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Tutorials to bring a little more light into your life! =)

Bottle Lamp. When I saw this bottle lamp from Maison Martin Margiela, I thought: I can do this! So I grabbed that empty bottle of wine and bought a cheap lampshade to match it. This is how it turned out: I think it looks pretty good considering it only cost me about 4 euros to make! Here's how I made the lamp: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All done! Vintage Projector Lamp. Back when I purchased THESE nesting tables, the girl who sold them to me asked if I wanted to buy an old projector she had as well. I thought it was really cool and so I took the tables and the projector home. I thought it would look pretty in my craft area and then a couple months later my sister found this lamp on the Anthropologie web site. Their price? $598 (horrid choking noise) I was enthralled with the idea, though. My projector HAD to become a lamp. I bought a lamp kit at the Depot. He was able to use an existing hole for the lamp to sit in, but it sat a little too low.

He got a longer threaded pipe to bolt on, making it the perfect height. And my dad even made the cord come right out the back nicely. I love how it looks on the nesting tables. I also like that it's a totally unique piece....but not a $600 one :) I have a couple more fun projects for this new crafting space that I'm really excited to share. Thanks for dropping in. Industrial Sconce Light Makeover. At the moment I’m helping Mum organise and re-design the little nook (parent’s retreat) off her and Dad’s master bedroom. Whilst the complete room reveal is still a whiles away I wanted to share the finished upgrade of the wall sconces. If you’ve read this blog more than once then you’d probably know I like the creative challenge of making the most of what’s already there, so rather than replace the lights completely (which, let’s face it, could probably have been done relatively cheaply and easily) I decided to flex some inventive muscle and see what I could come up with.

That said, without my magic wand the frilly glass shades were a certain loss. Luckily, I already had an idea…. (If you’re in the US then there are products like this everywhere – just Google ‘lamp cage’ or ‘lamp guard’ - though here down-under they are elusive so I was pretty pleased with finding them – even if $16.90 is a bit pricey if you ask me). (I bought mine from my local Bristol paint specialty store. Convert a Music Tripod into a Lamp. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact I get to call Australia home, though a word of warning to anyone thinking of moving here (particularly if you’re a home DIY-aholic accustomed to a seemingly endless array of affordable and easily attainable supplies).

Sure, we might have lovely weather (most of the time), beautiful beaches (almost exclusively) and kangaroos frolicking about (nearly everywhere) though you can pretty much kiss good-bye to affordable and easily obtainable tinted wax sealers, oil-rubbed bronze spray paint and Hershey’s Bars (whatever they are) amongst many other wonderful things :-( So why the rant? Well, I’ve seen a tonne of DIY lamp kits readily available from a heap of international sources though do you think I could find any here in Oz? Course not, though never fear, there’s always a longer, frustrating, more expensive way around these things. Anyways, enough venting and on with the actual project. Anyhoo, you will need…. Something to form your lamp base. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wind Turbine Light Fixture. I was pretty excited about the Hardware Store Week challenge at So You Think You're Crafty. Lowe's is my absolute favorite store, followed by Home Depot for a close second. It's so fun to walk around the aisles and try to see a new use for all of those supplies. I had seen vintage turbine fans turned into light fixtures on some pricey websites. All that I had seen were well over a couple hundred dollars. I loved the look, but couldn't justify the price.

I needed a light fixture for my craft studio and I had a feeling I could DIY my own version. I started with a wind turbine exhaust fan from Lowe's. Here's what she looked like after taking her out of the box. At this point, my dad and I just started taking pieces apart. We started unscrewing pieces, trying to cause the least amount of damage. We ended up doing more work than we had to. At Lowe's, I picked up one of the pendant light kits. Here she is, all ready for paint! Restoration Hardware Inspired Lamp. <p><strong>This page is having a slideshow that uses Javascript.

Your browser either doesn't support Javascript or you have it turned off. To see this page as it is meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser. </strong></p> I love Restora­tion Hard­ware. The neu­tral palette that they often fea­ture works well as a solu­tion to my big beige room. Unfor­tu­nately for me, their prices don’t work well with my solu­tion, so for the time being, I just look to them for some cre­ative inspi­ra­tion. Lamp by Restora­tion Hardware I hap­pened to have a micro­phone stand in my garage that my son left behind from his “I’m in a band” days, and it looked a lot like this lamp stand. Very sim­i­lar, don’t you think?

