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- StumbleUpon. My Cheatin' Heart. I love a good shortcut. Okay, if I'm going to be honest - I love a good cheat. I made these sweet brooches the other day... But I totally cheated. I did not sew a stitch, or even glue a drop. So. Your options are as follows. You can take the high road and refuse to read this tutorial. Your call. Here's the secret: itty bitty scrapbooking brads! Find something lacy and flowery, and figure out a design. My lace flowers happen to be plastic, snipped from a dollar store table runner. Step one: poke two brads through the pin back and the felt, and bend them down flat.

Wow! You now have a pin back attached to your felt, and you didn't even have to thread a needle! Okay, second and final step: flip the felt over, arrange your flower on the felt (nicely hiding the unsightly brads holding your pin back) and do the exact same thing: And you are DONE! Yes, yes. Shocking! Do you care? Ahh, tell her to go to heck. Friendship Bracelets. Macraméd friendship bracelets were all the rage when I was growing up in the eighties. All the girls at my school would obsessively make them for one another in a dizzying variety of colors, widths, and patterns.

It's amazing, thinking back, that such young girls could make such beautifully intricate accessories. I, of course, tried my hand at making them as well. I would ride my bike down to the five-and-dime store and pick out the most sophisticated color combinations of embroidery floss I could find, but when it came to the actual macramé I never got beyond plain stripes. There was nothing wrong with plain stripes, except that the other girls seemed so much more advanced with their diamonds and chevrons. Fast forward 20 years: Purl Soho started carrying DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss in every conceivable color (including fluorescents! Making friendship bracelets is a surprisingly easy craft, and best of all, in the end you'll have a bunch of cute summer bracelets to give to your pals. DIY of the Month: Braided T-shirt Bracelet.

How To: Give your old t-shirts a second life. Sorry dust rag pile! Photos: kirsten for we heart this I love using simple materials to make something fun and innovative. The supplies for this bracelet DIY are really basic, so there’s a REALLY good chance you own all of them already. I mean, who doesn’t have a stack of soft old T’s you can’t wear outside of the house, but love to much to toss in the rag pile? As with most of my DIY’s for wht, this is very customizable. Supplies: • T-shirt scraps • 2 keychain rings • Scissors • Needles and thread • Glue gun • Ruler 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. More Options: • Add a strand of metallic thread into the braid • Add charms to the key rings or actual strips of fabric • Use the colors of your school or favorite sports team, or coordinate it with your latest spring outfit Readers – do you have an favorite T just waiting to be turned into a new bracelet?

DIY Dolce & Gabbana Pasta Earrings. Leave it to Dolce & Gabbana to express their huge appetite for life (and Italy) with their Spring 2012 Collection. Dresses printed with eggplants, tomatoes and hot peppers sauntered down the runway, Sophia Loren was heard singing the ever-so-cliché ”Mambo Italiano” and . . . WTF?! Pasta earrings and accessories!? What a molto bene DIY! With just a quick trip to the supermarket and bead store, these kitschy but totally fun pasta earrings are a cinch to make. You’ll need: The first step is to drill holes into the pasta. Start assembling from the top by adding 3 jump rings to the bottom of the first charm. Thread the pin through the top of the pasta. To create a wire wrapped loop, cinch the pliers at the base of the bead. Using wire cutters, trim away any extra wire. Connect the charms in any pattern or sequence using jump rings. An optional step is to glue little black beads to the middle of the charms.

Repeat the steps for the 2nd earring and your pair is finished! Perfect Summer Bangle. Here's a fun tutorial on how to make a message bangle that's one-of-a-kind, done in the sun, waterproof and weatherproof. Even after several trips to the beach, it won't fade or wash off! Essentially, it's the Perfect Summer Bangle. Used in this tutorial: Inkodye Red Prepare. Transcribe. Perfect. Pour. Brush. Wipe. Wrap. Tape. Expose. Develop. Cut. Reveal. Wash. Enjoy. DIY Fashion-Forward Bracelets. When money is tight, but fabulous fashion is a necessity, try out your crafting skills to make something new and fantastic. These bracelets are sure to impress and look quite expensive, but all they require is some gold chain and friendship bracelet yarn, both of which you can find at a craft store like Michael’s Art Supply.

Make one signature piece or stack a bunch for a layered look! BFrend Bracelets by Monika You can find the full blog post here to see more styles of these bracelets. In order to create them, check out these various friendship bracelet patterns. Tie your yarn to one end of the gold chain, braid whatever pattern you like, and then knot it to the other end of gold chain once you have reached the right length to fit your wrist. Another fun and very creative bracelet is this one made out of gold or silver nuts, normally used to secure bolts.

Amazing what you can create with such inexpensive items!