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Paper cuts - Rolls. Wire Sculpture. Coup de coeur pour les étonnants travaux de l’artiste Gavin Worth avec ces différentes sculptures en fil de fer. Actuellement basé à San Francisco, il conçoit à partir de 2 mètres de fil des oeuvres et des profils de personnages. A découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article. Theo Jansen creates new creatures.

People Transformed Into Paintings by Alexa Meade. Upon first glance you might think these are paintings drawn on canvas, but it is actually paint drawn on real people. Consider this unique art form to be at the intersection of portraiture, painting, photography, and installation. D.C. based artist Alexa Meade has created these fascinating pieces that blend people into art, making them a part of the painting. “Rather than creating representational paintings on a flat canvas, Alexa Meade creates her representational paintings directly on top of the physical subjects that she is referencing. When photographed, the representational painting and the subject being referenced appear to be one and the same as the 3D space of her painted scenes becomes optically compressed into a 2D plane.”

Share With Your Friends. Matheus Lopes. Manifesto, traditional art, mixed media Building a galaxy, digital art, mixed media Alternate ending, digital art, mixed media Ace of Wands, digital art, mixed media In Between, digital art, mixed media A way out, digital art, mixed media Suspense, digital art, mixed media Thousand eyes, digital art, mixed media About The Artist Matheus Lopes is a young illustrator from Brazil. Matheus Lopes’s Website Matheus Lopes’s Flickr Matheus Lopes at Threadless Tees. Tall Painting. Painting on water.

Super Sprayer. Ric stultz 2012. Underlined Book Quotes Become Clever Illustrations. Bookworm or not, you can't help but enjoy these black and white illustrations of literary quotes by Evan Robertson. The New York-based graphic designer has taken some of the cleverest lines written by famous authors such as William Faulkner and Oscar Wilde and turned them into wonderful posters. These literature-inspired fine art illustrations are currently being sold on Etsy under the name Obvious State. Robertson would see a "little jewel of a sentence" and he'd underline it.

Then, he would take those "snippets of text and ideas" and "let the words be a springboard for an illustration. " As he told Huffington Post, "The illustrations incorporate and interact with the text and hopefully add up to something that engages the mind as much as the eye. " Here are 12 of our favorites. Update: Check out more clever illustrations in Part II of this story. Obvious State on Etsy via [Quipsologies], [Huffington Post] Sistine Chapel - StumbleUpon.


Art w/ unconventional meterials. Street Art.