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Revues OA. Libre accès à l’information scientifique et technique. Open access. Research publications that are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers.[1] With open access strictly defined (according to the 2001 definition), or libre open access, barriers to copying or reuse are also reduced or removed by applying an open license for copyright.[1] The main focus of the open access movement is "peer reviewed research literature.

Open access

"[2] Historically, this has centered mainly on print-based academic journals. Whereas conventional (non-open access) journals cover publishing costs through access tolls such as subscriptions, site licenses or pay-per-view charges, open-access journals are characterised by funding models which do not require the reader to pay to read the journal's contents. Definitions[edit] Colour naming system[edit] .NET ORM tool, Free Object-Relational Mapper. Le site couperin de l'accès ouvert en France. OpenAccess. OpenAccess is a coalition amongst integrated circuit manufacturers to provide a standard for designing chips.[1] It consists of an open standard data API and reference database supporting that API for IC design.


The OpenAccess Coalition is a neutral organization of semiconductor industry companies that are leading this effort operating under Silicon Integration Initiative bylaws. [2] Advanced electronic design flows are a combinations of proprietary applications and copyrighted EDA databases, with many different file formats and syntaxes.[3][2] As a result, significant efforts are required from IC CAD engineers to integrate them for particular projects. The resulting flows are often fragile, inefficient and therefore result in longer design cycles. This state of the affairs was the primary motivation for the OpenAccess effort.[4] As of 2005, OpenAccess was the only modern integrated circuit design database which is publicly available. [3] The OpenAccess coalition was formed in Q4 1999. Open Access.

Open Access. Open access. Open access. Gold open access What is it?

Open access

It is when published research is free for everyone to read and use. Here is how it works: Published articles are: Peer reviewedImmediately and permanently free for everyone to read and downloadAble to be reused in a number of different ways as defined by the user licensePermanently preserved in our digital archivesHave CrossMark® which links copies of the article to the final version of record to maintain the publication record What does it cost? Leiden Repository. Directory of Open Access Journals. Open Access. Questions fréquentes sur l’accès ouvert.

Quelques idées reçues sur l’accès ouvert L’open access est un modèle économique Faux : L’open access est un modèle de diffusion des savoirs et de l’information scientifique.

Questions fréquentes sur l’accès ouvert

Il est compatible avec des modèles économiques, juridiques, techniques variés. Son objectif est la mise à disposition libre sur internet, autorisant les lecteurs, dans le respect du droit d’auteur, à lire, télécharger, copier, distribuer, imprimer, rechercher ou lier le texte intégral des articles, à les indexer, à les récupérer pour les traiter informatiquement et à s’en servir pour tout autre usage légal, sans barrière financière, juridique ou technique autre que celles nécessaires pour se connecter à internet. SAGE Publications Inc. SAGE Open Access Initiatives SAGE is the world’s largest independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research.

SAGE Publications Inc

We have published open access journals for a number of years with the goal of disseminating vital research to the broadest community. SAGE’s mission is founded in the belief that education is intrinsically valuable, and the dissemination of useable knowledge is a key foundation in building a healthy society. In December 2010 we launched SAGE Open, the first open access journal spanning across the social and behavioural sciences and humanities, and subsequently launched SAGE Open Medicine and SAGE Open Medical Case Reports in 2012. 2014 saw the launch of Big Data & Society, Research and Politics and many more titles since including AERA Open, DIGITAL HEALTH, Social Media + Society, and Scars, Burns & Healing. Les revues SHS et l'Open Access. Open Access : le travail scientifique en sciences humaines et sociales et le débat public fragilisés par les mesures préconisées par la Commission européenne.

Les revues SHS et l'Open Access

Taylor & Francis Online. Open access : Nature Communications. In 2014, we announced that Nature Communications was to become the first Nature-branded open access only journal.

Open access : Nature Communications

Since 20th October 2014, all new submissions to Nature Communications have been published open access if accepted for publication. NPG has honoured author choice for research that was under consideration by the journal before that date, and continued to publish subscription content throughout 2015. As of January 2016, the journal only publishes open access content, and legacy subscription content published in Nature Communications prior to 2016 has been made freely accessible. What do I need to know? If you are an author and have any questions please contact Licenses Open access articles are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). Alternative Creative Commons open access licenses are available on request: please contact the editorial office on acceptance of your article to discuss these options.


Open access

Institut de recherche et de débat indépendant, consacré à l’analyse des questions internationales et de gouvernance mondiale.