obsession. Europa: 6 Billion A.D. – Novaspace. Dan Durda's Space Art Gallery. Dan Durda's Space Art Gallery UPDATE: See my 3D Impact page for my latest digital art!

Dan Durda's Space Art Gallery

Click on the thumbnail images to see a larger image. More space art links... Hawaiian Night. March 2002. New Horizons. Cosmic Chasm. Collision in the Kuiper Belt. Bubble Gum Moon. Meadows and Mountains. Emerald Sea. Planet in Pink and Purple. Iceberg Fantasy. Happy Birthday - 2028! Sunset on a tropical moon. Caldera. Greeting the dawn. Evening planet (detail). Starcloud. One minute to impact.... A Red Sirius. The Puzzle of A Red Sirius?

A Red Sirius

Claudius Ptolemy circa 150 AD Nineteen hundred years ago the Greco-Roman astronomer, Claudius Ptolemy, left us an enigma. In his famous astronomy textbook the Almagest Ptolemy described the star Sirius as 'reddish'. Exactly what Ptolemy meant by this remark has long puzzled people, and in particular astronomers. Was Sirius actually a red star two millennia ago? If Sirius actually was red what could have caused it to change into the brilliant bluish-white star we see today? Togglesbloggle: femmenietzsche: Outer space is... - argumate. The Million Earth Solar System. Welcome to what might very well be the culmination of the Building the Ultimate Solar System series.

The Million Earth Solar System

Teaser: the system built in this post could also be called the Ultimate Engineered Black Hole Eyeball Ringworld Solar System (if you’re really not into the whole brevity thing). Our Solar System has one habitable planet. A few dozen known exoplanet systems (like Kepler-186) host a candidate habitable planet. The Trappist-1 system has three Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone (not too shabby — although we don’t know whether they have life, of course). How many potentially habitable worlds could one system have? Today I will build what I believe to be the Ultimate Ultimate System of this kind. Here we go. Let’s start with a supermassive black hole, like in the Black Hole Ultimate Solar System. Now let’s see what rings of planets we can make.

The requirements for a stable rings of planets are simple (technical details here and here): Hyperwall: Full Map of the Sun's Surface. Short URL to share this page: Missions: SDO STEREO Data Used: SDO/AIA/304 Filter STEREO/Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI)/304 Angstroms Note: While we identify the data sets used in these visualizations, we do not store any further details nor the data sets themselves on our site.

Hyperwall: Full Map of the Sun's Surface