All I needed to do was spray paint this a dark bronze color and attach it. Restora­tion Hard­ware Inspired Lamp from Wow. Tagged as: DIY , do it yourself lamp , Edison bulb , reading lamp , Restoration Hardware Inspired. Caged Lamp. Rock + Bowl + Flame. 31 minute project You'll need: Sakrete Quickset Concrete a bunch of rocks (perhaps dug up from your yard) a plastic bowl a large canned good chafing dish gel fuel pack PAM cooking spray newspaper plastic tub for mixing concrete stick to stir concrete You are going to create one of these (which, FYI, Restoration Hardware doesn't sale anymore, hence why we are making our own) In pictures: For the readers: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 7.

Fun ambiance for the whole family. Check out what's to come with 31 DIY projects for Busy Gals by clicking the log above. Linking up here:DIY Under $15 @ A Little TipsyTutorial Tuesday @ Hope Studios Loving b3HD? Have a life and can't view the whole blog in one sitting? Then stalk us already! Promise not to stalk you back. Mason Jar Light Pendant. Pottery Barn mason jar light pendants Have ya’ll snagged a recent catalogue from Pottery Barn this season?

Looks like everything that was out in the barn is now coming inside the home! Lots of rich textures, rusty fixtures and rustic lighting. Seems like a new spin on what used to be categorized as “country.” I hear more and more terms like “modern country” and “industrial vintage.” However you want to label this look, I love it and with the right mix it can steer clear of being trendy and just be timeless. Pottery Barn mason jar light fixture I spotted these awesome mason jar light pendants on the Pottery Barn website and then started spotting them on other sites like Ebay and Etsy. Lonely little mason jar My husband was convinced that he could save me the $65-$100 that these mason jar light pendants can cost, so we started plotting on how we could create one of these adorable light fixtures ourselves. The Right Tools Light pendant kit, mason jar and light bulb Mason Jar Light Pendant. Bubble Chandelier.

At long last we are excited to share the process of how we created the Champagne Bubbles "Frou Frou Chandelier" for our boutique (aka Bubble Chandelier for those of you who want a simpler name for it)! Instead of paying $3,000-$7,000 for a chandelier, we thought it would be much more rewarding to create our own for just a few hundred dollars. This is a step-by-step guide for how we made the chandelier you see at Faire Frou Frou.

Our chandelier measures 2'x4' which we needed to make large enough to make a statement in our boutique. Of course you can create any size or shape that you wish. Supplies: 2'x4' white wire grid panel (though you can do any shape or size) (about $15-$23)CB2 Bubble Balls (50 small & 40 large) ($1.95 ea small, $3.95 ea large)Silver Christmas ball ornaments (80 small, 80 medium)Fishing line (we bought high knot strength /30 lb.) $3One spool of sterling silver wire (20-22 gauge). See the little silver toggles on the table? Fastening the fishing line to the wire grid. {bubble chandelier} When we first moved into the loft, I thought we would need a large statement light fixture to go above the dining room table.

We were having a really hard time finding something that was “right.” The best options available in our price range were at Ikea and they all seemed so recognizable and rather boring. Chris suggested we try to make a light based off a project in one of our old ReadyMade magazines. You can see the bubble chandelier that inspired ours in the ReadyMade archives here.

The directions for this project appeared rather extensive with weaving the bulbs into groups and then weaving of those groups together; ReadyMade even gives it their highest difficulty rating! So we cut a few corners- here is how to make our version: what you will need: The best thing about this light is that you can make it as large or as small as you would like depending on the amount of bulbs and bubbles you include (I have been contemplating making ours a little bigger). Wedding High: DIY Cloud Lights. Paper Starburst Pendant Light. So I had a different project that I was going to post today, an update version of my Book Pages Pendant Lantern from Project 19, but then I started working on this light idea, and I am so excited by the results I just couldn’t wait to show you guys! My inspiration and guide was this light from Design*Sponge, that I spotted on Pinterest.

