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English Jade - Learn English (engVid) Are you learning English in a way that suits your personality and makes you an effective learner?

English Jade - Learn English (engVid)

When you learn in a way that fits your personality, you will enjoy your studies more and progress faster. Find out the different ways introverts and extroverts like to learn. If you don't know if you're an introvert or extrovert, and what that means exactly -- I explain all you need to know. Once you know more about your personality and whether you are mostly introverted or extroverted, you can find out what your language-learning strengths and weaknesses are.

Remember -- it's not good or bad to be an extrovert or introvert. Take the quiz on this lesson here: to both my channels:English Jade: Joddle: TRANSCRIPT:Hi everyone. But, first of all, for today's lesson, I've got a confession to make. So we're going to talk a little bit about these guys and give advice for, you know, the majority of you watching this video. Cinq applications pour améliorer son anglais. Un smartphone peut devenir un allié précieux pour réviser l’épreuve de langue vivante du bac ou encore préparer un concours ou un séjour à l’étranger.

Cinq applications pour améliorer son anglais

Voici cinq applis testées pour vous. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Gabrielle Ramain Profiter d’un trajet en transports en commun ou d’une file d’attente pour peaufiner son anglais : à l’approche du bac 2017, des oraux de nombreux concours et des départs en vacances, voici cinq applications accessibles gratuitement recommandées par des professeurs d’anglais et testées par Le Monde Campus. Avec, pour chacune d’elles, les points qu’elles permettent tout particulièrement de travailler.

Travailler son vocabulaire avec Memrise Cette application fonctionne comme un mini-jeu vidéo : l’utilisateur arrive sur une planète étrangère et il lui faut avancer dans les niveaux pour la découvrir. Revoir la grammaire au quotidien avec Duolingo. Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies found that members of Donald Trump’s campaign and other associates had repeated contact with Russian officials in the run-up to the election.

Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election

Four current and former US officials told the New York Times that they had intercepted phone records and phone calls and had found evidence of the repeated communications last year, around the same time they discovered that Russia had carried out a "campaign of influence" upon the election, posting fake news to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy. The officials did not conclude there was evidence of the Trump team colluding with the Russians to execute this campaign, but intelligence agencies had been worried by so much communication at a time when the future President was praising Vladimir Putin's leadership skills.

Mr Trump also said Mr Putin had made a "great move" in December by not imposing retaliatory sanctions on the US . Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser over Russia row. Actus anglais : Reportages vidéos en V.O. Student News. BBC - Homepage. American Clothing / Clothes in the USA #2 (By Michael Marek) Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English words. English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary. VOA News. Ademic Word List - School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Listen & Watch.

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