I really liked the idea, and I had a roll of white vellum lying around left over from college that I thought would look beautiful. So I started cutting triangles. And then I started glueing. And cutting more and glueing more. And it was at about the third round of this cycle that I realized, this light was going to take longer than I had anticipated. The roll of vellum that I was using was 24 inches long. I think I glued the pieces on much closer than they did in the Design*Sponge tutorial, but I wanted a really full look.

All in all I think the light is pretty awesome, and I can’t wait to post it on Etsy, though I’m a little bit worried about shipping. Photo lampshades. PINTEREST UPDATE: This is a post from 2010. I do not take custom orders, only the tutorial is available. The lamps have held up wonderfully. As many of you requested, Marie is sharing a little tutorial here on how she made her lampshades. When she made them she was not planning on doing a tutorial for this blog, so be sure to thank her for taking the time to write all this out. Marie is happy to do custom orders for those that prefer buying over making! * LAMPSHADE – Hobby Lobby carries self-adhesive shades & nightlights, Target has some smaller lamps for $19 that would be perfect for this project, I’ve found some lamps & shades on Craigslist.

. * GLUE – I used a hot glue gun for the first lamp. . * VELLUM – I buy this in packs of 20 (I think) in the scrapbooking section of Hobby Lobby. . * CRAFT KNIFE OR SCISSORS, PENCIL & RULER – to trim the vellum, I used a ruler and pencil to mark the cut lines & then used a craft knife and self-healing mat to cut the vellum. That’s it! Marie Darby. Photo Negatives Lamp. CD Stack Lamp. Nighttime City Paper Lamp Shade. 'Stargazin'.

Our own Angelica completed a DIY project over the holidays that's positively brilliant. She writes: After a series of failed baking adventures I realized it was time for me to transfer my love for YumSugar and food magazines to CasaSugar and design magazines. In the spirit of the holidays I picked a Light Bright project from this month's Blueprint magazine.

I must admit, I'm a much better painter and craftswoman than I am a baker so the project was definitely a confidence booster. The Blueprint picture is on the left, my replica is on the right. To find out how to make your own replica, just read more What You'll Need stretched canvaspaintbrushesgroundcloth or newspapers to protect your floorpencilawlwhite twinkly tree lightscraft glue You can find the complete Blueprint directions here. Wooden Lamp Shade. Glowing Jar. Glowing Jar. UPDATE: This post originally ran on March 23 2011, but with summer winding down we wanted to bring it back up for some late summer inspiration! A fellow fp girl sent this to me a couple weeks back and i’ve been thinking about it ever since! I can think of a million reasons why these would be awesome… as apartment décor, as outdoor party décor, and – wouldn’t they be the best thing EVER for camping in general or at a festival?

Just let them sit in the sun all day, and they’ll last all night! I am absolutely going to make some to bring with me to bonnaroo this year. you can buy a sun jar here, but you can make your own for much cheaper! I am not good with technical things, like putting together a solar power cell, so i found the easy way :) what you need: a mason jar with a clear glass lid like this one from ikea, a solar garden light like the ones pictured above, which i found here, adhesive and glass frosting spray. last image.

Trending on Mason Jar Chandelier. After living for close to two years without enough live/work light I decided to make a lighting fixture. One that would meet my specific needs without costing an arm and a leg. I had long thought of putting light bulbs in the hundreds of peanut butter and applesauce jars that I had eaten my way through. I had also collected my fair share of mason jars and thought that they too could make for an inexpensive solution. In the end I chose the mason jars as they don't come with sticky and hard to remove manufactures' labels and I wouldn't have to wait until I ate my way through ten jars of Crazy Richard's chunky peanut butter.

Before I went about an actual design, I searched the web to see if anyone had built a chandelier made from mason jars or similar. I came across several do-it-your-selfers. First thing I did was to determine how much light I needed and what the electrical requirements would be. The space where I planned on having the chandelier is over my dining/art table. Tetris Lamp. Kitchen Cutlery Chandelier. Expedit 4x4 mood light. Fire & Ice Lanterns. Soda Can Tab Small Diagonal Pendant Light.